Comments 62

Re: Video: Here's A Look At Xbox Emulation Running On Valve's Steam Deck


To be fair, emulation for the original Xbox has been notriously difficult to crack, even on regular PCs. Not going to link anything, but there is a lengthy video on YouTube explaining why that is whereas Dreamcast, GameCube, and Playstation 2 emulation (and even later consoles) have practically been solved.

Shame though. Mad Dash Racing, Murakumo, and a few other Original Xbox games are still stuck in that generation and unplayable even on 360.

Re: Xbox Exclusive Jet Set Radio Future Is Officially 20 Years Old


A good day to boot this up on the 360 since at least it was back compatible there!

Excited for Bomb Rush Cyberfunk. Team Reptile has shown they have the sound and aesthetic nailed down with Lethal League and Lethal League Blaze and all the teasers/trailers for Bomb Rush are looking great. It's the closest we'll get until SEGA decides to make cool games again.

Re: Rare Is Closing Down Sea Of Thieves' Arena Mode Next Month


@Bobobiwan I agree, time-limited things can be lame and I've seen this complaint a lot. That said, since they want to have story moments that advance/change the world in material ways, there really isn't a way to manage that since it's a shared world game. And to give them some credit, there are like 17 permanent story adventures in the game now and based on achievement percentages (if those mean anything) most people haven't played through half of that content.

If it's any consolation, the story takes about 45 minutes tops to complete solo, so you don't need to dedicate a lot of time to see what's going on.

Re: Don Mattrick Discusses The Failures Of The 2013 Xbox One Launch


@oconnoclast such a good point. I feel like a lot of people that consider themselves gamers or are active in gaming communities, forums, sites, etc. latch onto the "Playstation has the better games and more exclusives, that's why they have the larger install base" narrative, but that isn't the mentality behind the vast majority of consumers (who don't buy/play more than 5 games per year). The Spider-Man stat is a good example and it applies to lots of other console exclusives (Breath of the Wild, Metroid Dread, Psychonauts 2, Horizon Zero Dawn, Last of Us, etc).

There are some exclusives that manage mass-market appeal, like Mario Kart (and maybe Halo will redeem itself over the next year!) that have a 50%+ install/attach rate, but it's extremely uncommon.

Re: Poll: What Is Your Xbox Game Of The Year For 2021?


Hades, Halo, Forza, Psychonauts in no particular order
Sable! The audio bugs and framerate problems on Series X were annoying, but even still, the exploration and writing were so great, I really didn't want this game to end. For being a Breath-of-thd-Wild-like game, I felt more invested in the narrative, characters, and ending than I ever did in Zelda.

Re: Roundup: Here's What The Critics Are Saying About Hood: Outlaws & Legends So Far


Was really excited for this game until I watched some uploads of full matches. The element of stealth gameplay is gone after the first third of the match and then it just becomes an overt battle between the two teams as they mostly ignore the braindead AI. The one powerful AI unit, the sheriff, is comically slow-moving and only threatening because he kills players instantly once in grab range.

I had high hopes for an online stealth multiplayer game (dreaming of something to fill the void of Splinter Cell 2 and 3's Spies v Mercs), but this is absolutely not it.

Re: Phil Spencer Explains Why Xbox Originally Decided To Compete Against PlayStation


@BionicDodo I think you're referring to the likelihood of exclusive / limited-release games in the context of an acquisition, meaning players that don't have that platform are cut off from content. Fair point, but you're overlooking the good that can come from acquisitions in the sense that developers have access to better resources which should lead to better games. For example, Tim Schafer has mentioned in quite a few interviews since XGS acquired Double Fine how happy he is that he can focus on creating games and not the business side of being a game studio. I'd say better games is a win for players, and at least with the Xbox acquisitions, you have the option of playing on Xbox, PC, or even just an Android phone via xCloud.

Re: Microsoft: We Want More Xbox Backwards Compatible Games, But It's Difficult


Even outside of licensed games or games with licensed soundtracks, there are still a bunch I'm hoping to see make it over:
Space Channel 5 p2, Dead or Alive Ultimate and 3, Gunvalkyrie, Otogi 1 & 2, Phantasy Star Online, and Tenchu come to mind. Also surprised the Kingdom Under Fire and Ninety-Nine Nights games haven't made it considering those were platform exclusives.

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