Comments 11

Re: Talking Point: What Are Your Fondest Memories Of The Original Xbox?


I have a few: 1. Going to Times Square right around the midnight launch(I didn't get one THERE, but I got one in the morning); 2. Seeing and playing Halo the first time; 3. Bringing it, and the games I bought that first day, with me to Springfield, MO, to see my best friend; 4. Coming back to Springfield the following year and seeing how much the Xbox community had grown; and so much more...

Re: Talking Point: What Convinced You To Pick Xbox In The First Place?


I bought the OG Xbox for a few reasons: I loved the games, esp. Halo(of course) and Munch's Oddysee; as much as it's lampooned now, I loved the "Duke" OG controller, because it was easier for my hands to use(I have cerebral palsy); I wanted more adult games, but didn't want a PlayStation(HATED the controller, and I have a friendly, but personal, rivalry with my identical twin)!

Re: Talking Point: What Are Your Earliest Xbox Memories?


@EvenStephen7, YEA...I remember that magazine; I had that, XBN, and a whole slew of other magazines announcing it. Being as I was a native New Yorker, and with everything going on at the time, I remember being nervously excited going down to Times Square for that first giving of the Xbox at Toys R Us and Gamestop. You probably heard all about it if you weren't there, but if you were....MAN, what a night!! I remember picking up the Xbox, Halo, Munch's Oddysee, and Max Payne; BEST NIGHT EVER!!!