
Topic: Pure Xbox Game Club - On Indefinite Hiatus

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Hi all, we are ditching the old game club thread so we can have control of the title (it keeps getting mixed up with the game pass thread)

Basically it will be one game a month with Resident Evil 7 as our first game starting now and going through the end of December. I think the rapid pace of the old thread became overwhelming for some of us (including me) so we will keep it at one game a month.

Play the game at your own pace and discuss it here!

We normally choose the games from game pass ultimate (hence the old confusing thread title)

You don't have to join in every month (I probably won't do Resident Evil 7) and I think we will move on to Ryse Son of Rome in January

You can play on any platform you like if you have the game there and/or don't have game pass: PC, Xbox, even PlayStation, Switch or Commodore 64 (if available). It will be interesting to see if the experiences are different across platforms in terms of performance or features. You could even play an original version of a game if we are playing a remake! (Some users at PushSquare are playing the original resident evil 2 over the remake as their monthly game).

Discussion and light tangents are also allowed (catch ups with other users, discussions on related games and past game club games).

Please use spoiler tags if you are discussing plot or key moments in the game! You do so by typing [spoiler] insert text here [ /spoiler] without the space between [ and /

If this thread dies a slow death from lack of contribution and somebody wants to revive it in a far and distant future, then please tag me and I'll be happy to rename the thread to the game of the month that the next generation wishes to play!

Just going to tag some bods from the old thread here, but if you spy this thread and want to join in then please do so. There's no entry requirements, just play the game and join in on discussion!

@Tothington91 @MAC26 @XBontendo @Justifier @Tjuz @nessisonett @crippyd @Krzzystuff @sib @LeanerFasterStronger @cracked_seal @Mr-Fuggles777 @Mundaney @KilloWertz @antifyre @RazputinAquato @themightyant @ZeD @K1LLEGAL @Balta666 @Bmartin001 @R1spam @lookupmore @Lavalera @frabbit @FraserG @WCB @TooBarFoo @SeriousSatan @xMightyMatt14x @BaldBelper78 @Grail_Quest @Jsb5150 @Mamabear @liljazzy2 @Dydreamr @XFinest_KnightX @Elufachi @Amical @Supermutant @revluke @Akropolon @olskoolSEGA @HarmanSmith @Dr_Devious04 @EliteSlayer @GamingFan4Lyf @Pepa27 @MaxC @NintendoByNature @Captain_Chozo @HelloCraig @BlackMayge @AgentCooper @kyleforrester87 @RDDMarston @Utena-mobile

Games Played So Far:

Blair Witch
Battletoads 2020
Tell Me Why Episodes 1-3
Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
Night in the Woods
Dec Resident Evil VII

Jan Ryse: Son of Rome
Feb Ori and the Blind Forest
Mar Titanfall 2
Apr Alan Wake
May Dishonored
Jun ReCore
Jul Psychonauts
Aug A Plague Tale: Innocence
Sep Psychonauts 2
Oct The Evil Within
Nov Quantum Break
Dec Dante's Inferno

Jan Mirror's Edge
Feb Death's Door
Mar The Forgotten City
Apr Guardians of the Galaxy
May Life is Strange: True Colors
Jun Mass Effect (1) Legendary Edition
Jul Dead Space
Aug Marvel's Avengers
Sep Immortals Fenyx Rising
Oct Immortality
Nov A Plague Tale: Requiem
Dec Pentiment

Jan Deathloop
Feb Hi-Fi Rush
Mar Atomic Heart
April (fools) Mary-Kate and Ashley: Sweet 16 - Licensed to Drive
Apr Gears of War
May Redfall
Jun Halo: Combat Evolved
Jul Perfect Dark
Aug Ori and the Will of the Wisps
Sep Gris
Oct Amnesia Collection
Nov Cocoon
Dec Dead Space Remake

Jan Like A Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name
Feb Sunset Overdrive
Mar Turnip Boy Robs a Bank
Apr (fools) Minesweeper
Apr Banjo-Kazooie / Solar Ash (double bill)
May Rise of the Tomb Raider
Jun Evil West
Jul Still Wakes the Deep
Aug Conker's Bad Fur Day/Live & Reloaded
Sep Mafia Definitive Edition / Banjo-Tooie (double bill)
Oct The Evil Within 2
Nov Halo 2
Dec Spyro the Dragon

[Edited by ralphdibny]

See ya!


Awesome. Thanks for setting this up. I haven't played a resident evil game since the original RE2. I'll get this going this weekend to see how it goes. I have Monday off so I'll be playing a lot then so I'll see how far i get.


Xbox Gamertag: Krzzystuff


Great! I think having an entire month to work on a game makes it more feasible, at least for me. I think I'll be playing the PS4 version of RE7 since I already own the Gold Edition on there. Might go through both the base game and the DLCs as I write down my thoughts on the game.

