Comments 1

Re: Diablo 4 Adds Console Ray Tracing Ahead Of Xbox Game Pass Debut


I'll be trying this out on PC via GamePass. Those asking why the pre install isn't there yet, not 100% but I know on PC you need to download Activisions launcher. The same goes for EA Play games through GP, need to download EA launcher and Ubisoft games through GP you need to download Ubisofts launcher. I know Activision is now first party but I don't think they've fully integrated everything yet and it is still operating as a separate entity, although I'm sure it will change at some point. Remember Bethesda, all those games got added to GP right away, but I don't think the Activision integration is there yet, and this is kind of just a response to everyone asking where all the games are on GP, lots being done behind the scenes to merge everything under Xbox. I think future Activision games on GP will have pre install options