After a long work week I'm just going to vegetate for the whole weekend. These are the games I have on tap.
Xbox One: Wrapping up my second play through of Sunset Overdrive. PS Vita: Damascus Gears and Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragments Steam: Cabela's Big Game Hunter: Pro Hunts
@SuperKMx Surprised that Monster Hunter Frontier G8, CAVE Shooting Collection, Ken No Machi No Ihoujin: Shiro No Oukyuu and Meikyuu Cross Blood: Reloaded is not on the Japan Only backwards compatibility list. I guess baby steps.
I was just reading a blog post on Dovetail Games website about it's partnership with Microsoft. It looks like Xbox One will be getting TS16 instead of TS15 and it is being built on Unreal Engine 4. Which is freakin' fantastic news!
Other news that seem to slip under the radar at Gamescom is Dovetail is also working on an Xbox One flight simulator too. Both simulation games are slated for 2016 release. I can't wait!
If this is getting a western release let's hope Reversi Quest follows. Reversi mixed with SRPG? Yes, please!
There is a longer trailer for Earth Wars on YT that shows more gameplay. Reminds me a lot of the stuff Vanillaware does. I'll give it a go when it releases later this summer.
@Utena-mobile If you're interested in Japanese id@Xbox games you should bookmark the Japanese Xbox blog. Also here is a link highlighting a few more Japanese indie games coming to Xbox One via id@Xbox.
I find it really sad that the 3DO has better half-year hardware sale stats then the Xbox One.
Microsoft says they’re not giving up on Japan, but their actions say they kind of are. Japan is more than just anime and they need to focus on that.
My two cents on three things they need to do are:
Partner with Line Corporation to offer apps and services that Japanese people care about like Line Video Chat, Line Live Player and let them pay for Xbox/Windows content via Line Pay.
Partner with Nippon Professional Baseball for an exclusive app similar to the NFL app in North America. Also, there are NPB games developed by Konami. Get them on Xbox One and associate them with the Xbox brand similar to what they have done with Madden and FIFA.
Focus on getting some Xbox 360 games that are popular in Japan on the backwards compatibility list.
@SuperKMx At this point I don't see any big Japanese publisher being convinced to put big Japanese AAA exclusively on Xbox One. id@Xbox should be Microsofts main focus for exclusive content for the Japanese market.
Trackmania is one of my favorite racing franchises, but I have to ask why Ubisoft would pass up release this on the 27th in the United States? That is Black Friday for crying out loud. Slap the box cover in Wal-Mart's black friday flyer, bill it as a great stocking stuffer and pay up for a display in the center aisle. Ubisoft is also skipping Cyber Monday too. No one will have money after these major shopping days for your game.
@GreatPlayer I've never played or heard of Go! Train, so I can't compare the two. I would recommend checking out Train Sim Live or Squirrel on Twitch. is another good resource. It's where I started when I got into TS15.
The add-on content is very pricey. Take for example if you want the Soldier Summit route it will set you back $39.99. Which, brings up the question of how Dovetail will approach Xbox One version of the game. I usually wait for Steam sales to get my add-on content. Also the visual quality on some of the add-on content is hit and miss. But it is a fantastic game and I really love it.
While I'm going to double dip on TS15 I would love to see Pure Xbox sit down with Dovetail and ask them the hard questions about the Xbox One version of TS15. Is it a straight port of the PC version or being built from the ground up for Xbox One? Will there be cross buy/cross play via the RailWork hub? Will the PC version be moved off of Steam and branded a Xbox for Windows game? Will the pricing for add-on content cost the same on Xbox and PC? Will Xbox One version support mods? So many questions.
Picked this up on my way home from work today. The first games I went to were Battletoads, R/C Pro Am and R/C Pro Am 2. It was like my childhood all over again.
Hopefully they add the Wizard & Warriors games and Battletoads in Battlemanics as post release content.
I absolutely love The Escapists. It one of my favorite games on Xbox One. I will be happy to throw money at this crossover when it releases later this year.
If Team 17 has the time a The Escapists/Alien Breed crossover would be awesomesauce.
Most of my weekend will be spent with Space Galaga. I'm hooked on this Galaga/Space Dandy crossover. I also plan on spending more time with Q and Minecraft.
African Adventures is an good game, but It’s not worth double dipping if you own it already on Steam or last-gen consoles.
I question Activisions decision to port a game from 2013 to new-gen consoles and not last year’s Cabela’s Big Game Hunter: Pro Hunts, which is more of a pure hunting sim, and has big names like Jim Shockley attached to it. Pro Hunts is also a better game then African Adventures.
I recently had a discussion with a friend of mine on why I stopped reading reviews for Cabela games. Most of the time the reviews are padded out with jokes about country folk, which is insulting to me, so I have to say number six “Ditch The Cheap Shots” made me smile.
This was a wonderful opinion piece. Thank you for writing it.
