Update: Well, it's official! Microsoft has confirmed that Monster Hunter Rise is coming to Xbox Game Pass for Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S and PC on January 20th, 2023, and you can watch the trailer above.
In addition, the huge "Sunbreak" expansion will also launch for Xbox in Spring 2023.
Original story: Xbox Game Pass might be treating us to another surprise early next year, as it's being reported by Insider Gaming's Tom Henderson that Monster Hunter Rise will launch on Xbox consoles and Game Pass on January 20th, 2023.

The game, which has been a Nintendo Switch console exclusive since March of 2021, is the latest entry in the Monster Hunter series, and was followed up with an expansion called "Sunbreak" earlier this year.
It's said that Monster Hunter Rise will run at 4K, 60FPS on the new consoles, and the official Xbox Game Pass 2023 announcement could be set for The Game Awards on December 8th.
Our friends at Nintendo Life reviewed Monster Hunter Rise last year and gave it an "Excellent" 9/10 score, praising it as "one of the strongest entries into the franchise to date". Let's hope the Game Pass news is true, then!
"Rise to the challenge and join the hunt! In Monster Hunter Rise, the latest installment in the award-winning and top-selling Monster Hunter series, you’ll become a hunter, explore brand new maps and use a variety of weapons to take down fearsome monsters as part of an all-new storyline."
Excited for this? Let us know down in the comments section below.
Comments 29
Another Game Pass W. Will be checking this out next year
finally it comes . don't forget MH stories too CAPCOM!?
@rhyno_888 Yes, MH Stories would be nice too. I tried to play both demos for Rise and Stories on Switch but just couldn't handle the low frame rate. I unfortunately get a headache and eye pain playing things with less than about 50 fps.
I pushed myself through a bunch of short sessions just to play Plague Tale Requiem. But at least that game doesn't require much fast movement so its more tolerable.
Woah - if this is true, this is huge. I put so many hours into Rise and Sunbreak, and I would love to do it again.
Sounds great
Can not wait....
@theskelf Depends who you ask. Some prefer World others prefer Rise as it's more streamlined. Both are great.
I had lots of fun with this one on the Switch. Not sure if I start again on my XSX but will have a look for the looks of this game. The game was to heavy for the Switch.
@theskelf its subjective ofc, but i like it more
@theskelf for me World was much better, better visuals and performance. Also in Rise you can't do the story via multiplayer like you can with world. I'm not the best so it came to a point in the story (in rise) where I just gave up, whilst in world you can summon other players to help you, hence why I completed that one.
@The_Pixel_King Same here, I didn't pick it up on Switch expecting a better-performing version and now it seems that I'm getting exactly that on Series X... for "free".
Cross save please
Hope it will come true it’s such a fun game and to play this at 60fps 4K will be even better.
Really hope this is true. I own the game on switch, but the resolution and 30fps really aren't great in docked mode, particularly having been comparatively spoiled by the frame rates and resolutions available on the series X. I've logged 100s of hours in mh world but struggled to break 100 with rise on my switch as the technical shortcomings really hampered my enjoyment.
@Neither_scene That's right, time flies playing Monster Hunter World on Series X. Actually, there's a video mode that provides almost 60fps, flawlessly with VRR.
Inserts L.A Noire Doubt meme
This would be a great addition.
2023 is almost embarrassing with all the stuff we are expecting! I need to cut down on sleep so I can get all these titles played
@theskelf Monster Hunter Rise is a masterpiece, better then Monster Hunter World
This would be huge if this dropped on Game Pass. I enjoyed my time with this on Switch and would definitely play it again on Xbox.
I suck at MH yet spent way too much time failing at this on Switch already. I would absolutely play it again if it were 60fps.
@theskelf World is almost a "spinoff" MH, a bit more westernized to a degree. Rise is "core" traditional MH with the arguably more "mission-based", pick up and play (but grindy) play, and definitely more technical. I think World picked up a lot of new fans by being a little less rigid than the traditional, very Japanese game, while Rise is a love letter to core MH fans, that incorporates some of the streamlining from World. The fast travel/riding mechanic makes traversal a lot more streamlined than even world though, IMO even if the areas are very rigid. Also Rise embraces it's Japanese-ness to the point of having musical numbers with cats in kimonos which automatically makes it the best. Difficulty is definitely higher out of the gate though (Iceborne excluded.)
@UltimateOtaku91 You couldn't really do the story in multiplayer in World either though. Which was a massive bummer.
@NEStalgia you could, once you see the main monster in the story mission you could then shoot a flare to allow people to join.
Confirmed by Xbox:
Huge win for GamePass!!! But somehow the naysayers will find something to complain about it. “It’s an old game”, etc.
Love it on Switch. Will definitely play it again on my Series X as well.
You know, I’m not a fan of the game, but this does ease the fact that DQXI is leaving a little bit. Glad Xbox is bringing a quality title to replace a quality title.
@Kaloudz it’s bit different. It has been designed for switch so it’s less photorealistic than mhw. The locales are much easier to wrap your head around. Gampeplay wise it’s sooo much fun. And yes, it’s big focus is multiplayer, albeit some things are unlocked by single player story
Guess I'm eating humble pie on this one lol was not expecting that to be true
Figures. I bought it on PC last week haha. Fantastic game nonetheless!
Between this, wo long and starfield, gamepass is looking pretty awesome next year already for me personally
Hell yeah, looking forward to jumping into this at 4K on my LG OLED. No more handcramps in handheld mode on Switch. The pro controller is cool, but Xbox ia ao much more comfortable. Plus a 120 FPS MODE!
@theskelf you'll enjoy it a lot!
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