"Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary is a 2011 first-person shooter video game developed by 343 Industries, Saber Interactive and Certain Affinity. It is a remake of Halo: Combat Evolved (2001), developed by Bungie."
CEA is a remake and was developed by 343 as well as those other studios you mentioned.
Anyway, I feel like the whole point of your comment was to nitpick what I said instead of actually grasping the point I'm trying to make. The whole point is that letting a new studio with no experience whatsoever with a franchise develop the next big entry is a recipe for disaster. That's why you give them these remaster/remake projects in order to help them familiarise themselves with the franchises. It literally doesn't matter if it's a remaster or a remake, as long as it helps them understand the fundamentals of the franchises. How else would you explain why studios like The Coalition knew how to make Gears of War 4? They just watched playthroughs of the older games on YouTube? Come on. They obviously used the opportunity they were given with GoW UE to learn the ins and outs of the series.
That's what I'm trying to get at and that's why letting a new studio make Dead Space 4 immediately instead of letting them get used to how the series works first would be a very bad idea.
@TimG13 I think EA needed Motive (studio behind the remake) to make a remake of Dead Space first before making a completely new game. The reason being that they haven't worked on Dead Space before and when a studio takes over an old franchise that another studio worked on, then it usually starts with a remake. For example, when 343 took over after Bungie, they made Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary and not Halo 4 immediately. Same with The Coalition after Epic Games, they made Gears of War Ultimate Edition and then Gears of War 4. So making a remake of the first Dead Space is simply because EA wants Motive to learn how to craft these games first. I'm certain they have more long-term plans for the franchise and a new game is definitely going to come out eventually, given that the remake sells well that is.
So I personally don't see the problem with this, we're going to get more games for this franchise regardless. Not to mention that because the series has been absent for almost a decade, a remake is definitely going to help bring people up to speed about what this series is all about instead of making them jump straight into the fourth game.
I just can't believe that it's actually happening. EA is slowly turning things around, first with Mass Effect 4 and now a remake of Dead Space. I seriously can't wait to play this game, the first Dead Space is my favourite horror game of all time!
I played a couple of hours of Raji and this game is great! It's inspired by Prince of Persia with Hinduism as its theme and so far I think this is a very unique experience. I've said it before, games that are based on different cultures are definitely going to help give the gaming industry the breath of fresh air and variety it so desperately needs right now.
@zupertramp Mobile games are not the same as console games, true. But Game Pass and Netflix are both on mobile devices, so it doesn't matter. They're still competing on the same platform.
Connect that with the Netflix rumour and it all starts to make sense. Sony doesn't want to launch a new service from the ground-up, so they're using Netflix for its huge audience and putting their games on there. And we all know that Sony isn't afraid of abandoning their old products/services. If a partnership with Netflix proves to be more fruitful than PS Now, then you can bet that they will abandon PS Now right away.
@Magabro Exactly. Netflix doesn't have the gaming expertise, while Sony doesn't have a subscription service with hundreds of millions of users. It would be incredibly risky for Sony to launch a service like Game Pass on their own, not to mention expensive. Netflix has a ready-to-go service for Sony, and Sony has the games that Netflix needs. If they teamed up, they would surely be a force to be reckoned with.
Mobile games could just be the beginning. If PlayStation is partnering up with Netflix and adding PlayStation titles to their service, then that's definitely going to hit Microsoft hard. Also keep in mind that Netflix is available on Xbox systems, so Sony could potentially end up stealing costumers from Microsoft on their own home turf. Imagine Series X users unsubscribing from Game Pass and subscribing to Netflix in order to play Ghost of Tsushima on their Series X. That would be an absolutely insane future we would live in.
@Spiders Agreed. But I think Microsoft anticipated this. I mean, they launched Game Pass in 2017 and started their acquisition spree in 2018. Then years later, all of these companies like Facebook, Amazon, Google and Netflix want to get in on subscription services for video games. There are some very smart and forward-thinking people working at Microsoft who figured out that this is the direction that the gaming industry is going to take in the future. So I have no doubt that they've made plans that are going to be carried out in the foreseeable future as a response to these new competitors.
But Netflix adding games is still going to affect Game Pass regardless of what Microsoft does. That's an undeniable fact.
Saying that this won't be competing with Game Pass just because it's mobile games is like saying indie games aren't competing with AAA games. Both are in the same market, they will have an effect on consumer decision regardless of the size. Game Pass is on mobile devices, Netflix is on mobile devices. I can agree that it might not have an adverse effect, but saying that it isn't competing with Game Pass at all is simply not true.
If e.g. parents find out that Netflix is adding mobile games, they're going to think: "Why am I paying for both Game Pass and Netflix for my kids when I can just pay for Netflix since the games don't require an additional cost?". A rational consumer will then opt out of Game Pass and thus Microsoft has lost one subscriber. Not to mention that it's easier in general to play mobile games than actual console games on mobile devices, and the market for mobile devices is huge. I mean, just look at Microsoft's efforts of adding touch controls to Xbox Cloud Gaming in order to appeal to mobile users. They obviously want a piece of the mobile gaming market and having another actor is absolutely going to make things more challenging for them.
Also notice the last sentence in their earnings report:
"Initially, we’ll be primarily focused on games for mobile devices."
Keyword: "initially". They have plans for expansion and this should be interpreted as more competition for Microsoft seeing as how both Game Pass and Netflix are subscription services.
Great news. More competition for Xbox means more and better games for us. I also really don't want Microsoft to become arrogant as Sony and Nintendo and rest on their laurels. They need to keep being aggressive, so this is just great news.
I'm so glad to see more original Xbox titles being added to Game Pass. Never played either Blinx or Crimson Skies so I'm looking forward to giving those a go! Hopefully this is just the start of more original Xbox games to come to the service.
I think you @ralphdibny said that you wanted to see more OG Xbox titles on Game Pass on a recent article? Well you got your wish fulfilled!
I played quite a few games when I first got my 360 back in 2010 so I had to look up which game I played first through the dates of the achievements. Apparently, Forza Motorsport 3 was the absolute first game that I played. I remember being absolutely blown away by that game after having only played on the Wii until that point. Now it's basically viewed as just like any other racing sim but to my younger self it was very impressive.
@themightyant We'd love to have you! I think we'll be playing A Plague Tale next month and then vote for the September game. Perhaps you'd want to join in for the voting then!
@UltimateOtaku91 I think it took me 12 hours personally, but then again it's a collectathon so how much time you want to spend on collecting is up to you. I collected most of the things in the game in order to make the game easier (it can be rather challenging at certain points, especially the final level).
If you don't feel like it though, I just read on Twitter that apparently the developer is including a story recap for the first game. So if you don't feel like playing the first one but still want to get up to speed with the story then you technically don't need to play the first game.
