Comments 7

Re: Jim Ryan Denies Sony Is Misleading Regulators Over Xbox's Activision Blizzard Deal


@extermin8or Just like FF VII R? My point is that they handle things on a case by case basis unlike Sony who make everything exclusive to their platform, Microsoft at least weighs the benefits and then makes a decision. Throwing Bethesda out there is just lazy. We've already seen Microsoft share IPs and developers with Nintendo AND Sony. I have yet to see Sony share much more than a baseball game with Xbox. Same with Nintendo.

Re: Jim Ryan Denies Sony Is Misleading Regulators Over Xbox's Activision Blizzard Deal


I haven't seen any ads with the Xbox logo in them for CoD... Nor is there any exclusive content for anyone except PlayStation. Not to mention Sony is putting more importance on a SINGLE 3rd party title when they have first party IPs that can compete. Instead, they pretend they don't exist and choose to cry about CoD. How about a new Killzone? A new SOCOM? A new Resistance? All titles that PlayStation fans have been asking for.
Are regulators ignoring that?