Comments 4

Re: Kinect Destroys Sales Predictions to Rack Up 8 Million Sold


It doesn't surprise me that sales have exceeded expectations, the hype around Kinect was huge. Simply put, Kinect is an outstanding piece of technology which can only get better with time. Ok, so there are only a handful of games that really show of the potential but that will evolve. One of the other biggest difficulties they need to overcome to continue this success will be that playing a Kinect game is simply not as easy as playing a normal Xbox 360 game where you plug in press 'A' and off you go. Playing Kinect therefore requires planning for want of a better word whereas gaming requires a moment.

Re: Avatar Kinect is Online Chat with Avatars Pulling Faces


Not sure this overly exciting. Most people on my friends list do not have Kinect so this feature is limited for me, also party chat is still king for us when everyone is playing different games. Sorry I can't get more excited by this announcement but it's probably a feature I wont use - I still use wireless headset to talk to people and not the Kinect itself (annoying when voices come out of the TV) - perhaps I'm missing something and I'll eat my hat later this year

Re: Review: Your Shape: Fitness Evolved (Xbox 360)


Bought this today after reading the comments, I love it. Although some of the moves I thought I was doing right, the system showed me out of rhythm, to be honest it is probably me as I haven't exercised for ages. I could definitely feel the benefit after doing some classes. It would be nice if the Zen mode had a tutorial rather than assuming you know each move but practice makes perfect. I enjoy the Cardio-Boxing too. Overall well worth the purchase and I'm convinced it'll help me lose weight if I stick to the plan each day - better than the gym any day.