@UltimateOtaku91 Story-wise the second game takes place almost right after the first one and a lot of characters from the first game will be returning in the second one by the looks of things. Also, people have been saying that the game will focus a fair amount on the narrative, just like the first one.
So personally, I would play the first game before diving into the second one. It's still a fun game and holds up well for a 2005 title.
Very excited for this game after having recently finished the first one. It's also going to be great to finally try out these day one releases on Game Pass. Instead of paying €60 for the game, I can just pay €10 for GP and play it from beginning to end as I'm assuming it won't be that long (10-15 hours like the first one). This is going to be sweet!
@The_New_Butler We're playing the first one on Game Club right now. You should join us.
I think this is pretty huge. I personally love Tom Clancy games, such as Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon, and I really want to get into Splinter Cell as well. However, I really hope this turns out to be strictly a single-player experience. I just miss those Tom Clancy games before most of them became multiplayer-focused. And honestly, does Ubisoft really need another multiplayer-focused Tom Clancy game?
The reason for this is obvious: Microsoft needs to keep pumping out new games in order for Game Pass to stay competitive. They want to give people reasons to stay subscribed to the service and the reasons are partially games with content updates like you mentioned and partially new games in general. But Sony doesn't have this need because they aren't focusing on a service like Microsoft is. As a result, we're getting more games on Xbox than ever before thanks to the existence of Game Pass.
That's what brought me to my original comment about how PlayStation users should be concerned about upcoming first-party titles. People may not remember this, but there was also a strong drought for PS4 as well, specifically between 2014 and 2016, in terms of first-party games. Then all these games started coming out one after the other from 2017 and onward. Right now we're reaching the end of this onslaught of first-party titles and are going to see a drought coming to PlayStation very soon because that's the approach Sony has taken now: Hollywood-like blockbusters that take numerous years to develop. Microsoft on the other hand has a stronger focus on variety, from small games like the Battletoads reboot to blockbusters like Halo Infinite. That's why we're going to see a lot of various first-party titles on Xbox compared to PlayStation on a consistent basis.
"After the brutal development cycles of Uncharted 4 and Uncharted Lost Legacy, Naughty Dog has found itself with little choice but to hire a disproportionately high number of juniors and contractors for The Last of Us II, even if that perpetuates many of the problems that caused senior staff to leave."
"the developer was divided into two teams: one was assigned to The Last of Us’ multiplayer game which was officially acknowledged by Naughty Dog over a year ago, the other started work on a new Uncharted."
Naughty Dog had to even call in Sony Bend to help out with the multiplayer. So the way I see it, development for Naughty Dog games has drastically increased now. And while we're talking about Sony Bend, they released Days Gone in 2019, has one team working on TLOU multiplayer and the other was working on an Uncharted game that has been scrapped now. In other words, we won't be seeing a new game from them anytime soon.
Insomniac is very likely to release another Spider-Man game in 2023, so that's the only studio I can agree with you on. So that leaves one maybe two first-party titles for 2023. And no, I'm not including third-party titles because we're specifically discussing first-party games.
Here's the thing: people keep saying that you buy PlayStation systems for their exclusives. Yet they won't have many exclusives coming out during certain years. So what's the point in buying a PS5 then? If you remove them, then you might as well just invest into the Xbox platform and receive many more exclusives on a constant basis. PS5 owners who have played all the exclusives up until now will only have 1-2 exclusives to look forward to throughout an entire year. Does that sound good for a system that's "all about the exclusives"?
@K1LLEGAL Exactly, and that's why I want Microsoft to keep acquiring studios so that I can purely invest in the Xbox platform and get first-party releases on a constant basis. As long as they keep pumping out games, I won't have time for games on other platforms anyway so it works out for me.
@UltimateOtaku91 Mate go back and read what I said in an earlier post. Literally most PlayStation studios have already released their games. Which 3-4 studios are you proposing are ready to release games in 2023?
@UltimateOtaku91 I literally just presented an argument to you that PlayStation will experience droughts in 2023 and onward (which you even agreed with) and then wrote why Microsoft won't experience droughts. And now you're saying that there's no difference between PlayStation and Xbox first-party releases? You keep changing you stance in every comment.
PlayStation isn't going to be releasing the same amount of first-party games they've been releasing this past year every year. Most PlayStation studios have released their games now, which means we won't see games from them for years to come. In other words, no we won't see "3-4 proper exclusives" from PlayStation in 2023. That year is 100% going to be a drought year for PlayStation users.
The point is that Microsoft will have a consistent schedule of first-party releases, while Sony will have some good years and some bad ones with first-party releases. Personally, I'd rather have a platform that gets consistent releases instead of irregular ones.
@UltimateOtaku91 You're not getting it though. We're only experiencing a drought now with Xbox because we haven't reached the point where first-party games are coming out at a steady pace. Once they do, they will come out without any years with droughts. That's the whole point of these acquisitions, so that Microsoft can have studios release games in a periodic manner every year.
For example, let's say studio A releases its game in 2021. Studio B releases its game in 2022, studio C in 2023 and studio D in 2024. By the time 2025 roles by, studio A will be ready to release its next game, in 2026 studio B is ready to release its next game and so on. In order for this plan to work, Microsoft is going to need a lot of studios, which is why they're acquiring so many.
In short: Microsoft is buying a lot of studios and allocating their releases to different years in order to avoid droughts. When some of the studios have released their games, others are preparing to release theirs during the coming years and while they do that, the previous studios are working on getting out their next games in the years that come after. This is the core difference between Microsoft's and Sony's strategies in terms of game releases. Sure PS5 got a lot of exclusives during its first year. What about the coming years though? Sony hasn't said anything about that, while Microsoft has made it clear we can expect a lot of first-party titles every year.
@UltimateOtaku91 First of all, I find it interesting how when we're talking about first-party games, you genuinely have a hard time looking at both PlayStation and Xbox objectively, letting stuff like "I don't like flying or racing games, so those games don't count" affect you. Others have already pointed this out so I'm not going to go deeper into this. But do know that there's no discussion to be had if you're going to be biased and omit titles just because you don't like them.
Second, you don't have a long-term perspective. Notice how I mentioned 2023 in my comment. Which first-party PlayStation titles will come out in 2023 and onward? Both Naughty Dog and Sucker Punch released The Last of Us Part II and Ghost of Tsushima respectively last year, so it's going to be a while before we see anything from them again. Sony Bend released Days Gone in 2019, Insomniac released Miles Morales last year and Ratchet & Clank this year, Bluepoint released Demon's Souls last year, Housemarque released Returnal this year, meaning it will also take some time for all of these studios to come out with new games. And God of War 2 as well as Horizon 2 are coming out in 2022. So what does 2023 and onward leave us with in terms of first-party PS games?
