Cast your mind back to this time last year, and you may remember that rumours began to surface about a potential Gears of War remastered collection coming to Xbox. This rumour was courtesy of journalist Nick "Shpeshal Nick" Baker over at Xbox Era, who believed the collection could have been arriving in 2022.
Obviously that didn't end up happening, with no kind of reference made to a Gears of War collection at the Xbox and Bethesda Games Showcase 2022, but Nick is still convinced the collection is in the works.
Here's what he had to say on the latest episode of the Xbox Era Podcast this week:
"I got in trouble for mentioning [the Gears collection] because it was so early. That's why, when that rumour mill first happened, I was only supposed to say another Xbox franchise is going to get that Master Chief [Collection] style treatment."
"But yes, I'm not backing down. It's still happening."
Nick then went on to discuss the rumour a little more on Twitter:
"I’m currently not allowed to give much more detail than “it’s happening” at the moment (I’m working on loosening the grip) but even as someone who isn’t a big Gears fan anymore, what this is should be really awesome. Add even better adjectives for Gears fans."
Fresh doubt was cast on the existence of a Gears collection by Windows Central's Jez Corden last year, who suggested he didn't think a Gears collection was happening ("maybe some day, but not now"), but as you can see in the quote above, Nick still seems confident that we'll be seeing at some point.
We'd suggest not getting your hopes up for a Gears appearance at the Developer_Direct event this January, then, but who knows? Maybe we'll get a tease later this year from The Coalition — we're really hoping it's the real deal.
Do you think we'll see a Gears of War Collection on Xbox? Let us know down in the comments below.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 37
It's happening, it's happening!!!
I love the original trilogy. Not really into the whole remastered/remake thing anymore but I’d make an exception for Gears. Some of my all time favourite games.
Please be SD verified if it launches!!!
Played them
Loved them
Finished them
New game please.
@Dezzy70 Not just new game, new IP please. That studio is so talented, would love to see them work on something completely different, anything but Gears. Formula is tired.
gears 1 already got remade and gears 2 and 3 run at 4k 60 now on series X
Not sure I see a need? New IP might be preferable!
Prehaps an IP where every character isnt the size of wrestling steriod abuser would be good
Great team - need more output..
Good point made there a new IP would be good.
And yes one of Xbox best studios.
Couldn’t get into the the Gears series. I played the first one which was enjoyable enough but I played 2 a couple of years ago and I felt it had aged really poorly. Achievements like “One-Night Stand” & “Open Relationship”? What are you Epic? 15?
People love this series and fair play to them I think I missed the initial boat to very nostalgia.
I’ve got them all but haven’t played them yet
Agree with several people here — I just want something new besides another Gears or a remaster. I’m just as not as big of a Gears fan as I used to be though; it feels like the series’ time has come and gone.
Regarding the collection rumor — I’m sure if these leakers keep saying it, on a long enough timeline it’s bound to come true. Seems like one of those things you could predict knowing you’ll eventually be proven right.
@ParsnipHero The series, particularly the original trilogy, is peak mid-00s: soul patches, muted grey and browns, and over-the-top violence. At the time it was so exciting to see something so graphically intense on a home console but I can 100% see why it’d be especially hard to revisit now.
Probably a long way off as I think if it's real, they'll release it a year before Gears 6 releases. MCC (2014) -> Halo 5 (2015), GoW Ultimate Edition (2015) -> GoW4 (2016), etc.
With games taking longer to make with each more powerful console, I'd guess Gears 6 would be a 2026/2027 release.
I don't think the entire series is available on PC and both 2 & 3 are 'locked' to 360 era hardware specs. Its a 'big' franchise for MS and making a Complete Collection - similar to Halo:MCC - you'd have ALL the campaigns, MP modes, co-operative modes etc in 'one' complete package for current hardware (inc PC) and Game Pass.
I can see, if it hasn't happened already, 360 servers being turned off so a 'complete' new collection would preserve those 'experiences' - albeit with 'modernised' visuals and would be quite beneficial for 'newcomers' to the Xbox ecosystem. Having all the campaigns updated and in one package gives them the opportunity to 'catch' up before Gears 6.
I also think that it could also be a 'great' opportunity for developers to get to grips with UE5, gain experience etc so that they are very 'familiar' with it before starting a 'new' project from scratch.
