
Topic: Pure Xbox Game Club - Spyro the Dragon (Dec)

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@nomither6 Is it $50 in the states? A year on CDkeys, at least for UK, is £25. That stings if so mate.

Old Lady Daniels says nothing in this life is free.

Xbox Gamertag: Peace Salad


@Bob_Salat well i looked on CDkeys, and theyre as low as $7, but theyre all out of stock



@nomither6 Ah yeah the only downside to it is the frequency of things going out of stock. I have multiple alerts for codes to be restocked, usually out of luck though.

Old Lady Daniels says nothing in this life is free.

Xbox Gamertag: Peace Salad


I loved playing through the spyro trilogy. The controls are perfect and the driver is collecting everything. Which I did. Getting to 75% is the easy part, the last 25% is the challenge.

I quite like the humour and character designs. The secrets and uncovering them for the 100% completion is rewarding.

Collectaphon games are not for everyone. But outside of a couple of levels, it's pretty straightforward in a similar way to the original crackdown. Which also got a lot of hate for it's simplicity. Contrarily, it's a bonus for me.

The comparison to Mario 64 is fair due to the times they released. But they offer differing takes on the genre. Mario is significantly tougher creating a wider challenge, which for some is more rewarding. These days, I just don't have the willpower to overcome failing an easy jump multiple times due to a bad camera angle or geometry. In this regard spyro gets it's mostly right, as the open design has less opportunity to gazump your progress.

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@Balta666 Bom Dia! Can you change my tag on the tag list please mate? Should be this for some time now 😂 Ta.

Old Lady Daniels says nothing in this life is free.

Xbox Gamertag: Peace Salad

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