This is the problem with relying only on a handful of studios that take numerous years to develop games. Face it, PS users are going to experience a drought in first-party titles from 2023 and onward. Meanwhile, Microsoft has already laid out its plans for every coming year (i.e. at least one first-party game every quarter) and because we know that they have more studios than Sony, as well as are still acquiring more studios, Xbox users will objectively receive more games and receive them periodically. It doesn't look like that will be the case with PlayStation.
@thenewguy Not really related to this article, but I just have to say that I'm finding it very weird how PS users in general aren't concerned about a potential drought on PS5. Sony has released most of their games in recent years and because they take 3-4 years to make we won't be seeing any new games for quite some time after God of War 2 and Horizon 2.
Sure maybe Insomniac will release Spider-Man 2 in 2023, but are people honestly going to wait the entire year only to play a 10 hour open world game that's largely the same as previous iterations? Meanwhile, Xbox users will get a steady slew of titles releasing throughout the entire year thanks to Game Pass, including at least one first-party title each quarter. As a person who plays on both PlayStation and Xbox, I just find PS5's upcoming lineup rather concerning. There's just not a lot of exclusives and not a lot of variety either.
Well it has to be Psychonauts as it's the only one out of those five that I've played thanks to Game Club. I've heard great things about Black though and I'm sure Morrowind is a great game as well.
@SplooshDmg Excellent post! I wholeheartedly agree with you. If you're going to state an unpopular opinion, then you absolutely know what the responses to you will be like. Otherwise you're just exhibiting extreme naivete.
There's definitely a difference between acknowledging a video game and feeling opinionated about it. I've seen so many people on other sites stating that Bethesda games like Fallout and Elder Scrolls are terrible series, but I just can't see how that is the case when these franchises have had such a huge impact on the gaming industry. It's one thing if you don't like them (or because you've now become biased due to Microsoft acquiring ZeniMax) and another to acknowledge the games' influence as a whole.
Take another example: Bloober Team's horror games. There's a fair amount of individuals who think these are the worst horror games ever because there's not much gameplay in them. But that just means that those games aren't for you, it doesn't mean that they're bad. There's absolutely an audience for Bloober Team's titles simply because they do things differently with their horror games.
I mean, I can go on and on about this. One last example: Assassin's Creed Odyssey. Some people think it's bad because it's too big, but once again there are others who like a huge open world like that. Different strokes for different folks, doesn't mean that the games are bad.
I've said this before and I'll say it again, once something becomes too popular it will attract a lot of toxic users. Nintendo Life is toxic. Push Square is toxic (I literally left Push Square because the comment sections were getting out of hand). Pure Xbox is not toxic because it's not as popular as those sites, yet. Same with PlayStation and Xbox, and just like you said, Xbox will become more toxic over time the more popular it gets. That's just how things are.
But no, Pure Xbox is nowhere close to being as bad as Push Square or Nintendo Life. And when it does become that bad, you'll know that as you will not see me here anymore.
PS4: Devil May Cry 5 Xbox One: The Walking Dead: Michonne Xbox Cloud Gaming: The Medium Xbox 360: Fallout 3 DLC PS Vita: Steins;Gate Wii U: Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time
Got a huge rotation going on this weekend! I think I'll be mostly playing DMC5, Fallout 3 and Steins;Gate though since I'm so addicted to these games. Steins;Gate in particular is seriously one of the best games I've ever played, it's so good!
@UltimateOtaku91 That's what I'm trying to say. Sony doesn't care about BC while Microsoft does. For example, if somebody bought the first Forza Horizon digitally on 360, you can still play it on your Xbox One even if it's been delisted. I know that because I own the game digitally.
@UltimateOtaku91 No, even if you own games digitally and they become delisted, you can still play them whenever you want. You can even redownload them should you want to play them on a newer system (if they're available through BC that is).
@UltimateOtaku91 If studios get bankrupted, then games will cease to be sold both physically and digitally (delisted). There's nothing you can do about that either way.
That's the whole point with my argument in that Microsoft will continue to offer the exact same games on their newer platforms starting with all the ones available on Xbox One and onwards. When Sony wanted to shut down the PS3 and Vita stores, where would you go to buy those games? Nowhere, because you can't buy them on PS4 or PS5. If Microsoft decides to shut down the 360 store, you can still buy tons of 360 games on Xbox One or Series X. Yes they should've tried to include all of them but their focus on backwards compatibility came late during last generation. At least they've tried to add a lot of games, that's more than Sony has tried to do. And according to Spencer, they still haven't given up on adding more BC titles.
@Stocksy You do realise that the only franchise that happens to is the Forza series and that's because of licensing issues with car manufacturers. Not all first-party games are like that.
I don't really agree that you have to actually own the games in order for them to be preserved as long as the company in question continuously makes them available. The way I see it, as long as these games are never removed from the platform (i.e. they're still purchasable and/or accessed via Game Pass) then the term game preservation has been fulfilled. Just because I don't own certain games doesn't mean that they're gone for good or that I can't play them in the future. That's the whole advantage of focusing on one continuous platform compared to Sony who "believes in generations" and doesn't let you access older games on newer systems.
Then there are those people who believe that Microsoft is going to force you to subscribe to Game Pass in order to access their games and completely remove the option of being able to purchase them, either physically or digitally. That's never going to happen because Microsoft's philosophy has always been about given consumers different choices. If you want to subscribe to a service, you can. If you want to buy your games, you can. That's never going to change.
@thenewguy I agree with you, although I wouldn't use the same terms. I think Netflix Gaming will most likely be aimed towards a casual audience where the games will consist of "interactive experiences". They've already done this before, I remember you could play e.g. Minecraft Story Mode on Netflix for a while. So I think that's the type of games they will have on offer. Telltale's Walking Dead, Batman, Minecraft, and Dontnod's Life is Strange just to name a few examples. These "interactive experiences" will probably dominate the gaming part of the service, which is a good thing because the casual audience isn't into console gaming but would most likely love to play games like these if they're easily accessible. I think it'd be good for everyone if Netflix could bring games like these to a much larger audience.
I said this in the article back in May that Netflix is definitely going to give Microsoft a run for its money if it's going to offer a service where you can watch movies/TV shows AND play video games for the same price. Looks like this will be the case. I'm very interested to see how things will turn out next year.
I'm really excited to try out The Medium. I finished Observer yesterday and it was an absolutely phenomenal experience, so I'm looking forward to playing another Bloober Team game. Hopefully I'll be able to play through this game without too many issues with the cloud.
I wonder if that's the reason why they added Conker to this month's Games with Gold, i.e. they wanted to see how many people would download the game and in turn how much interest there is for the IP. Well I'm glad that I contributed to that in that case, I'd love to see another Conker game.