And yeah, Ryse Son of Rome in January sounds good to me. I also have the Legendary Edition of that game on Xbox One, although I don't think the game has any story DLC so I might just check it out quickly since I already have it.



Sounds good. I started to download Resident Evil 7. I think that one month per game is good pace.

"Wake me... when you need me."

Xbox Gamertag: Justifier1651


@Krzzystuff no problem! I'm a bit of an intermittent resi player, first one I played was 4, then revelations (both of which I replayed in the last year), about half of 5 before my 360 broke and since then I've also played the first REmake.

@LtSarge I have the PS4 gold version too, I bought it ages ago and it's remained in the backlog since. I mainly got it because it seemed like another break from the formula that resi 4 was so might be worth trying out for a relative resi n00b like myself.

@Justifier good stuff, the nice uptake, the distant deadline and the fact that both @Mac26 and @sib are already playing this might tempt me to actually pop this game in sometime in December!

See ya!


I'm also more of a casual gamer so one game per month is a good pace. I just beat Ryder last week so i likely won't be replaying it but I'll my thoughts on the game in the comments.

RE7 is downloading now.


Xbox Gamertag: Krzzystuff


@ralphdibny Yeah it's been sitting in my backlog for quite some time now as well. I definitely feel more interested in playing it now that I've experienced Outlast. First-person horror just feels completely different from third-person horror since you can't really see behind you, you can see the enemies more clearly and so on. I haven't played many games like that so I'm really looking forward to experiencing RE7.



I like it! Yea the multiple games a month was a bit much. I found myself skipping some and then trying to go back and finish them when I caught up. This is good though. I've really been looking forward to Ryse so that will be awesome in January. Resident evil 7 will be only my 2nd playthrough of a RE game. I played through RE 5 which I found to be fun as a co-op game but 7 seems completely different so far and I like the change. Looking forward to carrying on with our Game Club and reading you guy's thoughts on the games.


Xbox Gamertag: YungLaFlame


Ok folks...this game is messed up!! I was ready fir a zombie game but these crazy hillbillies give me the creeps. Was just going to play some Gears UE buy it seems my save didn't come over from instead of starting from scratch again i just got into RE7... right call...who knows. Anyone else playing this for the first time?


Xbox Gamertag: Krzzystuff


@Krzzystuff It'll be my first time playing this game as well, although I have played the RE7 demo where you explore the house as the reporters and all I remember is that the experience was absolutely phenomenal. Can't wait to play the full game!



I've only played the demo before too, it was pretty freaky!

[Edited by ralphdibny]

See ya!


@ralphdibny lol yeah I'm definitely not indulging in any edibles for this game, it's creepy enough sober.


Xbox Gamertag: Krzzystuff


@ralphdibny Apologies, I was banned so only just saw this now! I played Resi 7 last year and it’s absolutely incredibly so hope everyone enjoys, I’m all Resi’d out for now after finishing 2 for the 4th time with the PS4 lot!

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


This is my first time playing through RE7, too!
So intense.. 😱
My only other experience of RE was the remastered RE2, and that was a fabulous game as well.

I'm playing on a Series S on a 40-inch, 1080 TV, and it's a fantastically immersive experience - especially with the lights off and the volume up high.
I can only imagine what it would be like on a Series X on a massive 4k 80-inch TV..!!

Looking forward to RE Village already!



@ralphdibny Hahaha everything’s good, just an unfortunate side effect that problems on NLife carry over to the other two sites! Let’s just say I accidentally caused an article to have rather more comments but it’s all good now.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@ralphdibny Thanks for the tag! I played RE7 about 18-24 months back ( I think) and really enjoyed it. I could go back to it and try and finish up a few more achievements as there were sonme fairly easy ones that I missed. Also played Ryse way back and enjoyed that too.
I hope you guys have fun and I'll comment where I can.


Xbox Gamertag: Crippy D


@sib I'm finding this game to be properly creepy. RE2 on PS2 was my last experience with the series so the improved visuals and hillbilly setting is getting me good. I'm off today so I'll be playing a bunch of the game to see how far i progress. I played for a few hours last night but i was under the influence of a gummy bear and just couldn't get myself to play this game lol.

I was thinking of RE8 and I'm not sure I'll be jumping to play that one...I'll wait until it's in gamepass and it's a game of the month i believe. I like that this gamepass club gets you to try a different game that might not be one i would usually go for.

[Edited by Krzzystuff]


Xbox Gamertag: Krzzystuff


@nessisonett lol fair enough, probably works a bit differently on NL because they have dedicated moderator staff still so maybe they can be more hot on it

@crippyd no problemo! I was late to the Xbox one so I've been slowly working my way through the big exclusives and I've yet to get to Ryse. I've had a PS4 since MGSV came out so I was late (but not as late) to that console too and I still havent played launch title The Order 1666 or whatever it's called. I suspect I'll be just as late to the next consoles too so I probably won't be playing any next gen exclusives for a while either!

See ya!

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