The Game Awards 2023 has officially come to a close, and Baldur's Gate 3 was the big winner as expected! In addition to taking home multiple awards throughout the night, the game also secured the big Game of the Year award.
Larian Studios' epic RPG was up against some tough competition including Zelda and Resident Evil 4:
Elsewhere, Xbox ended up taking three awards from the event - with Forza Motorsport winning the Best Sports/Racing and Innovation in Accessibility awards, and Hi-Fi RUSH securing the Best Audio Design award.
Altogether, Baldur's Gate 3 secured the most awards of the show with six in total, and if you're interested to see exactly why it did so well, the game is now officially available on Xbox as of today - thanks to a surprise shadow drop!
Happy to see Xbox winning some awards at the event? Let us know your thoughts down below.
Comments 31
Congrats to Xbox Game Studios this year! Sure Starfield didn’t win, but Microsoft still won some awards.
Nintendo got 3 as well. Go Team Red!
Spider-Man 2 got overshadowed by BG3 and Alan Wake 2.
Pretty sure Tears of the Kingdom would have won all its categories if BG3 wasn’t also in them.
Glad Hifi Rush won something, easily my favourite Xbox game this year
Overall, the awards went as expected. Just my opinion but Microsoft acted like it didn’t want to be there…
Only 2 games mentioned in the article: Forza Motorsport and Hi-Fi Rush. What was the third game?
@JoyfulFire There wasn't a third, Forza won two awards.
Now that Baldur's gate 3 is on Xbox, it's safe to say Xbox won the whole show, Xbox got all the best games! Totally wiped the floor with competition! All the Playstation fans on the other site are crying that Xbox bought the whole show, they just cannot accept the reality where their console just doesn't have even a single game that could come close to greatness that Xbox offers, this show proved that Sony cannot make anything else than soulless, buggy mess cash graps! All they can do now is try to make up things like Xbox is paying media to keep Sony from winning, so delusional and sad! It' another great day to be on Xbox!
All well deserved in their respective categories in the face of stiff competition. If you look at all the incredible games that missed out entirely then this is even more impressive. I mean Zelda got just one award. Amazing year
@Onlyboxmatters do you read N4G by any chance? Your comment style is very similar to a regular poster on there... anyway, for me, that sizzle reel by Sega ruled the entire show
Tears of the Kingdom doesn't deserve any award, and I say this as someone that has three Zelda games as my favourite games ever. I just hate the new direction of the franchise and all that they have lost in the process. I will never approve it. I'm also a huge fan of Resident Evil (and Project Zero), but I think that Baldur's Gate 3 was a fair winner. I'm happy that Sony's updated video game template didn't win, they're overrated enough already. It's nice that Forza Motorsport and Hi-Fi Rush won in a few categories. Well deserved. I haven't played Alan Wake 2 yet, but I'm sure that it deserves the recognition. I looks like an ambitious game and also it's the first console game to use mesh shaders, on Series X exclusively.
@Onlyboxmatters I'm an Xbox fan through and through but if you can't even say that Sonys Spiderman 2 is a superb game then I think you've drank too much kool-aid.
@Onlyboxmatters Probably going to regret even engaging with you as you are clearly echoing the same kind of fanboy ranting that others do with their console of choice, but one area I would hardly criticize Sony on doing is making buggy games.
Sony is probably second to Nintendo on releasing polished games out of the gate.
You can argue that the cinematic third-person action games that Sony make aren't your preference, and that's valid.
But "buggy"? Yeah, no.
Microsoft, unfortunately, is also in "third place" when it comes to its QA department as a first-party publisher.
@Onlyboxmatters Be real are you trolling or more specifically reverse trolling? I haven't see post like yours since the height of the 360/PS3 era 😅
@Scummbuddy i cant like many games this year
The writting was awful 2 many times
@Banjo- But what have the new zeldas"lost in the process"? They've gained loads of new mechanics, features, and ideas. And what was lost? Boring, overly long dungeons? I get that you liked the old games, but it just seems like your hating something popular just because it's popular.
@Bigmanfan I agree with him. BOTW was a way better game imo but TOTK with the whole "building" mechanic just felt unnecessary. I, also, prefer the classic Zelda style but sadly i don't think we'll get that again.
@J_Mo_Money I guess it just does come down to preference. But I just wish people who don't prefer it would stop trashing it all the time. I dislike the more traditional style, but I don't go around saying windwaker sucks or anything.l, even though I don't really like it.