@pip_muzz I think people consider those games phenomenal due to their production value. When I played TLOU for the first time, I was not impressed by it at all. The gameplay was pretty fun, I did enjoy the crafting and scavenging. But as a package, it doesn't deliver on anything that hasn't been done before. Because believe me, I was as confused as you as to why people worship these franchises. But apparently, people like them due to the fact that they have the same high production value as a movie. It's weird.
@blinx01 I honestly believe Game Pass money is the number one reason why certain Japanese companies are putting out so many games on Xbox. If we take SEGA and Yakuza as an example, they literally added the entire series on Game Pass in just over a year. That's absolutely crazy to think about. Then look at Square Enix, Octopath Traveler came out on Xbox thanks to Game Pass and the game still hasn't come out on PlayStation, the platform where you usually find JRPGs!
If there's one advantage Microsoft has over Sony, it's that they will pay for each game that companies bring over to Game Pass and thus the Xbox platform. That's why I believe it's more likely now for Persona games to be coming to Xbox than PlayStation, which in turn is strengthened by the fact that SEGA has been going all out with bringing over their IPs like Yakuza to Game Pass. Microsoft will happily accept more Japanese games on the service and SEGA is happy to provide them.
@Ralizah That does seem to be the case, yes. But ever since we got wind of Atlus doing a survey for Persona games, asking e.g. if people want to see Persona 3 being remastered, I've been holding off on playing it just in case they do release a remaster. Otherwise I own both Persona 3: FES on PS3 and Persona 3 Portable on Vita. And now that we know they have a lot of projects to announce, I'm definitely holding off on playing it for now. If it doesn't come to Switch then I'll just play P3P.
Persona 5 Royal has to come to Xbox and hopefully it gets added to Game Pass so that a lot of people can experience this wonderful series.
Personally, I just want a remaster/remake (either one is fine) of Persona 3 on Switch. My first Persona was Persona 4 Golden on Vita and the fact that I played the game on a handheld device made the experience so much more memorable. Which is why I'm hoping for the game to come to the Switch just so I can have the same kind of experience.
Another thing is that they showed off Persona 1 and 2 characters in a picture and that leads me to believe that some kind of revival will be made for those games. Most likely remakes just so they can integrate the social sim aspect into those games since the series didn't have that until Persona 3.
I've been recently thinking about ways of experiencing different kinds of games. Playing standard shooters like Halo or RPGs like Skyrim is fine and all, but the gaming market has too many games that are similar to one another. So that got me thinking, how can we change this? And I think having companies from different cultures would be the answer. I mean, just look at how much people are loving the Yakuza series and those games are pretty darn unique if you ask me. I want to see more unique experiences like that and if Microsoft could establish roots in different countries, I think that would be great for the gaming industry. Would love to see what an African or a South American company is able to come up with.
Not to mention that people from different places view things differently and things we've come to take for granted in video games can be flipped upside down thanks to other individuals' perspectives. I think there's definitely a lot of potential for fresh gaming experiences with studios from different countries.
@pip_muzz Surprised to read your comment considering I'm more afraid that Microsoft will be releasing too many co-op/multiplayer games in the near future due to the Game Pass format helping to keep games like those afloat for a long time. To hear now that they're also focusing on creating more narrative-driven games is music to my ears.
Comments 962
Re: It's Official, A Dead Space Remake Is Coming To Xbox Series X & Series S
@Richnj https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halo:_Combat_Evolved_Anniversary
"Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary is a 2011 first-person shooter video game developed by 343 Industries, Saber Interactive and Certain Affinity. It is a remake of Halo: Combat Evolved (2001), developed by Bungie."
CEA is a remake and was developed by 343 as well as those other studios you mentioned.
Anyway, I feel like the whole point of your comment was to nitpick what I said instead of actually grasping the point I'm trying to make. The whole point is that letting a new studio with no experience whatsoever with a franchise develop the next big entry is a recipe for disaster. That's why you give them these remaster/remake projects in order to help them familiarise themselves with the franchises. It literally doesn't matter if it's a remaster or a remake, as long as it helps them understand the fundamentals of the franchises. How else would you explain why studios like The Coalition knew how to make Gears of War 4? They just watched playthroughs of the older games on YouTube? Come on. They obviously used the opportunity they were given with GoW UE to learn the ins and outs of the series.
That's what I'm trying to get at and that's why letting a new studio make Dead Space 4 immediately instead of letting them get used to how the series works first would be a very bad idea.
Re: It's Official, A Dead Space Remake Is Coming To Xbox Series X & Series S
@TimG13 I think EA needed Motive (studio behind the remake) to make a remake of Dead Space first before making a completely new game. The reason being that they haven't worked on Dead Space before and when a studio takes over an old franchise that another studio worked on, then it usually starts with a remake. For example, when 343 took over after Bungie, they made Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary and not Halo 4 immediately. Same with The Coalition after Epic Games, they made Gears of War Ultimate Edition and then Gears of War 4. So making a remake of the first Dead Space is simply because EA wants Motive to learn how to craft these games first. I'm certain they have more long-term plans for the franchise and a new game is definitely going to come out eventually, given that the remake sells well that is.
So I personally don't see the problem with this, we're going to get more games for this franchise regardless. Not to mention that because the series has been absent for almost a decade, a remake is definitely going to help bring people up to speed about what this series is all about instead of making them jump straight into the fourth game.
Re: It's Official, A Dead Space Remake Is Coming To Xbox Series X & Series S
I just can't believe that it's actually happening. EA is slowly turning things around, first with Mass Effect 4 and now a remake of Dead Space. I seriously can't wait to play this game, the first Dead Space is my favourite horror game of all time!
Re: Poll: How Would You Grade Today's EA Play Live 2021 Event?
I'll give it a C purely because of Dead Space and Lost in Random. Was absolutely shocked by the DS reveal!
Re: Three More Games Are Available Today With Xbox Game Pass (July 22)
I played a couple of hours of Raji and this game is great! It's inspired by Prince of Persia with Hinduism as its theme and so far I think this is a very unique experience. I've said it before, games that are based on different cultures are definitely going to help give the gaming industry the breath of fresh air and variety it so desperately needs right now.
Re: Three More Games Are Available Today With Xbox Game Pass (July 22)
I'm not in the mood for roguelites right now so Atomicrops is a pass for me. I'll definitely give Raji and Last Stop a go though.
Re: Netflix Is Officially Adding Games To The Service, Initially Focusing On Mobile
@zupertramp Mobile games are not the same as console games, true. But Game Pass and Netflix are both on mobile devices, so it doesn't matter. They're still competing on the same platform.
