I was pretty skeptical at first when platinum games took over the project, but now having played the demo I found the game to be quite entertaining! The lack of classic MGS stealth is a little disappointing but besides that the only other thing Im unsure of is the storyline and how it effects the metal gear franchise as a whole.
Well that's a little disappointing, I was really looking forward to this, but anyways thanks for the honest impression on the game I appreciate it! Guess I'll just have to see what reviews it gets before I go out and buy it then.
It's such a disappointment that this game was canceled, because it would have been on the bestselling list for shure and would have really showed off what kinect was capable of.
Comments 26
Re: Review: Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (Xbox 360)
I was pretty skeptical at first when platinum games took over the project, but now having played the demo I found the game to be quite entertaining! The lack of classic MGS stealth is a little disappointing but besides that the only other thing Im unsure of is the storyline and how it effects the metal gear franchise as a whole.
Re: Play God with Babel Rising on XBLA Next Year
Hmmm sounds like this may work well with kinect, if done right of course!
Re: The Worst Kinect Photoshop We've Ever Seen
Ahahahaha! You guys should make this a new category! Kinect box art reviews!
Re: Review: Kinect Sports: Season Two (Xbox 360)
Finally, another great game for kinect!
Re: Review: Forza Motorsport 4 (Xbox 360)
Looks great gamplay wise and grafically
As well. The kinect features seem very intuative! Great review!
Re: This is How You Swim with Kinect and Michael Phelps
This is just ridiculous
Re: Microsoft Delays Kinect Star Wars Until 2012
Well that kinda sucks... But at least they will fix it up (hopefully) with this delay!
Re: These New Kinect Star Wars Screens Shot First
Even though the preview wasn't all too great, these added levels make me want this even more!
Re: Review: Kinect Sparkler (Xbox Live Arcade)
I find it rather dissapointing that they are charging for these small little apps.
Re: Halo's Kinect Features Will Be "Cool", But No Great Shakes
Well I'm looking forward to how they will be implement the kinect!
Re: R2-D2 Xbox 360 Will Set You Back Over $400
Looks really nice but way to expensive considering I have all of that without the game in black :/
Re: First Impressions: Kinect Star Wars
Well that's a little disappointing, I was really looking forward to this, but anyways thanks for the honest impression on the game I appreciate it! Guess I'll just have to see what reviews it gets before I go out and buy it then.
Re: Crytek Fell in Love with Kinect When Creating Ryse
I'm really looking forward to this one, and all their future projects!
Re: Kinect Will Get Interactive Adverts Next Year
Re: Expect Lots of Kinect Star Wars at E3 2011
KINECT STARWARS FTW!!!...... This better be good
Re: Get Geared Up for E3 With Official Xbox E3 Site
I really hope they shed more light on kinect star wars!
Re: Microsoft Already Building the Future of Kinect Hardware
Why would threy make a new one already? I just got mine for my birthday!!!
Re: Witness the Incredible Graphics of Milo's World
It's such a disappointment that this game was canceled, because it would have been on the bestselling list for shure and would have really showed off what kinect was capable of.
Re: Lima Sky's Doodle Jump Bounding to Kinect
Sounds like it's going to be awesome!!
Re: Ubisoft Could Bring Big Name Franchises to Kinect
Here's hoping to some great titles for kinect!
Re: Avatar Kinect's Facial Mapping Explained in Video Form
Re: Kinect and Wii Combine to Create Call of Duty: Motion Warfare
I'm starting to think kinect is going to need a controller after all
Re: NaturalMotion's Kinect Upgrade Brings Family-Friendly Physics Home
Sounds great for future, hopefully triple A, Kinect titles
Re: This Kinect-Toting Robot is Cute as a Button
It's hard to believe futuristic earth is just around the corner, and it's first steps are with microsofts kinect!
Re: Sense Kinect Star Wars' Christmas Presents in 2011
Wish it was free roam....
Re: Review: Kinect Adventures (Xbox 360)
Meh expected more from this one.. Hopefully kinect sports is better