@Bigmanfan So because you don't agree with me, you don't believe me? Excellent reasoning. Let other fans have their preference and opinions, will you? No need to disrespect them, judge them or censor them. You can say what you want about your games, so let others do the same.
@J_Mo_Money Thank you. I'm a huge fan since Ocarina of Time. Because the last two games have been so overhyped and praised even before they launched, I always need to say that some fans like myself think that they can't hold a candle to the older entries and that don't like what they have done with the series. I buy them, play them and I can say what I feel playing them and nobody has the right to tell me not to.
@Banjo- Wait, what? I don't believe you? What are you even talking about? I also didn't disrespect, judge, or censor you. How would I censor you? That doesn't even make sense. You're the one who is insulting something I like with no prompting or reason. I asked why you felt that way and you just started lying about me instead of arguing your position.
@Banjo- But windwaker isn't even that popular. Also I played it years ago before I even knew people liked it. I've just never been a fan of it or many of the other linear Zelda's. But I don't post about how much I hate them or say they deserve no awards. Get the idea?
@Bigmanfan Read the nonsense you wrote. You are telling people you haven't talked to before to not post if they don't like video games that they have bought and played. You also said that I am not being honest and hate a game because it's popular, but you don't have a clue. I don't have more time for someone that is making assumptions based on prejudices.
@Banjo- Prejudices? My gosh, it's a VIDEO GAME. I was curious if you had any actual critiques of the video game or if you just hated something popular. I don't even think it's wrong to hate something for it's popularity and/or it's fanbase. It's the entire reason I dislike Minecraft for example. But clearly you're just trolling, so I'm going to stop and hit that ignore button. And if you want to enjoy an echo chamber, I recommend you do the same.
Japanese game where a woman has a little bit of cleavage: disgusting, objectifying, incel sexist mysogntic cringe
Western game with gay anal bestiality sex: GAME OF THE YEAR!!!!
@Bigmanfan Trolling? I just replied because you tagged me just to say that I can't genuinely dislike a popular video game 🤣. Echo chamber? I didn't even reply to your opinion because I respect everyone's opinions, I just asked you to respect mine. What that has to do with an echo chamber? I think you are utterly confused or forget what you write one minute later.
But but Xbox Tax?
Forza's accessibility award I was like oh ok, I hadn't noticed. The racing award I laughed so hard/was so frustrated. The most pathetic award because critics don't play racing games, at least not the others listed that's for sure.
They don't strategy either where was Age of Wonders 4? They gave it to Pikmin, what a sympathy vote on that. I'd usually be more fair but I hate Pikmin 4, enjoyed 1 and 3 better, have yet to play 2.
Hi Fi Rush deserved something so audio design I'm glad it got. Also the amount of advertising and trash. The Golden Joysticks gets to the point. Not as many 'long drawn out jokes', not as many memes/celebrities and such.
The Mass Effect style game I forget the name of now was cool.
The Sega games I forgot they were doing things with Jet Set Radio/Crazy Taxi. Oh course Shinobi in there too. Maybe a good Golden Axe this time? I like their doing something with the IPs but what eh I'm skeptical if it's a launcher/platform for some remakes or actually separate remakes. What they had planned I forget.
The Indies were the only exciting part again. Let No Fire from Hello Games was awesome I hope their ambitious and learning helps with this game but it's a good showcase of the game and AAA have CGI bore fests again, like lol.
Forza Motorsport...... no WRC 2023, the rest eh. I hate critics, Forza Motorsport has gotten more and more bland over the years thanks to them and thanks to Forza Motorsport 5 being the start of this boring direction for the series. I hate how hard Ride 4 is but I mean it makes the region system 'being more in-depth than FM1 & 2' looks more engaging then Motorsport 8 does in it's blandness. That and the Ride series has tried to play by Forza Motorsport's rules. Ride 2 has very Forza Motorsport 6 like cutscenes, on a smaller scale. Ride 3 isn't like Motorsport 7 I find but it changed things up. Ride 4's difficulty even on EASY AI is just way too hard for me but Milestone and Codemaster with WRC 2023 have more exciting ideas then Turn 10 these days and that's sad.
Wow a position selector it's cool but a region system focus, vs WRC 2023's car builder which is awesome to have again since Sega GT or Apex or Supercar Street Challenge. Come on Forza team come up with something better.