To counter your second point, Jim Ryan has already confirmed that Sony is looking into new initiatives for a Game Pass-like service: https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2020/11/sony_on_ps5s_response_to_game_pass_there_is_news_to_come_but_not_today
Connect that with the Netflix rumour and it all starts to make sense. Sony doesn't want to launch a new service from the ground-up, so they're using Netflix for its huge audience and putting their games on there. And we all know that Sony isn't afraid of abandoning their old products/services. If a partnership with Netflix proves to be more fruitful than PS Now, then you can bet that they will abandon PS Now right away.
Re: Netflix Is Officially Adding Games To The Service, Initially Focusing On Mobile
@Magabro Exactly. Netflix doesn't have the gaming expertise, while Sony doesn't have a subscription service with hundreds of millions of users. It would be incredibly risky for Sony to launch a service like Game Pass on their own, not to mention expensive. Netflix has a ready-to-go service for Sony, and Sony has the games that Netflix needs. If they teamed up, they would surely be a force to be reckoned with.
Re: Netflix Is Officially Adding Games To The Service, Initially Focusing On Mobile
@Spiders Also don't forget this rumour: https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2021/07/netflix_allegedly_plotting_gaming_service_and_playstation_could_be_a_partner
Mobile games could just be the beginning. If PlayStation is partnering up with Netflix and adding PlayStation titles to their service, then that's definitely going to hit Microsoft hard. Also keep in mind that Netflix is available on Xbox systems, so Sony could potentially end up stealing costumers from Microsoft on their own home turf. Imagine Series X users unsubscribing from Game Pass and subscribing to Netflix in order to play Ghost of Tsushima on their Series X. That would be an absolutely insane future we would live in.
Re: Netflix Is Officially Adding Games To The Service, Initially Focusing On Mobile
@Spiders Agreed. But I think Microsoft anticipated this. I mean, they launched Game Pass in 2017 and started their acquisition spree in 2018. Then years later, all of these companies like Facebook, Amazon, Google and Netflix want to get in on subscription services for video games. There are some very smart and forward-thinking people working at Microsoft who figured out that this is the direction that the gaming industry is going to take in the future. So I have no doubt that they've made plans that are going to be carried out in the foreseeable future as a response to these new competitors.
But Netflix adding games is still going to affect Game Pass regardless of what Microsoft does. That's an undeniable fact.
Re: Netflix Is Officially Adding Games To The Service, Initially Focusing On Mobile
Saying that this won't be competing with Game Pass just because it's mobile games is like saying indie games aren't competing with AAA games. Both are in the same market, they will have an effect on consumer decision regardless of the size. Game Pass is on mobile devices, Netflix is on mobile devices. I can agree that it might not have an adverse effect, but saying that it isn't competing with Game Pass at all is simply not true.
If e.g. parents find out that Netflix is adding mobile games, they're going to think: "Why am I paying for both Game Pass and Netflix for my kids when I can just pay for Netflix since the games don't require an additional cost?". A rational consumer will then opt out of Game Pass and thus Microsoft has lost one subscriber. Not to mention that it's easier in general to play mobile games than actual console games on mobile devices, and the market for mobile devices is huge. I mean, just look at Microsoft's efforts of adding touch controls to Xbox Cloud Gaming in order to appeal to mobile users. They obviously want a piece of the mobile gaming market and having another actor is absolutely going to make things more challenging for them.
Also notice the last sentence in their earnings report:
"Initially, we’ll be primarily focused on games for mobile devices."
Keyword: "initially". They have plans for expansion and this should be interpreted as more competition for Microsoft seeing as how both Game Pass and Netflix are subscription services.
Re: Netflix Is Officially Adding Games To The Service, Initially Focusing On Mobile
Great news. More competition for Xbox means more and better games for us. I also really don't want Microsoft to become arrogant as Sony and Nintendo and rest on their laurels. They need to keep being aggressive, so this is just great news.
Re: Review: Death’s Door - This Xbox Console Exclusive Is A 2021 GOTY Contender
Holy crap, a 10? Will definitely add this to my watchlist!
Re: These Ten Games Are Coming To Xbox Game Pass (July 22-29)
I'm so glad to see more original Xbox titles being added to Game Pass. Never played either Blinx or Crimson Skies so I'm looking forward to giving those a go! Hopefully this is just the start of more original Xbox games to come to the service.
I think you @ralphdibny said that you wanted to see more OG Xbox titles on Game Pass on a recent article? Well you got your wish fulfilled!
Re: Random: Team Xbox Wants To Know The First Xbox Game You Ever Played
I played quite a few games when I first got my 360 back in 2010 so I had to look up which game I played first through the dates of the achievements. Apparently, Forza Motorsport 3 was the absolute first game that I played. I remember being absolutely blown away by that game after having only played on the Wii until that point. Now it's basically viewed as just like any other racing sim but to my younger self it was very impressive.
Re: Tom Clancy's XDefiant Is A Free-To-Play Shooter Heading To Xbox
This is a disgrace to the Tom Clancy brand. What the hell Ubisoft?
Also, I just realised from the trailer that they called it XDefiant purely to get in the "XD" emoticon. Is the marketing team a bunch of children?
Re: Roundup: Psychonauts 2 Receives High Praise In Hands-On Previews
@themightyant We'd love to have you! I think we'll be playing A Plague Tale next month and then vote for the September game. Perhaps you'd want to join in for the voting then!
Re: Roundup: Psychonauts 2 Receives High Praise In Hands-On Previews
@UltimateOtaku91 I think it took me 12 hours personally, but then again it's a collectathon so how much time you want to spend on collecting is up to you. I collected most of the things in the game in order to make the game easier (it can be rather challenging at certain points, especially the final level).
If you don't feel like it though, I just read on Twitter that apparently the developer is including a story recap for the first game. So if you don't feel like playing the first one but still want to get up to speed with the story then you technically don't need to play the first game.
Re: Roundup: Psychonauts 2 Receives High Praise In Hands-On Previews
@UltimateOtaku91 Story-wise the second game takes place almost right after the first one and a lot of characters from the first game will be returning in the second one by the looks of things. Also, people have been saying that the game will focus a fair amount on the narrative, just like the first one.
So personally, I would play the first game before diving into the second one. It's still a fun game and holds up well for a 2005 title.
Re: Roundup: Psychonauts 2 Receives High Praise In Hands-On Previews
@The_New_Butler https://www.purexbox.com/forums/xbox-series-x/pure_xbox_game_club_resident_evil_7_december
Re: Roundup: Psychonauts 2 Receives High Praise In Hands-On Previews
Very excited for this game after having recently finished the first one. It's also going to be great to finally try out these day one releases on Game Pass. Instead of paying €60 for the game, I can just pay €10 for GP and play it from beginning to end as I'm assuming it won't be that long (10-15 hours like the first one). This is going to be sweet!
