
Topic: Official PlayStation Thread

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In still not sold on Godfall, but it sure does look pretty.

I've heard a whisper of work on a PS5pro. It would be a mess to actually announce just yet, but it would make sense in correcting some of the shortfalls in the standard release.



@JGRockford lol the PS5 pro would just be the final version of the PS5. I'm positive they rushed this out and it's half-baked. They will 100% be making a pro because this current one is underpowered and oversized. It's disappointing, In January i decided i was getting the PS5 because kids are older and i have more time for myself in the i have a series x pre-ordered and couldn't phantom paying money for it. It's not a final product in my eyes. I've owned PS1-3 and I'm glad I missed PS4 so I didn't have any baggage effecting my decision

[Edited by Krzzystuff]


Xbox Gamertag: Krzzystuff


Pretty much.
There's been a number of missteps for the stock console, and I do think this would correct that error.

PS5 is still going to be popular af, but it's not the console I expected after the previous generation.

Coming from PS 2/3/4, I've started on library for XSX this generation, and will likely get the pro as a second console when it releases.



A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

Xbox Gamertag: bamozzy


Definitely some missteps and some less than great info last couple weeks. Still over the moon excited about getting my 5 on Thursday though (2nd one got pushed back til the 26th ) Great time to be a gamer no matter which one you choose!

EDIT: if anyone in the US didn't get a preorder, Walmart will have some stock availble for order on launch day:

[Edited by redd214]



A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

Xbox Gamertag: bamozzy


A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

Xbox Gamertag: bamozzy


It’s funny how a feature (Quick Resume) that was previously rumoured to be on PS5 by journalists earlier this year ended up only on Series X|S. Also the ability to transfer a game to external storage seems like a no brainer to me and is absolutely necessary for the next-gen consoles with limited storage.



I believe the external SSD thing only applies to PS4 games at the moment. PS5 only games have to be installed on the internal memory. If Sony had just allowed memory to be expanded at launch I'd have no qualms with this because based on recent vids I've seen it seems relatively stress free getting into the console to replace the existing internal storage. Plus, Sony doesn't have any proprietary memory requirements cough cough Microsoft cough



Well truth be told, those SSDs are equally expensive, not really available at launch, requires approval from Sony and not really as easy, seamless, elegant and stress free as Microsoft’s solution. But this issue is not even about expanding internal storage but to be able to transfer games from external HDDs which most of us will prefer to use as they are way more cheap (per GB) and affordable and probably something lot of us already own and will want it to be supported going forward. HDD solution will always be more affordable with way more cold storage than SSDs.

[Edited by Senua]



Any Bloomberg report that isn't from Jason Scherier I'd advise taking with a dump truck of salt



Lol we literally can't go one week without seeing articles with bad news about the PS5. Absolutely hilarious reading the comments on the PushSquare articles: "Who cares about this?". If you put together all the 20+ articles with bad news that have been posted since the PS5 showcase a couple of months ago, then a rational person should eventually realise that buying a PS5 now is a bad idea. It's obviously not a huge deal if there's one bad thing about the PS5, but when you have 20+ bad things AND the number keeps increasing every week then we have a pattern here.

Not that my opinion matters that much, reality will reflect the current situation with PS5 and more people are going to start noticing this negative trend on their own. I'm at least going to wait a couple of years for the inevitable PS5 Pro when hopefully Sony has improved upon the system and the situation in general.



@LtSarge Honestly not really in that camp. Maybe because I'm already super jaded by provincial VAT as a Canadian so the PS5 is already naturally more expensive here let alone the games, but I literally just don't care at this point. Sony's exclusives have typically been worth the price of admission in my opinion and the costs of developing these games have naturally been increasing over time for obvious reasons. I absolutely see the value in stuff like Game Pass but cheap game pricing or not, I haven't seen a single thing from Xbox outside Hellblade that truly wowed me in the same way literally 90% of the PS5 lineup has. I don't generally trust any editor at Bloomberg that isn't Jason Scherier so I have reasons to doubt the validity of this supposed report, but even if it's true, I have a feeling Sony knows their ***** is already expensive as hell but the thing is they make that ***** look good regardless.

