Scorn was one of last year's most anticipated Xbox Game Pass releases, especially in lieu of any major AAA Xbox exclusives in 2022. As a result, Ebb Software's disgustingly dour adventure seems to have reached a pretty big audience on Xbox and PC platforms.
Yep, just after the dev team revealed that the Xbox timed exclusive will be making its way to PS5 later this year, we have a player number update. Scorn has been played by two million gamers across Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S and PC so far.
Game Pass will of course be a huge help in pushing these numbers up, but this is still an impressive feat, especially considering Scorn skipped Xbox One in favour of a current-gen-only launch.
At the time of its Xbox Game Pass release we reviewed Scorn; mostly enjoying our time with Ebb's eerie adventure late last year. If you never got around to this one and are still interested in it, you can check out our thoughts on the title in Pure Xbox's full written review down below.
Did you like Scorn on Xbox? Surprised to see this many people play it? Let us know what you think to this news in the comments.
Comments 18
I would be more interested in how many of those 2 million actually completed it or even got 50% through. Personally it got about 30 minutes out of me. I just did not find it particularly fun or engaging and judging from a lot of comments on here and Reddit around release time I wasn’t in the minority.
I kept meaning to give this a go but the game-play seemed 'slow' and laborious so I never bothered - I love the artstyle, but then I am big fan of Giger...
Wasn’t a fan and they had so much potential to make something deeper
Fully understand why many didn't like this, it has some very frustrating and obtuse design. At the same time it felt unique and despite all the issues I liked it.
same here. played it for 30mins on release day and was like...errr...nah.
fast forward to xmas 2022 period, started it again and was just captivated by the atmosphere. loved it. had to be in the right frame of mind though for the pace, etc. it just seemed to get better and better as I progressed...save for the wierd combat. as such it remains a massive gaming highlight of 2022 for me.
so I guess if you've "only tried it for 30mins" etc give it another go when you've the opportunity next.
I loved this game. Yes the combat is balls but the art, graphics and atmosphere are second to none. I finished it and it’s one of the most memorable games I’ve played.
Great little game, if you play it use a walkthrough or you will just get frustrated
This is why I don't think these 'engagement metrics' mean anything. I highly suspect the majority of people who tried it fell off it pretty fast, though I know there are some who enjoyed it to.
The figures quoted for this title simply mean that a small percentage of people who could try it 'for free' did so. If we suspect there are 30 million on GP then only %7 of them bothered to try it out for free. The figures don't scream engagement if you look at it that way.
I did try it, but it really wasn't for me.
Gonna be honest… I thought the game was a snooze-fest. I usually like dungeon-like games but I played about a quarter of it and stopped because I simply didn’t have a single minute of fun with it.
i really enjoyed the first half. Then i got to the combat heavy stuff and couldn't do it. Gotta say the reviews were basically spot on
556,800 earned 1st un-missable achievement (27.84%)
556,800 earned 2nd un-missable achievement (27.84%)
439,600 earned 3rd un-missable achievement (21.98%)
214,600 earned 4th un-missable achievement (10.73%)
186,800 earned 5th un-missable achievement (9.34%)
162,000 earned 6th un-missable achievement (8.1%)
152,800 earned 7th un-missable achievement (7.64%)
152,600 earned 8th un-missable achievement (7.63%)
152,600 earned 9th un-missable achievement (7.63%)
152,000 earned final un-missable achievement (7.6%)
Note these are estimates based on exactly 2 million users (number stated "passed" and I doubt they mean exactly 2 million and one players) and achievement data all being entirely synced at the time of this writing (as far as we know, the percentages might be calculated hourly, daily, or weekly.)
These stats are a bit lower than bigger well received games, but don't seem extremely low IMO.
For reference, A Plague Tale: Requiem, a critically acclaimed game:
55.09% finished chapter 1
35.41% finished chapter 2
29.84% finished chapter 3
26.96% finished chapter 4
25.41% finished chapter 5
23.71% finished chapter 6
22.47% finished chapter 7
21.84% finished chapter 8
20.90% finished chapter 9
19.52% finished chapter 10
19.08% finished chapter 11
18.70% finished chapter 12
18.37% finished chapter 13
18.29% finished chapter 14
18.02% finished chapter 15
17.76% finished chapter 16
17.61% completed the game
The majority of players fall of the majority of games, even critically acclaimed ones, rather fast. If 152k players beat the game, that's 152k very satisfied Game Pass subscribers.
@Tharsman Sad but true. There seemed to be quite a few people I spoke with at the time who had been looking forward to it but didnt like it when it was delivered, so my view was obviously coloured by that.
Thanks for getting the figures. I think 7% getting through to the end on such a game is far higher than I might have suspected, so having now seen the real figures, they have every right to be proud of the engagement achieved. My suspicions were not deserved!
@Reptilio The combat bits were definitively the weakest link. The punch-gun thingy was a bit awkward. At some point I realized i was better off trying to run past dangers than facing them, and that might have been their original intent.
There was one boss fight near the end that I found was actually quite fun, leading me more to think the clunkyness of the combat might in most segments might have been a poor but intentional choice, in an attempt to encourage fear and survival instincts over a desire to kill everything.
Thing is, in some spots you just have to kill some things with those poor tools, or so I felt anyways.
@Tharsman cheers mate. They are a bit better than I expected. I think most games hand out their 1st story achievement fairly quickly so to lose 72% of players before that is pretty drastic. But it was always gonna be that type of game with a core audience who see it through. Out of interest where do you get that achievement data? Would like to delve into some other games
@Reptilio Same here. First half I liked, and then I kept dying far too easy. Quit, uninstalled and moved on.
@Tharsman Man that punch gun. at first i was confused thought maybe it was to interact with something? Then was like wait...is this.. the weapon? but yea i got stuck a few times in a row trying to punch fun my way out and that was it, too much other stuff to play
@GeeEssEff The Xbox dashboard itself will show you the percentage of users that completed an achievment, and its accessible via public API. Sites like True Achievements will count both, the percentage of users that earned it, and a higher value based on the percentage of Xbox users that register within the site (basically, some achievement hunters, I myself am not registered on that site).
Another point of reference: Pentiment is a game that is considered good by anyone that actually played it, but only:
13.33% of users finished Act 1.
9.48% of users finished Act 2.
7.47% of users finished Act 3 (think this is the end of the game).
Persona 5
Palace 1: 28.58%
Palace 2: 20.93%
Palace 3: 17.59%
Palace 4: 15.68%
Palace 5: 13.12%
Palace 6: 12.00%
Palace 7: 10.91%
Palace 8: 7.25%
Watched the ending: 8.91% (palace 8 is optional based on how you played the game.)
Note I might have miscounted the achievements, trying to be as spoiler-free as possible. That's the problem with looking this stuff up, achievement names can sometimes by very spoileriffic.
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