Comments 5

Re: Xbox Boss: We Could Close ActiBlizz Deal In US, But We're Waiting On UK


I understand WHY they're being deferential to the UK/CMA, but I truly wish they would just close in the US, forcing the CMA to understand the consequences of their idiotic decision to block, which wasn't grounded in any form of reality.

As long as they let the UK hold them up, the CMA can continually find ways to drag this out. The longer it gets strung along, the more opportunities other agencies (specifically the FTC) have to throw wrenches in the program (their administrative hearing, for example).

Re: Poll: Are You Buying The 'Early Access Upgrade' For Starfield?


People voting "it's stupid to pay for early access" aren't necessarily wrong but they're also not thinking about what the Premium Edition comes with. I preordered it not for the early access but because it has the first story DLC, in game items, the soundtrack, and the digital artbook.

DLC never gets added to Game Pass titles (see: Forza Horizon 4, 5; The Outer Worlds, et cetera) so that'll be an individual purchase anyway. The DLC itself is probably going to be around $25-$30 when it releases. Add in the normal cost of soundtracks and art books and you've already gotten your $31.49 out of it.

Early access is just A perk, not THE reason to buy it.

Re: Starfield Is Launching On Xbox This September, Developer Direct Arriving In June


This is a game that was supposed to come out last November and yet we've seen almost nothing of it outside of curated cinematics and concept art. We had one brief view of gameplay nearly a year ago and got to see some snippets of gameplay over Todd's shoulder in this announcement, but that's it. They said it was going to arrive in the first half of 2023, but the Direct won't even be here until the END of the first half of 2023... at which point we might finally see some actual gameplay worth a damn.

We know precious little about this game that's been continually delayed except that it's a Bethesda RPG in space. My hype for this is rock bottom and I won't be surprised if it gets another delay into November. They've already lied to us twice about release dates, not sure why I should trust them THIS time.

Re: The Outer Worlds: Spacer's Choice Edition Is Getting Mixed Feedback For Xbox Series X|S


Morbid curiosity got the better of me last night and I bought the upgrade on Series X. Needless to say, I've wasted my money until there's a performance patch. The performance videos don't show just how awful this remaster runs. If it were just a matter of dropping down into the low 50s, I could live but the frequency of the drops, the fact that it often drops well into the 40s, and the CONSTANT stuttering is beyond atrocious. VRR/FreeSync doesn't even help. It's so stuttery that it almost gives me motion sickness at times — and I'm not prone to motion sickness except when playing VR.

I really feel bad for Obsidian because they're going to have their reputation tarnished over a product they had little to nothing to do with. This is entirely the fault of Virtuos Games and Private Division/Take-Two pushing out a quick cash grab 'remaster'.

Frankly, I'm not even sure I find the lighting improvements as great as everyone keeps saying they are. Everything looks oversaturated and washed out, like a cartoon. Reds and oranges are blindingly prominent now.

Re: Soapbox: I Hope Forza Horizon 6 Goes In A Different Direction For The Series


I agree. I don't know what that new direction is and, frankly, it's not my job to figure that out. What I do know is that FH5 has been my least played Forza Horizon game because I couldn't get past feeling like I was just playing in a prettier Australia. Hell, I'm almost certain some, if not many, of the off road races are just copy/pastes of the same courses from FH4.

I've put more time in the Hot Wheels expansion for FH5 than I've put into the base game — and both pale in comparison to the time I put in FH3 and 4.

The "here's a big map loaded with icons" design with constant rewards that have me drowning in cars has run its course for me.