Comments 390

Re: Gamescom 2015: Microsoft Announces Somewhat Disappointing Xbox-Branded Seagate External HDD



I mean the price point seems fair for the external 2TB portable drives as in it doesn't cost more then most other 2TB portable drives.

Now i agree with you that they should have went with the 4TB and put in the desktop drives, maybe they are coming soon

A lot of people don't like plugging in extra wires so a simple USB 3.0 cable will power the drive. plus the other bonus is that 2.5HDD are more quitter. lol

Re: Gamescom 2015: Microsoft Announces Somewhat Disappointing Xbox-Branded Seagate External HDD



Just a update....

This is a portable 2.5 inch external hard drive so the $99.99 - 109.99 price range seems fair. i know the 4TB 3.5 external drives are priced around the same. they still have not come out with a 3TB or 2.5TB 2.5 HDD.

I added my 3TB 3.5 last year. Once mines gets filled which it will now thanks to the backwards compatibility ill be looking into a 8TB drive. Ive seen them on sale for 250.00 Canadian.

Re: Feature: Did Xbox Live Gold Represent Value for Money in 2014?


I'm quite happy with the free games with gold for 2014.

i think there should be a voting each month for all gold members and the customers will be able to select which game they want for the next month to be free.

I think the titles should be announced later on, instead of a month in advance like sony is doing. They have already announced the february PSN plus titles.

Re: Rumour: Microsoft to Unveil VR Headset at E3 2015



im not really sold on VR to be honest. ill give it a chance in the future when there are games that use the tech. yes you are right everyone is rushing into the VR Tech which is good for competition.

Must be fun working on new tech all the time.

Re: Rumour: Microsoft to Unveil VR Headset at E3 2015


my only issue is wearing that helmet, it really limits couch gaming as you would be force to each wear one thus not seeing your friends reaction.

Honestly if they implemented this tech into the google glasses that will be a larger selling point. I hated gaming on my old Nintendo Virtual Boy. It got annoying after 15-20 minutes of game play. your eyes would start to hurt. been there done that.

give me glasses that i can still see the real world and the virtual world I'm set. i think that microsoft's other project "ROOM ALIVE" is more entertaining.

i have tired the oculus rift and honestly I'm not a big fan of it to be honest.