@SuperKMx @DesignateTurian Thank you guys for the info! I really hope Frontier adds some type of kinect voice support. That voice attack program was really cool.
I've watched some streams of this on Twitch and I've seen some users verbally tell their ships to dock among other things. Will this be in the Xbox One version or is that a special program that PC gamers added?
Comments 31
Re: Ubisoft Confirms Far Cry Primal Details, Sets February Xbox One Date
Haha, the second video "We're super f***** excited for this game".
Me too sir! Me too!
Re: Phil Spencer Finds the Console Wars "Distasteful"
I agree with Phil and I find it pretty pathetic to put so much emotional investment into arguing over pieces of plastic and silicon.
Re: Valiant Hearts and The Walking Dead Go Free in October with Games With Gold
LMAO ... I have to laugh at myself I just bought Valiant Heart last week. XD
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Seventy Four
After a long work week I'm just going to vegetate for the whole weekend. These are the games I have on tap.
Xbox One: Wrapping up my second play through of Sunset Overdrive.
PS Vita: Damascus Gears and Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragments
Steam: Cabela's Big Game Hunter: Pro Hunts
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Seventy Three
I'll be playing Forza 6, Mad Max and The Handsome Collection this weekend.
Re: Bayonetta Coming to Xbox One via Backward Compatibility as Microsoft Polls Japanese Publishers
@SuperKMx Surprised that Monster Hunter Frontier G8, CAVE Shooting Collection, Ken No Machi No Ihoujin: Shiro No Oukyuu and Meikyuu Cross Blood: Reloaded is not on the Japan Only backwards compatibility list. I guess baby steps.
Re: Resident Evil 2 Remake Confirmed
Sweet! I will buy day one.
Re: Gamescom 2015: Train Simulator Rolling Onto Xbox One
I was just reading a blog post on Dovetail Games website about it's partnership with Microsoft. It looks like Xbox One will be getting TS16 instead of TS15 and it is being built on Unreal Engine 4. Which is freakin' fantastic news!
Other news that seem to slip under the radar at Gamescom is Dovetail is also working on an Xbox One flight simulator too. Both simulation games are slated for 2016 release. I can't wait!
Re: Japanese ID@Xbox Offering Earth Wars Will Have Massive Weapons Galore
If this is getting a western release let's hope Reversi Quest follows. Reversi mixed with SRPG? Yes, please!
There is a longer trailer for Earth Wars on YT that shows more gameplay. Reminds me a lot of the stuff Vanillaware does. I'll give it a go when it releases later this summer.
@Utena-mobile If you're interested in Japanese id@Xbox games you should bookmark the Japanese Xbox blog. Also here is a link highlighting a few more Japanese indie games coming to Xbox One via id@Xbox.
Re: Gamescom 2015: AER Reaches New Heights With Stunning Screenshots and Trailer
This looks like it can be very good game if the story and gameplay are solid.
Also, does anyone know if this game being built on Unity with the PolyWorld toolkit add-on? It defiantly has that low poly look of that Unity add-on.
Re: Famitsu's Half Year Report Shows Just How Badly the Xbox One is Doing in Japan
I find it really sad that the 3DO has better half-year hardware sale stats then the Xbox One.
Microsoft says they’re not giving up on Japan, but their actions say they kind of are. Japan is more than just anime and they need to focus on that.
My two cents on three things they need to do are:
Partner with Line Corporation to offer apps and services that Japanese people care about like Line Video Chat, Line Live Player and let them pay for Xbox/Windows content via Line Pay.
Partner with Nippon Professional Baseball for an exclusive app similar to the NFL app in North America. Also, there are NPB games developed by Konami. Get them on Xbox One and associate them with the Xbox brand similar to what they have done with Madden and FIFA.
Focus on getting some Xbox 360 games that are popular in Japan on the backwards compatibility list.
@SuperKMx At this point I don't see any big Japanese publisher being convinced to put big Japanese AAA exclusively on Xbox One. id@Xbox should be Microsofts main focus for exclusive content for the Japanese market.
Re: Gamescom 2015: Trackmania Turbo's Wacky Double Driver Mode Looks Set To Cause Chaos on Xbox One
Trackmania is one of my favorite racing franchises, but I have to ask why Ubisoft would pass up release this on the 27th in the United States? That is Black Friday for crying out loud. Slap the box cover in Wal-Mart's black friday flyer, bill it as a great stocking stuffer and pay up for a display in the center aisle. Ubisoft is also skipping Cyber Monday too. No one will have money after these major shopping days for your game.
Re: Gamescom 2015: Train Simulator Rolling Onto Xbox One
@GreatPlayer I've never played or heard of Go! Train, so I can't compare the two. I would recommend checking out Train Sim Live or Squirrel on Twitch. is another good resource. It's where I started when I got into TS15.
