@Gamer83 @DRL Thanks guys. I figured that considering the amazing games that are both on the horizon and already available I felt that now was the best time to jump on board.
@Gamer83 I purchased the 1tb holiday bundle which comes with Gears of War Ultimate, Gears 2 and 3 via backwards compatibility, Sunset Overdrive, Rare Replay, and Ori and the Blind Forest I believe. It also comes with a $60 gift code so I will be using that to purchase a couple more games in addition to the Arkham Knight that I bought.
I just purchased an Xbox One today via the Microsoft Store so in the meantime I will be playing Halo 4 online and maybe finishing up some games that I have started. Looking forward to joining the current gen!
I have only played Halo 3, Halo 4, and Halo Reach but out of those three I think Reach is my favorite of the lot. I loved the team oriented gameplay and I have feeling 5 will be even better since you can actually assign orders to your squadmates.
I will never pay full price let alone 50 bucks for a season pass if the game doesn't have a single player campaign of some sort. Like others said I won't pay the full price for less features than what the previous games had...
Like the others above I simply can't see a Rainbow Six game with just the Terrorist Hunt mode for those who don't want to play competitively. I must have played the campaign in Vegas 2 a dozen times and knowing that there won't be a mode even similar to a story mode definitely turns me off. If I was to get this it would have to be at a bargain bin price and the only reason I would buy it then is because I love hunting terrorists cooperatively. This game is definitely a bit skimpy on content though.
I'll be trying to finish up Viva Pinata Trouble in Paradise and after that, who knows? I tend to stick to one game at a time but I may boot up Nintendo Land.
I never owned the original Xbox but I assume it could be possible to put them on the marketplace if backwards compatibility is available, and for a cheap price I hope!
Improvements to co-op are always welcome so this delay while disappointing to the fans that were eager to play it, this will help the game out in the long run. I want this game to be even better than Vegas 2, which may have been my favorite FPS of the last generation.
I played this on Wii U twice and neither time did I have any of the issues mentioned in this review like glitches and then collection wasn't an issue since I search everywhere I go thoroughly in order to make sure I don't miss any ammo. I loved this game but I certainly won't fork out extra money when I already own it on the Wii U and enjoyed its use of the gamepad, which I feel added to the experience quite a bit.
As a huge fan of the Elder Scrolls series while this is disappointing I can understand why they would want to branch out and try new things, I just don't want to be an old man when the next entry is released!
It is a good thing that I am not too big of a fan of the Need for Speed games as this would be a pretty large turn off for me. Feel sorry for the fans but I guess in this day and age it is to be expected.
Seeing that border of Jet Force Gemini brings back so many good memories from a time when life was simpler and I had nothing in the world to worry about. Such is childhood and I know that this collection will be at the absolute top of the must get list once I own an Xbox One. As a huge RARE fan why wouldn't I pick this up!?
If really don't understand why people are having a hard time disliking the main protagonist in this game. Dante in DMC was always just as arrogant and given the situation he was in and his abilities I think he had every right to be. I am definitely going to give this one a change because the actual gameplay looks really good to me.
I am glad that you can still use stealth in the game since that is usually the route I choose to take in these types of games. Nothing beats hiding in the shadows!
I am still playing my 360 at the moment and seeing as I have limited room for consoles under my TV the fact that I will still be able to continue playing them through Xbox One is a huge deal for me, and has sealed the deal on getting it, possibly this year if Black Friday is tempting enough. The selection of games is growing to the point where I really want to jump in on the next gen of Xbox.
This is what is best for everyone involved seeing as you shouldn't be forced into a timeframe in which you can release a game on the system. I just want them to end up on it even if it is a year later.
Having played the game a few times through on Wii U there is little chance of me even considering buying it again, especially considering that the gameplay controls are largely what made it so unique and enjoyable for me.
Awesome! As someone who has never played the original this is very good news and I can't wait to see what all the fuss is about. I think I am looking forward more towards 15 though.
I usually dig games with great atmosphere and this one looks to be one of the best I have seen in quite awhile. Definitely going to try this one out since I love my Metroidvanias!
Wow those deals are actually pretty awesome. I have been wanting to play Child of Light and I definitely can't argue with getting the game free. Terraria and Gears of War are excellent choices as well and seeing as I love co op games Army fo Two looks to be right up my alley! Overall I would say that this is a good month to be a Gold member!