@The_New_Butler We're playing the first one on Game Club right now. You should join us.
Re: Ubisoft To Reveal Brand-New Tom Clancy Game Later Today
I think this is pretty huge. I personally love Tom Clancy games, such as Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon, and I really want to get into Splinter Cell as well. However, I really hope this turns out to be strictly a single-player experience. I just miss those Tom Clancy games before most of them became multiplayer-focused. And honestly, does Ubisoft really need another multiplayer-focused Tom Clancy game?
Re: Random: Xbox Responds To 'PS5 Is Better' Comments On Social Media
@SplooshDmg Yeah I know. The reason why I keep bringing up this topic is because the whole "at least one first-party title every quarter" are Microsoft's words, not mine: https://www.purexbox.com/news/2021/06/xbox_wants_to_release_a_new_first-party_game_every_quarter
The reason for this is obvious: Microsoft needs to keep pumping out new games in order for Game Pass to stay competitive. They want to give people reasons to stay subscribed to the service and the reasons are partially games with content updates like you mentioned and partially new games in general. But Sony doesn't have this need because they aren't focusing on a service like Microsoft is. As a result, we're getting more games on Xbox than ever before thanks to the existence of Game Pass.
That's what brought me to my original comment about how PlayStation users should be concerned about upcoming first-party titles. People may not remember this, but there was also a strong drought for PS4 as well, specifically between 2014 and 2016, in terms of first-party games. Then all these games started coming out one after the other from 2017 and onward. Right now we're reaching the end of this onslaught of first-party titles and are going to see a drought coming to PlayStation very soon because that's the approach Sony has taken now: Hollywood-like blockbusters that take numerous years to develop. Microsoft on the other hand has a stronger focus on variety, from small games like the Battletoads reboot to blockbusters like Halo Infinite. That's why we're going to see a lot of various first-party titles on Xbox compared to PlayStation on a consistent basis.
Re: Random: Xbox Responds To 'PS5 Is Better' Comments On Social Media
@UltimateOtaku91 True, Naughty Dog does have two teams so the other one could release a game in 2023 but it's not likely due to a lot of the senior staff leaving the company: https://kotaku.com/as-naughty-dog-crunches-on-the-last-of-us-ii-developer-1842289962
"After the brutal development cycles of Uncharted 4 and Uncharted Lost Legacy, Naughty Dog has found itself with little choice but to hire a disproportionately high number of juniors and contractors for The Last of Us II, even if that perpetuates many of the problems that caused senior staff to leave."
This means that it's going to take a lot longer now for them to develop games due to less expertise. On top of that: https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2021/04/sony_bend_was_at_one_point_working_on_a_new_uncharted
"the developer was divided into two teams: one was assigned to The Last of Us’ multiplayer game which was officially acknowledged by Naughty Dog over a year ago, the other started work on a new Uncharted."
Naughty Dog had to even call in Sony Bend to help out with the multiplayer. So the way I see it, development for Naughty Dog games has drastically increased now. And while we're talking about Sony Bend, they released Days Gone in 2019, has one team working on TLOU multiplayer and the other was working on an Uncharted game that has been scrapped now. In other words, we won't be seeing a new game from them anytime soon.
The situation with the San Diego studio is very unclear. They've been allegedly working with Naughty Dog (again another case of Naughty Dog needing external help) but they seem to have an ongoing project, so it might come out or not in 2023: https://www.pushsquare.com/news/2020/11/sonys_secret_san_diego_studio_probably_hasnt_closed
Insomniac is very likely to release another Spider-Man game in 2023, so that's the only studio I can agree with you on. So that leaves one maybe two first-party titles for 2023. And no, I'm not including third-party titles because we're specifically discussing first-party games.
Here's the thing: people keep saying that you buy PlayStation systems for their exclusives. Yet they won't have many exclusives coming out during certain years. So what's the point in buying a PS5 then? If you remove them, then you might as well just invest into the Xbox platform and receive many more exclusives on a constant basis. PS5 owners who have played all the exclusives up until now will only have 1-2 exclusives to look forward to throughout an entire year. Does that sound good for a system that's "all about the exclusives"?
Re: Random: Xbox Responds To 'PS5 Is Better' Comments On Social Media
@K1LLEGAL Exactly, and that's why I want Microsoft to keep acquiring studios so that I can purely invest in the Xbox platform and get first-party releases on a constant basis. As long as they keep pumping out games, I won't have time for games on other platforms anyway so it works out for me.
Re: Random: Xbox Responds To 'PS5 Is Better' Comments On Social Media
@UltimateOtaku91 Mate go back and read what I said in an earlier post. Literally most PlayStation studios have already released their games. Which 3-4 studios are you proposing are ready to release games in 2023?
Re: Random: Xbox Responds To 'PS5 Is Better' Comments On Social Media
@UltimateOtaku91 I literally just presented an argument to you that PlayStation will experience droughts in 2023 and onward (which you even agreed with) and then wrote why Microsoft won't experience droughts. And now you're saying that there's no difference between PlayStation and Xbox first-party releases? You keep changing you stance in every comment.
PlayStation isn't going to be releasing the same amount of first-party games they've been releasing this past year every year. Most PlayStation studios have released their games now, which means we won't see games from them for years to come. In other words, no we won't see "3-4 proper exclusives" from PlayStation in 2023. That year is 100% going to be a drought year for PlayStation users.
The point is that Microsoft will have a consistent schedule of first-party releases, while Sony will have some good years and some bad ones with first-party releases. Personally, I'd rather have a platform that gets consistent releases instead of irregular ones.
Re: Random: Xbox Responds To 'PS5 Is Better' Comments On Social Media
@UltimateOtaku91 You're not getting it though. We're only experiencing a drought now with Xbox because we haven't reached the point where first-party games are coming out at a steady pace. Once they do, they will come out without any years with droughts. That's the whole point of these acquisitions, so that Microsoft can have studios release games in a periodic manner every year.
For example, let's say studio A releases its game in 2021. Studio B releases its game in 2022, studio C in 2023 and studio D in 2024. By the time 2025 roles by, studio A will be ready to release its next game, in 2026 studio B is ready to release its next game and so on. In order for this plan to work, Microsoft is going to need a lot of studios, which is why they're acquiring so many.
In short: Microsoft is buying a lot of studios and allocating their releases to different years in order to avoid droughts. When some of the studios have released their games, others are preparing to release theirs during the coming years and while they do that, the previous studios are working on getting out their next games in the years that come after. This is the core difference between Microsoft's and Sony's strategies in terms of game releases. Sure PS5 got a lot of exclusives during its first year. What about the coming years though? Sony hasn't said anything about that, while Microsoft has made it clear we can expect a lot of first-party titles every year.
