That photo has been wrecking my head all day... when a colleague first showed it to me this morning it was white and gold (to both of us) and I couldn't understand the fuss. Forgot all about it and carried on with my day. Come early afternoon I saw it on another website and the damn thing was now, without any shadow of a doubt, blue and black. I went back to the site I first saw it on and sure enough that was blue and black too... it's still white and gold to my colleague... how is that even possible???
Just shown the pic to my work mates, one said the same as me and the other said white and gold and they were both looking at the same time.
Pretty even 50/50 split with the people I've shown it to. Whatsapped a copy to my wife who think's I've now lost the plot... she clearly sees white and gold and can't fathom how I can possibly see anything else. Really bizarre!!!
Blue and Black. This reinforces a discussion I've had with my wife for years in that we always see colours differently. I've always put it down to my slight colour blindness but after watching the news, not!
Topic: AMA - Science
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