Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League has reportedly been delayed again. Following last year's delay - bumping the game to 2023, Bloomberg is now reporting Rocksteady's next release has been shifted from a May launch to the second half of this year.
Here's exactly what Bloomberg had to say:
"Warner Bros. has again delayed a video game based on the Suicide Squad comic book franchise, pushing it from a May release date to later this year, according to a person with direct knowledge of the matter."
The game is also believed to have been "poorly received" by fans during the PlayStation stream last month. On a more positive note, this will move the title out of a busy release window and also give the team at Rocksteady more time to polish it up.
Bloomberg was the same source that revealed the previous delay in March last year:
How are you feeling about this reported delay? Comment below.
[source bloomberg.com, via twitter.com]
Comments 23
More likely, Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League - Kills Rocksteady.
It's sad to see them doing this live service sh*t when we know their past titles 😔....no wonder one of their developers had a meltdown @ the Series S.
No amount of delay can redeem this game for me. The game is fundamentally flawed and not single character feel like themselves. It's going to be a disaster. Unless they change the character and give them unique identities. All of them feel same. I don't think they can salvage this one.
Bioware hasn't had a win since Mass Effect 2, Bethesda with Skyrim, Rockstar barely cranks anything out more than once a decade, and now Rocksteady release this garbage... seriously what the hell is going on 😔
This is all Warner Bros. As if Gotham Knights wasn't an experience enough, they had to push all this Battle Pass crap for this game as well. Shame that it's Rocksteady's game.
I don’t even know what to say about this game and Rocksteady at this point. The Arkham games are some of my favourite, it’s just sad to see where they’re at right now.
It doesn’t help that DC movies have been trash (especially that last suicide squad one, Jesus) and Marvel have oversaturated the market so much so that comic book games and movies are now just throw away.
The outlook isn’t good for this game.
We can hope that they have heard the very vocal and almost unanimous complaints about this game and they are trying to mitigate them.
Personally I thought the actual gameplay looked OK, and could be fun, but it just doesn't fit with the Suicide Squad AT ALL, and isn't what anyone wants from Rocksteady.
But there are just so many red flags e.g. live service, battle pass, online store, loot, weapon levels, bullet sponge enemies etc.
A shame as the premise for the game, "kill the Justice League" is amazing. Hopefully a delay will fix some things.
This game was doomed the moment it was announced as a live service game.
It’s like WB looked at the Avengers’ game’s failure and learned absolutely nothing. A licence and concept that people were excited for and they turned it into a game nobody asked for, or wanted to play.
This’ll come out, and it’ll be dead within a year.
Hope this isnt a knee jerk reaction to the reveal debacle. What can you do to fix a game already 8 yrs into development in just six months?
Gonna be taking the L on this Rocksteady/Warner bros - prepare yourselves.
@ActionPanther Agreed. Though while I don't like paid cosmetic items, at the same time, rather selfishly, as someone who will never buy a cosmetic item and isn't THAT fussed about how my avatar looks in games, it's my smallest red flag. But still a red flag and emblematic of wider issues I hate in gaming.
Just a colossal waste of time from a developer I had been waiting on for a long long time....should have been another story driven game even if it wasn't Batman...so disappointing
@Fenbops Definitely agree with you there about Marvel. I can understand they make so much money from each movie they bring out but it’s so over the top these days and it’s not special when any super hero movie is released now because there’s so many every single year it gets boring.
This game is trash
This just reeks of WB’s doing; they seem so microtransaction-obsessed. They’ve even done it to my beloved Mortal Kombat with X and 11 (though MK9 was thankfully spared). Such a shame, and makes me concerned for other WB games.
This and Exoprimal should flop hard and deservedly so.
@BrilliantBill Generally you are right, they can't change the core game but they can improve the level of monetisation and BS, just look at something like SW: Battlefront 2 it was a vastly better experience a few months after launch after they backpedalled on the predatory monetisation.
Not sure I entirely agree with you, @ironcrow86. Mass Effect 3 was a superb game by the standards of most games. It may not have been the fan favourite in the series, but it was still a very good game. Yes, Anthem was a disaster, but Andromeda wasn't as bad as many made out, it was just the departure that people didn't like. And of course, they released a remaster of the first 3 Mass Effect games, which was done very well. So I think it a stretch (a big one) to suggest Bioware have done nothing of worth since Mass Effect 2.
Also, with regards to Bethesda, after Skyrim, they released Fallout 4, which again was a very good game. Was it to the same quality of Skyrim? Many may say not, but that doesn't make it a bad game. I know I enjoyed the 1000+ hours I poured into it.
I believe you to be correct with Rocksteady and RockStar, though when it comes to Grand Theft Auto, when their last game is still, to this day, one of the best selling games each month, why rush to put out another title? They're still raking in more money each month with GTA5 than most companies could every dream of in total, let alone a month...
@Fiendish-Beaver that's exactly what I mean re: R* ..coz they're raking it in, why bother making anything else?? Bioware and Bethesda - I think we'll have to agree to disagree on that one 🙂
Looked like a generic action game with Suicide Squad skins... not a good start.
@Total_Weirdo why not let WB Montreal have a crack at live service and leave Rocksteady alone to make the single player Bat-game. Instead they ended up with 2 bad games.
I don’t know how delay could make this title more appealing. The game play looks so dull.
@Sol4ris it is the same thing that happened to Crystal Dynamics with Avengers. When are the publishers gonna learn?
@BRT15 I wouldn’t say it’s all Warner Bros. People love to point fingers at the publishers like the developers and studio manager also don’t any part in this. Like we didn’t just get gaming biggest release in years, Hogwart Legacy, that didn’t have one MTX or battle pass that was also a Warner Bro release.
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