Re: Random: Xbox Responds To 'PS5 Is Better' Comments On Social Media
@UltimateOtaku91 First of all, I find it interesting how when we're talking about first-party games, you genuinely have a hard time looking at both PlayStation and Xbox objectively, letting stuff like "I don't like flying or racing games, so those games don't count" affect you. Others have already pointed this out so I'm not going to go deeper into this. But do know that there's no discussion to be had if you're going to be biased and omit titles just because you don't like them.
Second, you don't have a long-term perspective. Notice how I mentioned 2023 in my comment. Which first-party PlayStation titles will come out in 2023 and onward? Both Naughty Dog and Sucker Punch released The Last of Us Part II and Ghost of Tsushima respectively last year, so it's going to be a while before we see anything from them again. Sony Bend released Days Gone in 2019, Insomniac released Miles Morales last year and Ratchet & Clank this year, Bluepoint released Demon's Souls last year, Housemarque released Returnal this year, meaning it will also take some time for all of these studios to come out with new games. And God of War 2 as well as Horizon 2 are coming out in 2022. So what does 2023 and onward leave us with in terms of first-party PS games?
This is the problem with relying only on a handful of studios that take numerous years to develop games. Face it, PS users are going to experience a drought in first-party titles from 2023 and onward. Meanwhile, Microsoft has already laid out its plans for every coming year (i.e. at least one first-party game every quarter) and because we know that they have more studios than Sony, as well as are still acquiring more studios, Xbox users will objectively receive more games and receive them periodically. It doesn't look like that will be the case with PlayStation.
Re: Random: Xbox Responds To 'PS5 Is Better' Comments On Social Media
@thenewguy Not really related to this article, but I just have to say that I'm finding it very weird how PS users in general aren't concerned about a potential drought on PS5. Sony has released most of their games in recent years and because they take 3-4 years to make we won't be seeing any new games for quite some time after God of War 2 and Horizon 2.
Sure maybe Insomniac will release Spider-Man 2 in 2023, but are people honestly going to wait the entire year only to play a 10 hour open world game that's largely the same as previous iterations? Meanwhile, Xbox users will get a steady slew of titles releasing throughout the entire year thanks to Game Pass, including at least one first-party title each quarter. As a person who plays on both PlayStation and Xbox, I just find PS5's upcoming lineup rather concerning. There's just not a lot of exclusives and not a lot of variety either.
Re: Pick One: Which Is Your Favourite OG Xbox Title On Game Pass?
Well it has to be Psychonauts as it's the only one out of those five that I've played thanks to Game Club. I've heard great things about Black though and I'm sure Morrowind is a great game as well.
Re: Random: Xbox Responds To 'PS5 Is Better' Comments On Social Media
@SplooshDmg Excellent post! I wholeheartedly agree with you. If you're going to state an unpopular opinion, then you absolutely know what the responses to you will be like. Otherwise you're just exhibiting extreme naivete.
There's definitely a difference between acknowledging a video game and feeling opinionated about it. I've seen so many people on other sites stating that Bethesda games like Fallout and Elder Scrolls are terrible series, but I just can't see how that is the case when these franchises have had such a huge impact on the gaming industry. It's one thing if you don't like them (or because you've now become biased due to Microsoft acquiring ZeniMax) and another to acknowledge the games' influence as a whole.
Take another example: Bloober Team's horror games. There's a fair amount of individuals who think these are the worst horror games ever because there's not much gameplay in them. But that just means that those games aren't for you, it doesn't mean that they're bad. There's absolutely an audience for Bloober Team's titles simply because they do things differently with their horror games.
I mean, I can go on and on about this. One last example: Assassin's Creed Odyssey. Some people think it's bad because it's too big, but once again there are others who like a huge open world like that. Different strokes for different folks, doesn't mean that the games are bad.
Re: Random: Xbox Responds To 'PS5 Is Better' Comments On Social Media
@UltimateOtaku91 I looked through most E3 related articles on Pure Xbox and nowhere did I see comments of people hating on you for your opinion. You wrote a lot of comments in this article, yet the replies were still decent. You even got roughly a dozen likes on your first comment: https://www.purexbox.com/news/2021/06/poll_how_would_you_grade_xbox_and_bethesdas_e3_2021_showcase
I've said this before and I'll say it again, once something becomes too popular it will attract a lot of toxic users. Nintendo Life is toxic. Push Square is toxic (I literally left Push Square because the comment sections were getting out of hand). Pure Xbox is not toxic because it's not as popular as those sites, yet. Same with PlayStation and Xbox, and just like you said, Xbox will become more toxic over time the more popular it gets. That's just how things are.
But no, Pure Xbox is nowhere close to being as bad as Push Square or Nintendo Life. And when it does become that bad, you'll know that as you will not see me here anymore.
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (July 17th)
PS4: Devil May Cry 5
Xbox One: The Walking Dead: Michonne
Xbox Cloud Gaming: The Medium
Xbox 360: Fallout 3 DLC
PS Vita: Steins;Gate
Wii U: Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time
Got a huge rotation going on this weekend! I think I'll be mostly playing DMC5, Fallout 3 and Steins;Gate though since I'm so addicted to these games. Steins;Gate in particular is seriously one of the best games I've ever played, it's so good!
Re: Not Everyone Is Happy With Xbox's Recent Comments About Preservation
@UltimateOtaku91 That's what I'm trying to say. Sony doesn't care about BC while Microsoft does. For example, if somebody bought the first Forza Horizon digitally on 360, you can still play it on your Xbox One even if it's been delisted. I know that because I own the game digitally.
Re: Not Everyone Is Happy With Xbox's Recent Comments About Preservation
@UltimateOtaku91 No, even if you own games digitally and they become delisted, you can still play them whenever you want. You can even redownload them should you want to play them on a newer system (if they're available through BC that is).
Re: Not Everyone Is Happy With Xbox's Recent Comments About Preservation
@UltimateOtaku91 If studios get bankrupted, then games will cease to be sold both physically and digitally (delisted). There's nothing you can do about that either way.
That's the whole point with my argument in that Microsoft will continue to offer the exact same games on their newer platforms starting with all the ones available on Xbox One and onwards. When Sony wanted to shut down the PS3 and Vita stores, where would you go to buy those games? Nowhere, because you can't buy them on PS4 or PS5. If Microsoft decides to shut down the 360 store, you can still buy tons of 360 games on Xbox One or Series X. Yes they should've tried to include all of them but their focus on backwards compatibility came late during last generation. At least they've tried to add a lot of games, that's more than Sony has tried to do. And according to Spencer, they still haven't given up on adding more BC titles.
