So looks like a mass relay being rebuilt I remember spoiler alert a mass relay we blew up in a dlc with an asteroid base with indoctrinated humans looks like reapers are trying again for another come back also this is why I'm currently replaying all the mass effect again and soon dragon age because rumours of a new one coming now so I'm replaying everything to get caught back up again also mass effect introduced 2 hostile races the vorcha and that slaver race I forgot name to ATM so why has vorcha and the slaver race been expanded upon after shoving repears down till the Final fight
I think its a great idea also dont force it upon us give us options to toggle it and save money on power consumption saves more money to pay for increase on gamepass coming soon
Comments 3
Re: BioWare Talks Mass Effect 5, Reveals New Artwork From The Game
@IronMan30 ive beaten 1 and 2 already just finishing up collecting everything in mass effect 2 then moving onto 3 and then andromeda the crappy one
Re: BioWare Talks Mass Effect 5, Reveals New Artwork From The Game
So looks like a mass relay being rebuilt I remember spoiler alert a mass relay we blew up in a dlc with an asteroid base with indoctrinated humans looks like reapers are trying again for another come back also this is why I'm currently replaying all the mass effect again and soon dragon age because rumours of a new one coming now so I'm replaying everything to get caught back up again also mass effect introduced 2 hostile races the vorcha and that slaver race I forgot name to ATM so why has vorcha and the slaver race been expanded upon after shoving repears down till the Final fight
Re: Microsoft Exploring New Graphics Options To Reduce Power Consumption On Xbox
I think its a great idea also dont force it upon us give us options to toggle it and save money on power consumption saves more money to pay for increase on gamepass coming soon