I have a few: 1. Going to Times Square right around the midnight launch(I didn't get one THERE, but I got one in the morning); 2. Seeing and playing Halo the first time; 3. Bringing it, and the games I bought that first day, with me to Springfield, MO, to see my best friend; 4. Coming back to Springfield the following year and seeing how much the Xbox community had grown; and so much more...
The truly horrible part of this is that it definitively ends the gaming era that I remember most fondly. E3, along with magazines like EGM, GamePro, OXM, XBN, GI, OPM, PSM, and Nintendo Power, were my connection to any and everything gaming...and now, they're all gone!
I bought the OG Xbox for a few reasons: I loved the games, esp. Halo(of course) and Munch's Oddysee; as much as it's lampooned now, I loved the "Duke" OG controller, because it was easier for my hands to use(I have cerebral palsy); I wanted more adult games, but didn't want a PlayStation(HATED the controller, and I have a friendly, but personal, rivalry with my identical twin)!
I don't have another console, as I bought my Series X, and the other Xbox consoles before it, to counter my twin brother's PlayStations(which is why it's EERIE seeing him on an Xbox console now). As such, it's impossible to buy it on another console, but even if I DID have one, I'd likely still not do it, especially if I'd already played it on the Series X.
As I'd mentioned before, as a disabled gamer, I HAVE NO TIME!! I have games I haven't touched in months, games I go back-and-forth with, and games I just plow through until they're done. The first covers a game like RE4; the second covers a game like a sports game; the last covers a game like SW-Jedi Survivor.
@EvenStephen7, YEA...I remember that magazine; I had that, XBN, and a whole slew of other magazines announcing it. Being as I was a native New Yorker, and with everything going on at the time, I remember being nervously excited going down to Times Square for that first giving of the Xbox at Toys R Us and Gamestop. You probably heard all about it if you weren't there, but if you were....MAN, what a night!! I remember picking up the Xbox, Halo, Munch's Oddysee, and Max Payne; BEST NIGHT EVER!!!
@Scummbuddy I never did that, mainly because I was afraid of breaking it due to my disability, but I LOVED the idea, and I DID buy some custom Xboxes(the green Halo Xbox original, the red Xbox 360, the black Xbox 360 Elite, etc.)
@Kaloudz the original Bioshock HAS to be played; it's atmospheric, has a great story, has crazy weapons and modifications...and the twist ending is INSANE.
I've wanted to play Fear, but had to play other games before it to prepare myself. I'd definitely be up for it NOW!
Comments 11
Re: Talking Point: What Are Your Fondest Memories Of The Original Xbox?
I have a few: 1. Going to Times Square right around the midnight launch(I didn't get one THERE, but I got one in the morning); 2. Seeing and playing Halo the first time; 3. Bringing it, and the games I bought that first day, with me to Springfield, MO, to see my best friend; 4. Coming back to Springfield the following year and seeing how much the Xbox community had grown; and so much more...
Re: E3 Is Officially Dead, ESA Confirms In New Statement
The truly horrible part of this is that it definitively ends the gaming era that I remember most fondly. E3, along with magazines like EGM, GamePro, OXM, XBN, GI, OPM, PSM, and Nintendo Power, were my connection to any and everything gaming...and now, they're all gone!
Re: Talking Point: What Convinced You To Pick Xbox In The First Place?
I bought the OG Xbox for a few reasons: I loved the games, esp. Halo(of course) and Munch's Oddysee; as much as it's lampooned now, I loved the "Duke" OG controller, because it was easier for my hands to use(I have cerebral palsy); I wanted more adult games, but didn't want a PlayStation(HATED the controller, and I have a friendly, but personal, rivalry with my identical twin)!
Re: Poll: Will You Be Playing Any Of Xbox's New Multiplatform Games On Other Consoles?
I don't have another console, as I bought my Series X, and the other Xbox consoles before it, to counter my twin brother's PlayStations(which is why it's EERIE seeing him on an Xbox console now). As such, it's impossible to buy it on another console, but even if I DID have one, I'd likely still not do it, especially if I'd already played it on the Series X.
Re: Talking Point: Which Activision Blizzard Series Do You Want To Play Most On Xbox Game Pass?
@RazputinAquato the original Pitfall! would be CRAZY....and I'd be all over it!!
Re: Talking Point: Xbox Fans, How Do You Find Time For All These Amazing 2023 Games?
As I'd mentioned before, as a disabled gamer, I HAVE NO TIME!!
I have games I haven't touched in months, games I go back-and-forth with, and games I just plow through until they're done. The first covers a game like RE4; the second covers a game like a sports game; the last covers a game like SW-Jedi Survivor.
Re: Talking Point: What Are Your Earliest Xbox Memories?
@EvenStephen7, YEA...I remember that magazine; I had that, XBN, and a whole slew of other magazines announcing it. Being as I was a native New Yorker, and with everything going on at the time, I remember being nervously excited going down to Times Square for that first giving of the Xbox at Toys R Us and Gamestop. You probably heard all about it if you weren't there, but if you were....MAN, what a night!! I remember picking up the Xbox, Halo, Munch's Oddysee, and Max Payne; BEST NIGHT EVER!!!
Re: Talking Point: Would You Be Interested In Buying A New Xbox Series X Model?
@Scummbuddy I never did that, mainly because I was afraid of breaking it due to my disability, but I LOVED the idea, and I DID buy some custom Xboxes(the green Halo Xbox original, the red Xbox 360, the black Xbox 360 Elite, etc.)
Re: Hands On With Antstream Arcade: Xbox's Massive New Retro Gaming Collection
I'd check this out just to play Elevator Action again!! I LOVED that game as a kid!!
Re: Talking Point: Which Is The Best BioShock Game On Xbox?
@Kaloudz the original Bioshock HAS to be played; it's atmospheric, has a great story, has crazy weapons and modifications...and the twist ending is INSANE.
I've wanted to play Fear, but had to play other games before it to prepare myself. I'd definitely be up for it NOW!
Re: A Plague Tale: Requiem 'Gameplay Overview' Lands Ahead Of Xbox Game Pass Launch
As much as I want to play this...I gotta get through the first game, and that's behind all the other games I'm into right now!! lol