Re: Not Everyone Is Happy With Xbox's Recent Comments About Preservation
@Stocksy I mean, I literally own all Forza Motorsport and Forza Horizon games physically so I won't have to worry about not being able to play them.
Re: Not Everyone Is Happy With Xbox's Recent Comments About Preservation
@Stocksy You do realise that the only franchise that happens to is the Forza series and that's because of licensing issues with car manufacturers. Not all first-party games are like that.
Re: Not Everyone Is Happy With Xbox's Recent Comments About Preservation
I don't really agree that you have to actually own the games in order for them to be preserved as long as the company in question continuously makes them available. The way I see it, as long as these games are never removed from the platform (i.e. they're still purchasable and/or accessed via Game Pass) then the term game preservation has been fulfilled. Just because I don't own certain games doesn't mean that they're gone for good or that I can't play them in the future. That's the whole advantage of focusing on one continuous platform compared to Sony who "believes in generations" and doesn't let you access older games on newer systems.
Then there are those people who believe that Microsoft is going to force you to subscribe to Game Pass in order to access their games and completely remove the option of being able to purchase them, either physically or digitally. That's never going to happen because Microsoft's philosophy has always been about given consumers different choices. If you want to subscribe to a service, you can. If you want to buy your games, you can. That's never going to change.
Re: Netflix Reportedly Bringing Gaming To Its Streaming Service 'Within The Next Year'
@thenewguy I agree with you, although I wouldn't use the same terms. I think Netflix Gaming will most likely be aimed towards a casual audience where the games will consist of "interactive experiences". They've already done this before, I remember you could play e.g. Minecraft Story Mode on Netflix for a while. So I think that's the type of games they will have on offer. Telltale's Walking Dead, Batman, Minecraft, and Dontnod's Life is Strange just to name a few examples. These "interactive experiences" will probably dominate the gaming part of the service, which is a good thing because the casual audience isn't into console gaming but would most likely love to play games like these if they're easily accessible. I think it'd be good for everyone if Netflix could bring games like these to a much larger audience.
Re: Netflix Reportedly Bringing Gaming To Its Streaming Service 'Within The Next Year'
I said this in the article back in May that Netflix is definitely going to give Microsoft a run for its money if it's going to offer a service where you can watch movies/TV shows AND play video games for the same price. Looks like this will be the case. I'm very interested to see how things will turn out next year.
Re: Three More Games Are Now Available With Xbox Game Pass (July 15)
I'm really excited to try out The Medium. I finished Observer yesterday and it was an absolutely phenomenal experience, so I'm looking forward to playing another Bloober Team game. Hopefully I'll be able to play through this game without too many issues with the cloud.
Re: Xbox Game Pass Is A 'Great Source' To See Which Franchises Should Get A Reboot, Says Xbox Boss
I wonder if that's the reason why they added Conker to this month's Games with Gold, i.e. they wanted to see how many people would download the game and in turn how much interest there is for the IP. Well I'm glad that I contributed to that in that case, I'd love to see another Conker game.
Re: Phil Spencer: Xbox Is Building More Narrative-Driven Games Than Ever Before
@pip_muzz I think people consider those games phenomenal due to their production value. When I played TLOU for the first time, I was not impressed by it at all. The gameplay was pretty fun, I did enjoy the crafting and scavenging. But as a package, it doesn't deliver on anything that hasn't been done before. Because believe me, I was as confused as you as to why people worship these franchises. But apparently, people like them due to the fact that they have the same high production value as a movie. It's weird.
Re: Atlus Is Revealing Seven Projects To Mark Persona's 25th Anniversary
@blinx01 I honestly believe Game Pass money is the number one reason why certain Japanese companies are putting out so many games on Xbox. If we take SEGA and Yakuza as an example, they literally added the entire series on Game Pass in just over a year. That's absolutely crazy to think about. Then look at Square Enix, Octopath Traveler came out on Xbox thanks to Game Pass and the game still hasn't come out on PlayStation, the platform where you usually find JRPGs!
If there's one advantage Microsoft has over Sony, it's that they will pay for each game that companies bring over to Game Pass and thus the Xbox platform. That's why I believe it's more likely now for Persona games to be coming to Xbox than PlayStation, which in turn is strengthened by the fact that SEGA has been going all out with bringing over their IPs like Yakuza to Game Pass. Microsoft will happily accept more Japanese games on the service and SEGA is happy to provide them.
Re: Atlus Is Revealing Seven Projects To Mark Persona's 25th Anniversary
@Ralizah That does seem to be the case, yes. But ever since we got wind of Atlus doing a survey for Persona games, asking e.g. if people want to see Persona 3 being remastered, I've been holding off on playing it just in case they do release a remaster. Otherwise I own both Persona 3: FES on PS3 and Persona 3 Portable on Vita. And now that we know they have a lot of projects to announce, I'm definitely holding off on playing it for now. If it doesn't come to Switch then I'll just play P3P.
Re: Atlus Is Revealing Seven Projects To Mark Persona's 25th Anniversary
Persona 5 Royal has to come to Xbox and hopefully it gets added to Game Pass so that a lot of people can experience this wonderful series.
Personally, I just want a remaster/remake (either one is fine) of Persona 3 on Switch. My first Persona was Persona 4 Golden on Vita and the fact that I played the game on a handheld device made the experience so much more memorable. Which is why I'm hoping for the game to come to the Switch just so I can have the same kind of experience.
Another thing is that they showed off Persona 1 and 2 characters in a picture and that leads me to believe that some kind of revival will be made for those games. Most likely remakes just so they can integrate the social sim aspect into those games since the series didn't have that until Persona 3.
Re: Xbox Could Eventually Acquire Studios In India, Africa Or South America, Suggests Phil Spencer
I've been recently thinking about ways of experiencing different kinds of games. Playing standard shooters like Halo or RPGs like Skyrim is fine and all, but the gaming market has too many games that are similar to one another. So that got me thinking, how can we change this? And I think having companies from different cultures would be the answer. I mean, just look at how much people are loving the Yakuza series and those games are pretty darn unique if you ask me. I want to see more unique experiences like that and if Microsoft could establish roots in different countries, I think that would be great for the gaming industry. Would love to see what an African or a South American company is able to come up with.
Not to mention that people from different places view things differently and things we've come to take for granted in video games can be flipped upside down thanks to other individuals' perspectives. I think there's definitely a lot of potential for fresh gaming experiences with studios from different countries.
Re: Phil Spencer: Xbox Is Building More Narrative-Driven Games Than Ever Before
@pip_muzz Surprised to read your comment considering I'm more afraid that Microsoft will be releasing too many co-op/multiplayer games in the near future due to the Game Pass format helping to keep games like those afloat for a long time. To hear now that they're also focusing on creating more narrative-driven games is music to my ears.