@Fenbops @themightyant @trev666 @Titntin @Dezzy70 So i know remasters and reboots of old games aren’t popular with certain gamers and I completely understand why. Largely i agree, but i have to take the bait on this one. Gears was the game that turned me far far way from my PS3. Me and my Friends would do a Co-op friday online play, and of course we called it Gears and Beers. It was some of my favorite time in gaming, at least online gaming. Admittedly Gears 4 & 5 didn’t do much for me as a Hardcore series fan. They were ok, certainly not bad games. But after reading some of y’all’s post. Maybe it’s true, that the series kinda ran its course and it’s time to move onto new things. But i would be lying if i didn’t say Gears of War Ultimate was so outstanding to me. Easily in my top rated Xbox One titles played. As for older titles i most want on Series X, it’s Gears 1-3 ultimate editions and Red Dead 2 next gen. So this makes me happy, but again i know thats not popular and most of yall made some great points i can’t disagree with.
Waste of time as they still play great BC
@themightyant The rumour mill for a while has been that The Coalition is working on a smaller non-Gears title before they release Gears 6. Hopefully that's true, would love to see what else that studio is capable of...
@Green-Bandit I hear you mate, I just thought we are able to play them 4k 60fps, so unless its a complete remake its hard to see why they would spend the effort.
I thought the earlier titles in particular were genre changing and helped define what a good cover shooter could be, so I don't disagree with your love of em!
A gears collection will be amazing. Xbox should do more remasters. Fallout 3, Morrowwind or oblivion could all use a remaster and would ease the wait for the next ones.
@Titntin yeah buddy i know what you mean. Many devs said Sony spun the Uncharted series as a way to have a covered base series since gears was so popular and cutting edge for its time. I had a theory and feel free to shut it down, cause some of it when i was saying it was just hopes that i would get Ultimate versions of 1-3, but i was saying it would be a good practice run with Unreal 5, that would allow them some time with it, before gears 6 and their new IP. Yeah i am a sucker at heart or let’s call it passion for the games industry when they remake a game that is an all time best for me. I paid $50 dollars for the Last of Us Part 1 on PS5, and after i did and loaded it up, i was like maybe this was silly and i am part of the problem of these getting redone and then after 3 hours of playtime i was so happy i did. I got to experience one of the best games made on hardware that could see it come fully to life. Isn’t that slightly what gaming is? Getting lost from the real world into these created worlds that with the better tech we have today are making these worlds more and more believable. Sorry not trying to throw you into one of my passion rants. But some of the older games much like movies had something special about them, cause they didn’t have the tech to lean on for suspense and immersion. While i keep my remasters to a minimum and rarely even full price, Last of Us and Gears are just to special to me and made me happy to be involved in this hobby. Secondly and lastly i would just like to say it’s people like you that are so knowledgeable about the industry and share your thoughts and concerns in a positive way that also makes me enjoy this hobby, lords know i don’t have to tell you many others try and ruin this industry with their banter. Haha
Ah bless you for your comments. Not sure I'm that knowledgeable, I just got caught up making games for a couple of decades and its always been my passion
I was thinking of TLOU as I was writing my reply, and like you, if they remade the early games on UE5 I'd be all over them too.
A truly great game can be experienced more than once and enjoyable every time - just look at how many people are playing the Witcher 3 again now its a little more shiny!
Someone mentioned a remake of Oblivion. OMG that's a dream scenario for me - I loved that game and I can imagine exactly how new technology could make it even better!
I think you've sold me on it - A remake of the original gears games would be really good
@EvenStephen7 thank you for this response. This is exactly how I felt.
I just want to see it It'll be cool as a og Gears fan. If they do do it they need Ultimate edition to have dedicated servers and remaster 2 & 3
@Green-Bandit I actually like, and buy, a lot of remasters if done at the right time for the right game. I’m not against this one.
My comment was more about new Gears of War.
Gears was the game that got me to buy a X360, at the time I was saving for a PS3 but one go at Gears at a friends one evening and I went out and bought a 360 the next day. I love that original trilogy.
I just think the whole series is now very tired, especially the same basic gameplay loop, and want to see the talented folk at The Coalition make ANYTHING else. Maybe come back to Gears in a few years. (/decades) lol
@MattT3142 Hope so!
