Comments 5

Re: Bethesda Has Started Responding To Negative User Reviews Of Starfield


Death stranding fits into the empty world you’re on your own category and does it brilliantly, no mans sky to to a lesser extent, I can get on board barren planets to an extent, but I feel by the year SF was set there absolutely would have been more outposts and unique things going on. This isn’t the case with SF though, also the comment about the astronauts on the moon not being bored is pathetic, they where literally on the damn moon lol no one would be bored, little different sat on the couch moving pixels around an empty space, still I’m a sucker for Bethesda skyfall field template. That statement is just crazy though. Own it add the ability to break up the boredom or don’t.

Re: As It Turns Out, Modern Warfare 2 Has Plenty Of PlayStation Exclusive Content


As a player of all, this really doesn’t effect me, it’s strange, since 5 I’ve had multiple systems but Sony was the company I’d purchase next gen first then the Xbox when could afford, this gen Xbox just impresses me too much with GP that Next gen will be Xbox first. First parties I know will come eventually but still ticks me a bit, but as far as having 100 games I and the family most off all enjoy, it just makes too much sense.