I can take oh it's rally not street cars, I can take oh it's bikes over street cars. The vehicles don't matter to me the progression systems and content does, the unique features. I enjoy cars but they aren't the main focus for me, to me their characters like an RPG but doing strict events and using strategy, I don't have car nostalgic the way GT/Forza can offer people, to me the Spec 2 update for GT7 was a whole bunch of wow many cars and 1 track they finally care about rally? Wait that's it? Maybe a few tweaks. Not an update for me to care to buy the game/play it over that's for sure. I just don't care.
While 5 I have appreciated for over the years and 7 is fine, 6 is horrible and 8 is just more 7 or some differences but enough to make me care no.
Critics don't care for racing.
The thing that annoyed me the most. No Age of Wonder 4 for strategy WTF! Pikmin 4 is a sympathy vote over the rest. The motion control suck. The aiming generally is literally shorter then Pikmin 3 how? why? no upgrades for it either via the new upgrade system which was weird....
The character creator why? (that trailer made me go oh they want a wide audience appeal and while there isn't anything wrong with that it made all the Ice Pikmin, PIkmin 2 caves and more very kind of 'cool but not going to be great if other parts get in the way).
It adds nothing I don't feel like I'm on this adventure at all. No matter how many times they call me rookie or something else (not as Ratchet and Clank 2016 level of rookie meaning).
The upgrade shops and Oatchi are fine but 5 days of Oatchi can't swim is the most annoying 1-2 hour beginning to a game that's supposed to be about replay-ability and different paths, well I can't can I. You get the tutorial to set the scene that should be enough, but nope they drag it on in the first area come on Nintendo. 2nd and onwards areas it gets better the game does get but but it's just so annoying in some ways.
Even the motion control tweaks you have to get upgrades like the pushing Pikmin to easily attack is an upgrade now. New ones sure but why that one also had to be it's just odd. Pikmin works well without upgrades from a store, so why not explore to find them. It's not a skill tree but still it just surprised me.
I only say that as I mean when otherwise would it win and I hated it worst entry in the series. 1 even with it's limitations I had more fun and literally played it a month or two before 4. 4 sucked hard in it's execution of casual garbage. Good stuff in it yes but the bad stuff made me hate it. It felt like 78 hours of hell to 98% it and I don't care to 100% it. I 100% all Pikmin games, did 3, (not bingo/the side stuff) and did 1 other than the final boss so 99%.
@Banjo- Link to the past will always be my favorite i think, absolutely LOVE that game. That game, Ocarina of time, and actually Breath of the Wild are in my top 3. Tears of the Kingdom was good but yes I wish it didn't go the way of open world/open concept and went more for the traditional route. And please get rid of the building mechanic, I HATED that stuff. Completely unnecessary.
The Link's Awakening remake was a breath of fresh air.
@J_Mo_Money After 100 hours, the building controls in TotK still feel confusing, but for me the worst thing about that game is the "temples", because it's the biggest disappointment in video game history after being teased as complex and well crafted like the old ones. They made fun of the fans. The Temple of Fire is awful, the others are either more physics puzzles like the rest of the game or just a joke. That said, I'm glad that you enjoyed BotW. I think that TotK is a remixed, more complicated version of BotW. If it was made by any other publisher, people wouldn't be so indulgent and critics wouldn't say it's one of the games of the year.
@SuntannedDuck2 It's nice to see you again. I haven't played Pikmin 4 yet but I'm sad to hear that Nintendo has also casualised this series, because it's one of my favourites. The first is perfect and very replayable. The second is more hardcore and the third is a bit easy and casual. After destroying Mario, Zelda and Pikmin, it seems that no Nintendo IP remains magical as before, since the others are nowhere to be seen, except Kirby and Luigi's Mansion that aren't developed by Nintendo.
@Banjo- let's be honest, we all know if it wasn't a Nintendo game (specifically Legend of Zelda) and it was another IP it would get a lower score/praise. Nintendo 100% gets the benefit of the doubt and couple more points when it comes to Zelda and Mario alike, but I still like them both.
I just think not every game needs to be totally open world ect ect and I liked the way the Zelda games were before, but if they give me more games akin to the Link's Awakening remake and Link Between Worlds (which i STILL want to come to the Switch so I can play it again) I'll be happy.
@J_Mo_Money Right. The Legend of Zelda and Metroid are two series I played in 3D first, Ocarina of Time and Metroid Prime. Both examples are impressive, but I loved A Link Between Worlds and Super Metroid.
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