In a speech during today's Activision Blizzard conference, an interesting and (to some) infuriating bit of news was revealed. It appears that Destiny 2 is in the earliest stages of development already. Speaking to a crowd of shareholders, media and the like, President of Activision and CEO of Publishing Eric Hirshberg said the following regarding the Destiny franchise:
"Work has also begun on future expansion packs, as well as on our next full game release."
The original game reviewed quite well but with the somewhat expensive DLC packs not going down particularly well with some fans, this announcement comes as quite the surprise. There has been a great deal of controversy over Destiny's offerings and some are even asking for their money back as details on the first DLC pack have been released.
For Activision to out the fact that Bungie has a sequel in the works is quite a bold move. This was, after all, listed as being a "ten-year franchise", with many players seeing this to mean that Destiny itself was meant to be more of a time-spanning game than appears to be the case. Within the conference, Activision also confirmed that over 9.5 million active players have taken the plunge into Destiny's universe and that the average “active player” plays about 3 hours a day. Only the future can tell of what Destiny holds for us.
What do you think of another Destiny game being in the works so soon? Will you be furthering your experiences with DLC content? Let us know, Guardians - sound off in the comments below!
Comments 10
Figured there would be a second 'full' game release. I just hope it has better story telling. The universe they created is ripe for good stories but it's on the developers to deliver it. Also some more variety in the solo missions would be nice. The gunplay was rock solid but it's Bungie so you figure they'll always get that part of the game right at least.
Too soon?
Now we know what they truly meant by "10 year plan".
Why don't they finish the first game before working on a sequel.
Here's my 2 cents on the matter, Bungie should drop Activision.
Think about this. A game can take upwards of 3 years to complete now. You leave a portion of your dev team to continue work on the current game, and have another portion of your dev team working on the new game. Bungie's Halo series had release dates every three years for their core franchise games. It shouldn't surprise anyone that this will be the case again.
@JustFerSpite Very true, very true...
Then people will over hype this sequel and then when it come's out.People will be disappointed,then the cycle of hate begins anew.Please try this time Bungie i know you can do it, cause the first one oh my god it was a travesty.
From a company that went from making a classic franchise like Halo to making a sub-par game like Destiny, I'm pretty disappointed with Bungie lately. Only way the sequel will be played by me is if they have a offline story mode, but I doubt it will I personally think they announced this WAAAAAY too soon.
That was sort of what I thought? Even if it's in the works, even if we all KNOW it's in the works, why announce it at such a pivotal point in the current iterations lifespan? As far as Bungie goes we must remember that more than half the company's "Brains" went to 343, not all of the greats but most of them.
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