Comments 2

Re: Review: Your Shape: Fitness Evolved (Xbox 360)


I love this game and it really does offer me a great workout since I'm a beginner (haven't worked out in AGES)! But I do get a little frustrated when the trainer tells me that I'm out of rhythm or my stance or arms are not correct when they clearly ARE. Other than that, I find the game very visually pleasing and I get a great targeted workout. I can't wait to see a possible sequal that may correct some of the minor flaws within the game.

Re: Review: Dance Central (Xbox 360)


I'm rather annoyed that I'm still stuck on the easy songs (although I can do them all on hard now), because I just can't seem to nail some of the moves for the next level. I have done a few rather well I think like "Can't Get You Outta My Head" and "Funky Town". My point is, while I love the game, I'm getting rather bored performing the same songs over and over, and want to get into the next level of songs!