Xbox has pulled back the curtain on a new feature for the "New Xbox Home Experience" - the name for the new UI being tested by various Xbox Insiders. It's called the Friends & Community Updates channel, and it begins rolling out today.
Basically, this new channel is a way to "bring together all the top things from your activity feed".
Here's what the Xbox team has to say about it:
"You will be able to see achievements, game clips, screenshots and text posts from your friends, official clubs, or games that you follow. To see everything in your activity feed, click into the “Friends & Community Updates”. You may also see “Got something to share?” to share your gaming moments or “Clubs on Xbox” to discover more on Official Clubs."
If you're interested in checking this new feature out, you'll need to already be part of the Alpha or Alpha Skip-Ahead rings in the Xbox Insider program, although everyone will be getting access to it eventually. The Xbox team says that more updates and builds will be rolled out over time as well.
Any thoughts on this? Let us know down in the comments section below.
[source news.xbox.com]
Comments 13
Honestly, why can't MS just make a good menu design. They used to have good functional Xbox OS's but not anymore. Their cluttered, unintuitive menu system is one reason I've been drifting away from my Xbox
@Pichuka97 It's Microsoft. They wouldn't know what good UI design was if it smacked them in the face. The only thing they care about is shoving out ads.
@Pichuka97 You could just play games instead of hanging around in the UI, no?
@Pichuka97 it’s better than PS5
Sounds exactly like what they already have, and no one cares about.
They are once again missing the point of many of our complaints about the UI and thats it being cluttered. Less is more Microsoft, less is more. All this better be custom so i can turn most of it off. I just want a quick, non cluttered 4K HDR Ui. Put the ad’s in the store and make the home screen look slick and modern.
@nomither6 hell no, the ps5 ui is very clean
@Echtzeit RIGHT!!
@Echtzeit "Just tolerate the cluttered UI"
@mrpunisher it’s bland . different strokes for different folks but , i llke having features and themes .
@nomither6 agree its better than ps5 Ui
PS4 was the best then Xbox then ps5 in last place
@trev666 true that. they had it perfect with the ps4 UI; i’ve never spent more time on a UI - whether it was listening to the music of my theme , web browsing , browsing the community/friends activity , communities , organizing & naming folders , changing colors and wallpapers. i get that a console is a gaming machine , but don’t spoil me and then take it away . i like to do more than just game
The 2013 Dashboard wasn't perfect but it had features I liked and now they are gone. Regardless of the TV TV TV I liked the layout it was 360 but a bit different, it allowed Windows 8 features that I like, now I have to get a dual screen device to do this. Willing to but eh.
The 360 had good dashboards like the Blades and the last one (minus the ads) but nowadays the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Xbox One dashboards suck (the 4th is literally the 2nd layout again but slightly different welcome to great design by Microsoft there, even if I hate square UI design and yes I did say the last 360 one was good but with reason even if it is a squares one I find it the least awkward) I just don't want to use the console for the dashboard to change settings I need to.
I hate the game layout updating across the top, never use social features because I'm not that type of gamer so doesn't effect me, it annoys me the bottom groups I never use them the only reason I keep them is to remember how the default layout is otherwise I'd remove them so it's less online aspects and UI elements visible.
I like the PS4 UI a lot more (if talking modern consoles and not old UI design), the up and down like the PS3, the folders. I'm not interested in the PS5 UI at all too much going on while the PS4's is just enough of up and down to get to points and apps I want to no problem not levels and level of store and thing and that on PS5 no way it's horrible and I don't even use the console.
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