Microsoft ruining RARE seems to be the most popular reason as to why they are the way they are today but I don't believe that is entirely true. These guys actually worked there so I think they would know a bit more about it than us. With all these RARE game related teases we have been receiving for the past year I can only hope for a new game from one of their old ips to be announced at E3, and if that happens I will almost certainly get a Xbox One by the end of the year. That being said this game also shows a lot of promise and if it ends up being a quality game I will pick it up since I love collecting platformers!
Comments 83
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Eighty Three
@Gamer83 @DRL Thanks guys. I figured that considering the amazing games that are both on the horizon and already available I felt that now was the best time to jump on board.
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Eighty Three
@Gamer83 I purchased the 1tb holiday bundle which comes with Gears of War Ultimate, Gears 2 and 3 via backwards compatibility, Sunset Overdrive, Rare Replay, and Ori and the Blind Forest I believe. It also comes with a $60 gift code so I will be using that to purchase a couple more games in addition to the Arkham Knight that I bought.
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Eighty Three
I just purchased an Xbox One today via the Microsoft Store so in the meantime I will be playing Halo 4 online and maybe finishing up some games that I have started. Looking forward to joining the current gen!
Re: Poll: Which Halo Campaign Is Your Favourite?
I have only played Halo 3, Halo 4, and Halo Reach but out of those three I think Reach is my favorite of the lot. I loved the team oriented gameplay and I have feeling 5 will be even better since you can actually assign orders to your squadmates.
Re: Star Wars Battlefront Season Pass Announced and "Detailed"
I will never pay full price let alone 50 bucks for a season pass if the game doesn't have a single player campaign of some sort. Like others said I won't pay the full price for less features than what the previous games had...
Re: Rainbow Six: Siege Will Not Feature a Campaign Mode
Like the others above I simply can't see a Rainbow Six game with just the Terrorist Hunt mode for those who don't want to play competitively. I must have played the campaign in Vegas 2 a dozen times and knowing that there won't be a mode even similar to a story mode definitely turns me off. If I was to get this it would have to be at a bargain bin price and the only reason I would buy it then is because I love hunting terrorists cooperatively. This game is definitely a bit skimpy on content though.
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Sixty Nine
I'll be trying to finish up Viva Pinata Trouble in Paradise and after that, who knows? I tend to stick to one game at a time but I may boot up Nintendo Land.
Re: Backwards Compatibility Could Be Extended to Include Original Xbox Games
I never owned the original Xbox but I assume it could be possible to put them on the marketplace if backwards compatibility is available, and for a cheap price I hope!
Re: Rainbow Six: Siege Delayed
Improvements to co-op are always welcome so this delay while disappointing to the fans that were eager to play it, this will help the game out in the long run. I want this game to be even better than Vegas 2, which may have been my favorite FPS of the last generation.
Re: Review: ZOMBI (Xbox One)
I played this on Wii U twice and neither time did I have any of the issues mentioned in this review like glitches and then collection wasn't an issue since I search everywhere I go thoroughly in order to make sure I don't miss any ammo. I loved this game but I certainly won't fork out extra money when I already own it on the Wii U and enjoyed its use of the gamepad, which I feel added to the experience quite a bit.
Re: Bethesda Quash Expectations for a Skyrim Sequel Being Announced in the Near Future
As a huge fan of the Elder Scrolls series while this is disappointing I can understand why they would want to branch out and try new things, I just don't want to be an old man when the next entry is released!
Re: Handbrakes on as Details Emerge of New Need for Speed Always Online Requirement
It is a good thing that I am not too big of a fan of the Need for Speed games as this would be a pretty large turn off for me. Feel sorry for the fans but I guess in this day and age it is to be expected.
Re: Review: Rare Replay (Xbox One)
Seeing that border of Jet Force Gemini brings back so many good memories from a time when life was simpler and I had nothing in the world to worry about. Such is childhood and I know that this collection will be at the absolute top of the must get list once I own an Xbox One. As a huge RARE fan why wouldn't I pick this up!?
Re: Hideki Kamiya Implores Fans Not to Judge Scalebound Protagonist Drew Just Yet
If really don't understand why people are having a hard time disliking the main protagonist in this game. Dante in DMC was always just as arrogant and given the situation he was in and his abilities I think he had every right to be. I am definitely going to give this one a change because the actual gameplay looks really good to me.
