Comments 8

Re: Starfield's Game Pass Upgrade Is Currently The Best-Selling Item On Xbox


@Dsswoosh on their scale a 7 is 'Good' and it is.

I'm not too far in yet (about 12 hours) and enjoying it a lot but I can't say it deserves more than an 8, maybe an 8.5.

No actual planet to space flight (ala NMS), tons of loading screens, buggy interactions with NPCs, only okay combat, poor inventory management, limited enemy ai... etc.

It's fun and I like it but it's not ground breaking.

The review was very fair in my opinion, the reviewer also featured on the latest episode of Podcast Unlocked (the ign Xbox podcast) and spoke a lot of sense.

It's okay if you don't agree with his score but I don't think you should throw accusations around.

Re: Roundup: Here’s What The Critics Are Saying About FIFA 22


@John117 not my cup of tea either but millions of people seem to enjoy it.

I don't think you can cap the score just because other games do more/different stuff. It's just a number, and is only the opinion of one person ultimately even if they represent an organisation such as ign or whatever.

Re: Roundup: Here’s What The Critics Are Saying About FIFA 22


That's a great quote from Eurogamer, I've not played Fifa 22 but expect it to be the same game that's been released for the last 5 years.

To be honest if you showed the average person Fifa on the 360 and this I doubt they'd notice much difference (barring Arsenal had a decent squad in 2013 )

Re: UFL Is A Brand-New Console Football Game With Massive Ambitions


Not exactly excited by a badly rendered trailer which shows nothing of the game, not sure what was intriguing about that.

FIFA makes a billion every year so it's obviously doing something right, even if not my cup of tea.

They might have a bunch of licensed players but if they are from less high profile leagues all over the world I'm not sure what level of interest that will generate.

From the marketing blurb it sounds like you create your own team rather than playing as actual clubs, I may have misunderstood though, but if the case again I don't see this taking much of the FIFA Ultimate Team cash.