I was able to get a series s from bestbuy but wanted a series x. Long shot here but is someone here who has an series x preorder and wants a series s and open to exchanging preorders and workout the price difference?
300 euro is a super cheap price for a new gen console! I have lots of digital games on ONE, maybe I will buy a Series S, seems a very powerful but little system!
@Steadyhandz - I doubt anyone bought an XSX that wants a XSS, but you should be able to cancel the preorder, and order an XSX. Most (if not all) games will work with both generations for the foreseeable, so even if you had to wait an extra week or two, it isn't the kicker it was when next-gen consoles had their own libraries.
Wishing Xbox had an IDE for making indy games on the console.
@BAMozzy Yeah I got that one too, Looks like most retailers in the UK still have Series S stock. I preordered a Series S so I feel more confident I will get it on or close to Nov 10
Series S is designed to deliver next-gen games in 1440p at 60fps and even 120fps but Microsoft said that they won't force developers to target an specific resolution.
The console has the same CPU as Series X and it's able to upscale to 4K so it can do anything that Series X can do but the GPU and GPU memory are not capable of doing native 4K.
This is relative, indie game Falconeer will run in 8K at 60fps on Series X so you can probably expect it to run in 4K at 60fps on Series S.
When Capcom added ray tracing to the next-gen version of Devil May Cry 5, the developer reduced the frame rate to 30fps in the 4K mode and the resolution to 1080p in the 60fps mode and they also added a mode without ray tracing that runs up to 120fps. This next-gen version of Devil May Cry 5 will or will not be optimised for the extra power of Series X because Devil May Cry 5 is a multiplatform game. Compared to PlayStation 5, Series X has a more powerful CPU, more GPU CUs and faster GPU memory. Series S is designed to do the same as Series X at a lower resolution (1440p). Anyway, you can see what ray tracing does in the following video and wait for Digital Foundry to analyse the differences in the three versions when they launch in November but all seems to indicate that the Series X will be the best-looking and best-performing version.
I am hoping to see some more S footage this week as Microsoft start to ramp up content ahead of launch. What next gen games are you all looking forward to the most? I am looking forward to trying out Falconeer and working through some Halo before the next instalment is out
If I buy a series s for the living room and a series s for the bed room and a series s for the basement. Can I play my digital games between all three. Sometimes I don't get the living room tv. Sometime my wife kicks me out of the bedroom. And sometimes I live in the basement.
@Darylb88 Considering an RTX2080ti is needed just to run this at 1440/60, I think its about right.
You can only look at game metrics in relation to how it performs on other hardware - unless you are part of the developments team, have an understanding of the game engine and/or experience of optimising for Series S/X, you can only look at how it performs with 'similar' visual settings etc on other hardware to see if its 'fair'.
The fact that this game is very 'heavy' - even on PC, then it seems logical that it will be heavy on console too so resolution or frame rate will impacted. Its better than the Xbox One X version managed - offering nearly 2x the resolution. The PS4 Pro is 1080/30 too (or 900/30 on base PS4) and I don't know if its running with 'similar' visual settings or not but it can't maintain a 1080/30 performance on a PS4 Pro with 4.2TF GPU. The Xbox One X will be 1080/30 too - maybe more stable with a 6TF GPU. However, its not a game I paid particular attention to but if an RTX 2080Ti can just about run the game at 1440/60, then its silly to expect a Series S to match up with that or a Series X to run it at 4k/60....
@BAMozzy Good to hear your opinion. It would have been nice to have it at 1080p 60fps but it's not the end of the world. I mean it isn't bad for a £250 machine at all
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