The add-on content is very pricey. Take for example if you want the Soldier Summit route it will set you back $39.99. Which, brings up the question of how Dovetail will approach Xbox One version of the game. I usually wait for Steam sales to get my add-on content. Also the visual quality on some of the add-on content is hit and miss. But it is a fantastic game and I really love it.
While I'm going to double dip on TS15 I would love to see Pure Xbox sit down with Dovetail and ask them the hard questions about the Xbox One version of TS15. Is it a straight port of the PC version or being built from the ground up for Xbox One? Will there be cross buy/cross play via the RailWork hub? Will the PC version be moved off of Steam and branded a Xbox for Windows game? Will the pricing for add-on content cost the same on Xbox and PC? Will Xbox One version support mods? So many questions.
Re: Gamescom 2015: Microsoft Announces Somewhat Disappointing Xbox-Branded Seagate External HDD
meh, I'll just go with the 4TB for the same price. You're basically paying to have an Xbox logo on your drive and I can do with out that.
Re: Out Today: Rare Replay (Xbox One)
Picked this up on my way home from work today. The first games I went to were Battletoads, R/C Pro Am and R/C Pro Am 2. It was like my childhood all over again.
Hopefully they add the Wizard & Warriors games and Battletoads in Battlemanics as post release content.
Re: Gamescom 2015: Cities: Skylines coming to Xbox One
I love these types of games. Day one for sure.
Also, this announcement was a massive surprised me as I thought Sony Computer Entertainment announced a partnership with Paradox at E3 2014.
Re: Gamescom 2015: Train Simulator Rolling Onto Xbox One
Yes! I already own this and a few scenarios/trains on PC, but I will definitely double dip for the Xbox One version.
This news has made my day. Now all I need is SCS Software to bring American Truck Simulator to Xbox One and I can say goodbye to Steam.
Re: The Escapists The Walking Dead Crossover Announced for Xbox One
I absolutely love The Escapists. It one of my favorite games on Xbox One. I will be happy to throw money at this crossover when it releases later this year.
If Team 17 has the time a The Escapists/Alien Breed crossover would be awesomesauce.
Re: Liverpool Captain Jordan Henderson to Star on UK's FIFA 16 Cover
Congrats to Mr. Henderson. It would be nice if the American version has Hope Solo and Carli Lloyd on the cover of FIFA 16.
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Sixty Three
Most of my weekend will be spent with Space Galaga. I'm hooked on this Galaga/Space Dandy crossover. I also plan on spending more time with Q and Minecraft.
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Fifty
Borderlands: The Handsome Collection, Episode Two of Tales from the Borderlands, Ziggurat and some Motorsport Manager
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Forty Nine
I will be playing some more of Hand of Fate and Ziggurat. I'll also be diving back into the city I'm building in MineCraft's creative mode.
Re: Review: Ziggurat (Xbox One)
I loved Heretic and Hexen back in the day, so I picked this up last night an played it for about an hour. It's really really good.
My only neg is there is some screen tearing, which is more noticeable at the character select screen, but nothing a patch can't fix.
Fantastic game and It will sit with Hand of Fate as a game the will be permanently installed on my Xbox's HDD.
Re: Out Today: Final Fantasy Type-0 HD (Xbox One)
I have not gotten around to playing Type-0 yet, but I have thoroughly enjoyed playing the FFXV demo.
Re: Out Today: Cabela's African Adventures (Xbox One)
African Adventures is an good game, but It’s not worth double dipping if you own it already on Steam or last-gen consoles.
I question Activisions decision to port a game from 2013 to new-gen consoles and not last year’s Cabela’s Big Game Hunter: Pro Hunts, which is more of a pure hunting sim, and has big names like Jim Shockley attached to it. Pro Hunts is also a better game then African Adventures.
Re: Rumour: Microsoft Has An Exclusive Licensed NFL Football Title in the Works
Add "Sports Talk" to the title and I'm sold!
Also, Joe Montana tweeted out a screen shot, so there might be some truth to the rumour.
Re: Fish On! Dovetail Games Fishing Confirmed for Xbox One
This is awesome news.
Re: Editor's Opinion: Avoiding Pitfalls - Ten Tips For Game Critics
I recently had a discussion with a friend of mine on why I stopped reading reviews for Cabela games. Most of the time the reviews are padded out with jokes about country folk, which is insulting to me, so I have to say number six “Ditch The Cheap Shots” made me smile.
This was a wonderful opinion piece. Thank you for writing it.
Re: Elite Dangerous Coming to Xbox One This Summer
@SuperKMx @DesignateTurian Thank you guys for the info! I really hope Frontier adds some type of kinect voice support. That voice attack program was really cool.
Re: Ditch The Goggles! World Of Diving is Coming to Xbox One
This is up my ally. Really looking forward to this!
Re: Elite Dangerous Coming to Xbox One This Summer
I've watched some streams of this on Twitch and I've seen some users verbally tell their ships to dock among other things. Will this be in the Xbox One version or is that a special program that PC gamers added?