I'm honestly surprised people are actually this hellbent on moaning and complaining about Sony now when not even a few months ago everyone was clowning on Microsoft right up until the Bethesda thing happened. Like good for them but Xbox definitely has its own flaws in my mind

[Edited by TheFrenchiestFry]



@TheFrenchiestFry meh some people need winners and losers. Both companies have strong sides and weak sides.

But I do agree about that guy. He’s got some weird coverage. He’s also got some out there ideas about the Switch :/



@LtSarge Yeah someone should maintain the huge pile of Ls the PS has been taking this year cuz lot of ignorant folks don’t seem to look at things with the same shade of glass. At the end of the day it’s ultimately bad for the competition if the communities don’t start demanding better from these companies.



@Senua Exactly, but since Sony has been doing so well with PS4 they think they can get away with releasing a product with a lot of flaws. For example, BC on PS5 has 100 games with errors, PS5 doesn't have a web browser, doesn't support storing PS5 games on external HDDs and so on. And these news pieces are only from the past week.

It honestly feels like for every bad news that's about PlayStation, there's good news for Xbox. They recently announced that you'd be getting one month of Disney+ if you're a GPU member, and this week they're adding EA Play to GPU along with a bunch of other great games such as Tetris Connected, Gears Tactics, Final Fantasy VIII, Destiny 2 Beyond Light and so on.

Then we have the people who complain that there isn't any compelling first-party content on Series X right now, which really goes to show how myopic people can be. Xbox Game Studios now consists of 23 studios which means you can expect at least 20 first-party games during this new generation. Just because Series X doesn't have them right now at this very moment doesn't mean that they will never arrive. You buy a new console as an investment for future games and right now Microsoft has more first-party studios than Sony, which means more first-party titles on the Xbox ecosystem. Not to mention that Microsoft has already stated that they will be looking into acquiring more studios, including Japanese ones, so I don't really understand when people say that Xbox doesn't have compelling first-party output. If anything, Xbox is going to have the most varied first-party output of the big three companies this generation. You can also see how much Microsoft is pushing for variety when you browse through the games in Game Pass. As a gamer who loves variety, Xbox is literally a match made in heaven for me.

[Edited by LtSarge]



@LtSarge I absolutely think the first party argument is still valid. Xbox was really banking on Halo Infinite being their big next gen showcase and now that it's been delayed into next year after that extremely rough demo showcase, I can't really make a case for what's incredibly compelling about their proposition. I don't care about consoles. I care about games, and on that front the PS5 has seriously impressed me with the amount of variety on display from both their showcases. Assassin's Creed, Gears, Watch Dogs and even Yakuza aren't compelling enough reasons to buy an Xbox from my point of view. Sony's launch lineup is also mediocre in a sense when you consider Miles Morales and Sackboy are cross gen, but Sony at least has a true next gen exclusive with Demon's Souls and that particular game is the one thing I've seen from both console manufacturers that truly looks next gen and something that just couldn't be done on this current lineup of consoles.

I may come off as Sony biased, but I'm really not. I really want Xbox to pull through and succeed since I know people personally who flat out regret investing in the Xbox One altogether this last generation, but as it stands, I'm not seeing the games. Sony's console policies may be dumb, and there are definitely things I wish were ready for launch like being able to expand your included memory, but what ultimately makes me gravitate towards them is the fact they at least came out with compelling software, with an entire launch window of extremely good looking games that Xbox at present just doesn't sway me with. The only thing I care about from them at this moment is Hellblade, because both Avowed and Fable, which I would be excited for typically, seem to be a ways off, and in the case of the latter, like several years away.


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