Comments 58

Re: Review: Stalker 2 (Xbox) - GSC Game World's Long-Awaited Sequel Is A Mess



"Yes, well known, established bastions of video game sites such as Twinfinite, Sector.Sk, JeuxActu, Gameliner, Gaming Blot, Hobby Consolas - et al. All gushing reviews and no mention of poor performance and bugs"

Metacritic score 74% for PC
Metacritic score 80% for Xbox
Metacritic User Score 77%

Steam 9/10
PC Gamer 83%
Game Spot 7/10
Games Radar 7/10
IGN Germany 8/10
Gamerant 9/10
The Guardian 8/10
VG247 8/10

Many of which acknowledge the Pre Release bugs

Re: Review: Stalker 2 (Xbox) - GSC Game World's Long-Awaited Sequel Is A Mess



"just checked Metacritic, (PC - 58 reviews. Xbox - 18). Outside of a handful of obscure sites no one has heard of and who are fanboying hard for the game, ignoring any and all issues in their overall breakdown, no, no they haven't."

Metacritic score 74% for PC
Metacritic score 80% for Xbox
Metacritic User Score 77%

Steam 9/10
PC Gamer 83%
Game Spot 7/10
Games Radar 7/10
IGN Germany 8/10
Gamerant 9/10
The Guardian 8/10
VG247 8/10

So yes, yes they have

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