Coming to Games With Gold tomorrow, we've got Pool Nation FX. If the devs have got it up to the level of the Xbox 360 version, it should be a corker - especially for free!
Flaming tables. Snooker. Pool. Trick shots. Beautiful lighting. What's not to like?
Not sure if online leagues will be part of the launch package, or whether they'll be added later (I heard that they'll be in a free update if they don't make launch) but we'll have to get a pX Pub Pool League going.
I'm not finding it to be all that...good...if I'm honest.
Played for a couple of hours and while it looks nice, the framerate is lacking (sometimes you hit a ball hard and it just disappears as it's moving faster than the game can render it) and there's a stack of bugs. Whoever designed the menus needs a course in UI design as well.
But hey, it's free, I guess. Least when the five or six bugged out achievements I unlocked finally pop, I'll be happy.
Topic: Pool Nation FX - Free
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