Comments 65

Re: Star Wars: Squadrons Supposedly Won't Include Microtransactions


@KelticDevil maybe. I’m guessing it’s an arcadey thing and probably more multiplayer focused. I don’t mind a short campaign if it’s really good - but also don’t pay $60 for call of duty for that reason and prefer to wait until prices go down even though I play those for the campaigns only. $40 might make me a day one buyer.

Re: Reminder: The Massive Xbox Deals Unlocked Sale Ends Soon


I picked up Titanfall 2 for $5. Anyone who doesn’t get Far Cry 4 at $7 or Sunset Overdrive at $5 that hasn’t played them is out of their mind. The Fifa journey pack is a great deal too - I think I got that for Black Friday or a summer sale last year, and it’s a great way to get three Fifa games for the price of half of one if you don’t buy every year.

Re: Rumour: July's Xbox Series X Event Will 'Absolutely Bring The Heat'


Pretty solid bets:

  • New Halo
  • New Forza
  • New Fable
  • Hellblade


  • New Banjo
  • New Perfect Dark (from a new studio?)

Unlikely but wanted:

  • Crimson Skies (need the arcadey stuff)
  • New Splinter Cell Exclusive
  • Outer Worlds 2
  • A party game????

Very Unlikely, but man I would lose it if:

  • New Sunset Overdrive
  • New Jet Set
  • Co-Funded Nintendo IP coming to Switch and Xbox - Eternal Darkness 2? It would have to be something that would need two platforms to make sense and be a crowd pleaser.
  • Out of nowhere IP that needs a game (Saga with Brian K Vaughan writing, Spawn Diablo-like, Kotor 3, Burnout and Fast and Furious crossover, Jack Ryan... I really want to be surprised!)
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