Microsoft: When we all play, we all win. Also Microsoft: Oh what’s that? You want to play with your online friends? Pay us or stick to offline.
Its been really unfair that Microsoft has been charging us since 2002 just so we can play online multiplayer when Steam doesn’t. I mean is not like the internet is free so what’s Microsoft excuse for being greedy?? And Sony didn’t charge for online multiplayer with the PS3 so the whole “they need the money to maintain servers” is a complete BS. Microsoft is a multi-billion dollar company with sh*t-ton of cashcows so there’s no justification for paid online. I really hope they come to their senses and make it free.
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Microsoft: When we all play, we all win.
Also Microsoft: Oh what’s that? You want to play with your online friends? Pay us or stick to offline.
Its been really unfair that Microsoft has been charging us since 2002 just so we can play online multiplayer when Steam doesn’t. I mean is not like the internet is free so what’s Microsoft excuse for being greedy?? And Sony didn’t charge for online multiplayer with the PS3 so the whole “they need the money to maintain servers” is a complete BS. Microsoft is a multi-billion dollar company with sh*t-ton of cashcows so there’s no justification for paid online. I really hope they come to their senses and make it free.