@Titntin that’s so cool, thats what these chat groups are for and makes them so special. Sometimes we get in our own ways and it’s others that make us see something in a different way. I strongly believe for gears collection to not only be special for the players, but also not a waste of time for devs. It would be smart to use Unreal 5 and get to know a little around the engine and bring the trilogy to cutting edge standards, which is what gears originally did for its time. They were show off worthy games. OMG yes oblivion would be insanely great remastered. Even the DLC horse armor would have more polish HAHA, there are countless games that have turned us into the people we are today towards the industry and to see some of those in modern engines and on SSD drives would be amazing. Trust me you are very knowledgeable, lots of people on this site are. I always learn something reading on here, it’s why i like the site so much. I could see this gears collection being a late 2023 release to have a big name franchise on the shelf for holidays. Now if i could only get RockStar to give RDR2 the next gen love it needs. Throw those in with Starfield and my Xbox wouldn’t get much rest in 2023.
@themightyant i mean you are right for sure that Gears is starting to feel been there done that and if i am saying that as a gears fanatic, then it has to be a little true for most gamers. I played 300 hours on Gears 5 multiplayer. I get what you are saying about remakes and remasters, the ones did right always grab my attention and normally get played at some point. Coalition is so talent that a new IP would excite me as well, let’s hope we learn more about what they have in store for us. Cause Gears 6 is all but certain, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have a larger team planning something new as it would be a huge help to Xbox to have more new IP’s created. One last off topic plug i want to make, someone at IGN said they have good sources on I.D’s next game being a Quake reboot, in the vein of the Doom reboot. That could get me back into Quake if done right in a hurry. Reboot’s if done right are pretty cool to me, God of War 2018, blew my mind away.
I guessed you would be backing gears remakes Buddy, hope you get them 😊
@Dezzy70 i kind of have to you know? Haha Not saying it’s right or the popular move, but i am here for it, Day 1 😀
Let’s see what the showcase brings end of month.
Got my fingers crossed for you.
@Dezzy70 thanks buddy, i don’t think this will be part of the first 6 months, my guess is they will let those games have their time away from an established name such as Gears of War. That collection and maybe Hellblade 2 for the second half of 2023? Would be nice to have a big name title in Gears to be there for the holidays. Even better what about a Gears of War collection bundle with the Series X? That should move some units.
People looking for a new IP? They need to finish the second trilogy first. Honestly with all the $$$ Microsoft has, it boggles my mind that one of their flagship series gets ONE game remastered and then they stopped.
The Coalition needs to finish Gears 6 before in the Series S/X timeline ffs, and MS needs to make a new studio to handle remasters.
That being said, a new IP might be cool. Cliffy B has some huge shoes to fill, tho...
@Green-Bandit I should add I’m only talking about the campaign, I don’t mess with multiplayer.
@themightyant no i understand, even the multiplayer at this point is a little on the stale side and could use some fresh ideas. Well the one good take away from all this is , it looks like Xbox will have a lot of games coming from first party now that the 2022 drought is over. That alone excites me. It’s time to get some great games on the platform and fix up the UI with the new 2023 home UI.
I'd definitely buy the collection day one if it happens, Gears of War is my second favorite Xbox first party franchise after Forza. And while I didn't like Gears 4 or 5 as much as the original trilogy I still liked them a lot and look forward to 6.
I won't buy the Collection anytime if it does happen, but I'll make sure to scoop up any Gears titles before they're delisted eventually like with the Halo games. Still mad about that and wish they'd at least have attempted some kind of alternative instead of just killing them.
I don't understand the complaints about "old" games like Gears of War. I understand that some players don't like old games or are not interested in remakes or remasters but clicking on articles and making comments to specifically complain about them when so many people would enjoy them is beyond my comprehension. I've seen people on this thread also complain about Goldeneye 007 that is only available on a 1996 system and is going to be re-released for free as part of Rare Replay for the first time in 26 years.
I bought an Xbox One for backwards compatibility. The first games I played were old games. I played all the Gears of War games between Xbox One and Series X because I've never owned an Xbox before and the best ones are 1, 2, 3 and 4. I enjoyed them a lot, more than the Halo games I've played this far, and I think that it's 5 the one that is a mess in spite of being technically the most impressive. The story and Kait suck. Hivebusters DLC is a blast, though. I hope that 6 is more like 1-4 and that new players can enjoy the originals if they're remastered. A new IP would be alright, too, because the best thing about them is the gameplay.
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