Comments 7

Re: Guide: All Of These Games Support 120FPS On Xbox Series X


I really liking the 120fps option for games especially for Overwatch where I have my monitor with 120hz refresh rate, and VRR. I might get myself an HDMI splitter at some point where I don't have to switch HDMI between my 4k/60hz TV for single player games, or play local games with my cousin, and my monitor for pvp games like Overwatch.

Re: Xbox Series FPS Bright Memory 1.0 Is A Very Affordable Launch Title


@KelticDevil Correct, But for an 1 hour for demo for first playthrough unless you wanna get all the achievements and extra stuff thats makes it 2 hours the game should be free as an bonus for getting the series x/s and with bright memory infinite charge it with an price.

The game is indeed good so far. I brought the game on steam for $2 during their summer sale and I played the game on my pc with my xbox controller and I enjoyed it. I am looking forward to trying out bright memory infinite.