
Topic: Official PlayStation Thread

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Since we already have a thread for Nintendo Switch, I thought why not have one for all things PlayStation.

So I just saw that Kotaku put up this article regarding some Ubisoft games not being BC on PS5:

Which I find incredibly weird. Sony went out and posted that the majority of PS4 games would be playable on PS5, with only a handful being excluded and they even posted a list of which games would not be BC. That's why I'm finding this announcement from Ubisoft to be very weird because the games mentioned in the article, such as Assassin's Creed Syndicate, were not mentioned in the official list by Sony. Have they not tested all their games at all? I have to wonder now what other games are being excluded from the list. This could turn out to be another PR nightmare for Sony if more cases like this start showing up in the weeks leading up to PS5 launch. What do you guys think?

[Edited by FraserG]



I think that the backwards compatibility on PS5 is an afterthought. Some games have issues with save compatibility and some are not even playable. Not ideal.



@BlueOcean I agree, even Sony has gone out to say that there could be issues playing these games. But it's so weird that they told everyone that there would only be some games unplayable and now this story with Ubisoft comes out where we find out that even more games will be unplayable. It's like they are exhibiting a tendency of never telling their consumers the complete truth (such as the "we believe in generations" part). It's always like:

"Yes, everything will work fine on PS5*

*except for this and this and this and this.."

I just don't get the lack of transparency, it's only going to cause issues for them in the future.



The contrast in transparency in opening this generation has been staggering.

As above, I do think BC was an afterthought for Sony. Along with the whole RDNA thing, and PSNow being unavailable in Australia, PS5 is getting less appealing.

The controller, SSD speed and first party games (to an extent), are the driving force behind Sony's offering.

Ecosystem, build quality, graphical features, and BC are things Sony should be aware of.



I dirty, lol. To be honest I like PS just as much as the Xbox and Switch. I will more then likely end up with a PS5 this gen, but starting off Xbox just gives me more right now.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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Oh boy, this thread will be entertaining I'm sure lol! For anyone wondering about the dualsense, it's a fantastic controller, definitely an improvement over the DS4! If anyone has any questions about it I'd be more than happy to answer



A lot of confusion as there is mixed messages coming out about the inclusion of RT from the developers. In one they are saying no and another saying yes so it seems this article is picking up on the 'no'. Its listed as having RT elsewhere and the devs themselves also state elsewhere it does so we may just have to wait and see.

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

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@redd214 does the d-pad feel similar to the PSP’s?



@mousieone can't say for sure as I never actually owned a psp. Compared to the ps4 controller though the buttons aren't concave in the center and does feel more precise in use.



@redd214 lol you got your controller already? Weird, but cool!

Yeah it looks like the first proper controller Sony's ever made... Appearance aside (the Batman cowl design is so ugly it's likable )

I find it funny, after the Duke and Japan's rejection of it that Sony now has a ginormous American sized controller and xbox now has a smaller Japan sized controller.

Huh, fighting game enthusiasts are not going to be happy with those dpad changes. I never liked the ps dpad but fighter fans adored them.

@mousieone the psp2000 had the snappy, clicky dpad right? It's been a long time...i have mine in a box somewhere....i know vita does.

@BAMozzy Why should the games themselves be any different from the standard confusion surrounding basically everything about the console? Lol



@NEStalgia not weird at all, they moved up the release date of the accessories to the 30th. You can freely go to the store and buy one now.



@NEStalgia True LOL - but when its the Developer themselves saying 2 different things, that's very different from the lack of clarity and openness leading to speculation and confusion. I know devs aren't always the most honest about their games and how they run on various hardware - 4k for example doesn't mean 'native' 4k as it can be a reconstructed 4k or only hit 4k when you look at the ground thanks to dynamic resolution scaling or 60fps can be anything from a 'locked' 60fps to a little bit more than 30fps...

In truth, I couldn't care less about Demon Souls and whether or not it has RT, regardless of whether that's just Global Illumination, Shadows or reflections - its not on my wanted list at all. How it runs on PS5 is irrelevant to and cannot be used as a indicator of how powerful it is, how other games may run etc because there is nothing to relate it to. Its different from say Yakuza where we can see what that engine runs like on other hardware and its the same dev team too so we can use that to gauge Hardware. Its why benchmarks look at common games built by the same devs and same engine.

If/when it comes to PC, you can then use it as some indication of the hardware. It maybe heavier than say Assassins Creed: Valhalla and understand why its 1440/60 - just like we can look at Yakuza and understand why its 1440/60 on series X when Assassins Creed: Valhalla is [expected to be] 4k - 2.2x the resolution. We know an RTX 2080 can't run Yakuza at 4k/60 either so we can use that to say that its not the 'hardware' itself is the issue.

Watched DF's PC Watchdogs analysis and if you don't have the best CPU, even at 720p, you won't get a locked 60fps with RT so that tells you that its CPU heavy and even if they offered a 1440p RT mode on next gen, its not likely to hit 60fps with RT on. It does bug me when people say they would rather devs went for 1080/60 than 4k/30 on Pro/X consoles - as if the 'resolution' alone is what determines frame rate when the CPU was the bottleneck. Even if they dropped the res down to 720p, some games wouldn't hit 60fps. That's why the Series S won't be such a problem as it has a powerful CPU so its just 'graphical' scaling. AI, Physics, draw calls, hit detection etc are normally carried out by CPU and if it was weaker, you would have to scale down NPC's for example or make changes to the game rather than just scaling down the graphics processing in line with the difference in GPU...

Still interested to see some real comparisons across multi-platform games although I do also think we may need to wait some time to see what each console can do when they are pushed and with all the features being utilised fully.

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

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Xbox Gamertag: bamozzy


@BAMozzy haha agreed on not carring about the game. I own all the From games and don't like any of them.... Its just not fun to be. It's a little depressing when the whole hype train is bound up in a soulsborne game when you hate soulsborne. .

They made a really pretty game, and Bluepoint is a phenomenal team. I do find it interesting it doesn't seem like a great performing showcase for the hardware. I blamed rt, but now it's unclear.

@redd214 Ahhh, somehow I missed that that. I don't need and accessories Other than the psvr adapter, Thankfully.



Maybe they mistyped in the Dualsense coding and put a 3 instead of a 4 LOL

Seems like 3rd Party Faceplates won't be allowed by Sony - at least not unofficial unlicensed ones....

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

Xbox Gamertag: bamozzy


@BAMozzy More like they have forgotten to block compatibility for ps3. 😂

[Edited by Senua]



At this point I don't even know what Sony is doing anymore, lol. These kinds of stories just never stop coming. Wonder what else people are going to discover in the coming weeks.



The plate thing is kind of sad because there are a ton of people that do not like the white on black. And by do not like I mean visually hate. Whilst I understand legally how they can do it, I just don’t see how they don’t see this is like “skins”. It’s hardly going to eat into any profits. And if they do plan on releasing their own plates; threaten legal action after your product is ready for the general populace. :/


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