Re: Gamescom 2015: Lara Strikes From the Shadows in New Rise of the Tomb Raider Demo
I am glad that you can still use stealth in the game since that is usually the route I choose to take in these types of games. Nothing beats hiding in the shadows!
Re: Gamescom 2015: All Xbox 360 Games With Gold From Now On Will be Backward Compatible
I am still playing my 360 at the moment and seeing as I have limited room for consoles under my TV the fact that I will still be able to continue playing them through Xbox One is a huge deal for me, and has sealed the deal on getting it, possibly this year if Black Friday is tempting enough. The selection of games is growing to the point where I really want to jump in on the next gen of Xbox.
Re: Gamescom 2015: Halo Wars 2 coming to Xbox One
Still need to pick up Halo Wars on 360 but this is great news for fans!
Re: Out Today: Rare Replay (Xbox One)
I might not have an Xbox One yet but you can bet that when I do get one this compilation will be at the top of my list to get!
Re: Gamescom 2015: Crackdown 3 Shows Off Fully Destructible Environments
Looks great! The idea of fully destructible environments sounds like a perfect excuse to cause some mayhem.
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Sixty Six
After getting every achievement in Fable Anniversary I am well on my way to doing the same in Fable 2, so that will be my focus this weekend!
Re: Curve Digital Signs Platformer Hue for Xbox One
Love the art style of this game and if it plays as good as it looks we could have a winner here!
Re: Spencer: Xbox One Parity Clause Is Dead
This is what is best for everyone involved seeing as you shouldn't be forced into a timeframe in which you can release a game on the system. I just want them to end up on it even if it is a year later.
Re: Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons Will Grace Your Xbox One in August
I haven't purchased the game on 360 yet so this looks like it will be the definitive version to buy. Loved the trial though.
Re: Ubisoft Confirms ZombiU is Coming to Xbox One as Zombi
Having played the game a few times through on Wii U there is little chance of me even considering buying it again, especially considering that the gameplay controls are largely what made it so unique and enjoyable for me.
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Sixty Five
I am going to be adventuring through Fable Anniversary since I got the trilogy during the ultimate games sale that was up a few weeks ago.
Re: Talking Point: What Games Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue Sixty Four
This weekend it is all about Ghost Recon Future Soldier for me.
Re: Final Fantasy VII Remake Spotted for Preorder on Xbox One
Awesome! As someone who has never played the original this is very good news and I can't wait to see what all the fuss is about. I think I am looking forward more towards 15 though.
Re: Achievement Alert: Add an Easy 1000 Points to Your Gamerscore with Forza Horizon 2 Presents Fast & Furious
Can't argue with easy achievements. I think I will download it when I get home.
Re: Review: Ori and the Blind Forest (Xbox One)
I usually dig games with great atmosphere and this one looks to be one of the best I have seen in quite awhile. Definitely going to try this one out since I love my Metroidvanias!
Re: April's Double Games With Gold Titles Confirmed, Child of Light and Black Flag Go Free
Wow those deals are actually pretty awesome. I have been wanting to play Child of Light and I definitely can't argue with getting the game free. Terraria and Gears of War are excellent choices as well and seeing as I love co op games Army fo Two looks to be right up my alley! Overall I would say that this is a good month to be a Gold member!
Re: Batman: Arkham Knight Delayed Again
Better they delay it and polish it up than release it with bugs and patch it later which seem to be the norm these days.
Re: This Week's Deals With Gold Involve Fast Cars, Wrestlemaniacs, and Monstrous Monsters
Nothing that I am too interested in but that is ok since I am quite busy playing through the Witcher 2 for the second time.
Re: Playtonic Denies Microsoft Restricted Rare's Creative Freedom
Microsoft ruining RARE seems to be the most popular reason as to why they are the way they are today but I don't believe that is entirely true. These guys actually worked there so I think they would know a bit more about it than us. With all these RARE game related teases we have been receiving for the past year I can only hope for a new game from one of their old ips to be announced at E3, and if that happens I will almost certainly get a Xbox One by the end of the year. That being said this game also shows a lot of promise and if it ends up being a quality game I will pick it up since I love collecting platformers!