I saw this two weeks ago. Two weeks later, I'm still crying. Seriously, This is something I would kickstarter. Sakaguchi is too damn good to be doing freakin' mobile F2P crap...
@hydeks Way to make baseless assumptions, man. None of those RPGs you're talking about can't be bought on my PC or even the PS4, so I have no reason to care if they're on the Xbone. As for fun game, I won't pretend the Xbone doesn't have good games, but I do have my own tastes, and none of the Xbox One exclusives fit with them.
Phantom Dust sucked. Its fanbase is the most baffling I've ever encountered. I wish the developer the best of luck trying to mine gold from a $#!+ mine.
Thank freakin' G-d. I didn't even want Killzone 3 on MOVE. I'd rather they continue trying to make innovative games instead of trying to put existing games on an entirely new format.
Good to hear that this one turned out alright. I still won't get it, but after going down the line, I was starting to fear the launch selection would beat out the Sega Saturn in terms of quality(or the lack thereof, rather ). This at least puts some of those fears to rest.
...I came. Seriously, those mechs have me drooling, and I can only imagine how they play! I've always wanted to play the original Xbox game - it's like a mech fanboy's wetdream - and I know From Software knows their mechs. Seriously can't wait to hear more about this! It might actually convince me to put money down for a Kinect!
Yes, the Kinect certainly is a unique and new experience, so I can see why it would provoke some interest, unlike MOVE which seems like it's focusing more on "Core" gamers than casuals. I'm glad they're at least making sure it appeals to its core audience, even if I'm not among them. And even if I was, At the end of the day, I'd just stick with my Xbox 360 and PS2 anyways.
I was gonna say it looks cool but...really, how are we supposed to do some of these moves??? This looks like they're just asking for use to kick our televisions in.
That trailer was horrible. It made my eyes bleed, and I think my wife had a miscarriage because of it. I never want to see it again.
With that said, I am still very much looking forward to buying the game, because it has Sonic in it. In fact, it may be the only Kinect game I buy. But I probably won't play it, not when there's even the slightest chance of being seen by someone else, and that includes the FBI, who may or may not have installed hidden cameras in my living room.
Comments 40
Re: Final Fantasy Creator Releases Trailer for Cancelled Mistwalker Xbox 360 RPG
I saw this two weeks ago. Two weeks later, I'm still crying. Seriously, This is something I would kickstarter. Sakaguchi is too damn good to be doing freakin' mobile F2P crap...
Re: E3 2014: Crackdown Returns Exclusively to Xbox One
@hydeks Way to make baseless assumptions, man. None of those RPGs you're talking about can't be bought on my PC or even the PS4, so I have no reason to care if they're on the Xbone. As for fun game, I won't pretend the Xbone doesn't have good games, but I do have my own tastes, and none of the Xbox One exclusives fit with them.
Re: E3 2014: Phantom Dust Xbox One Exclusive Reboot Confirmed
Phantom Dust sucked. Its fanbase is the most baffling I've ever encountered. I wish the developer the best of luck trying to mine gold from a $#!+ mine.
Re: E3 2014: Crackdown Returns Exclusively to Xbox One
"But I don't think MS would be bringing this back if it didn't think it could deliver so I'm looking forward to its return."
^That's what I said last time...
That said, if this turns out even half as good as the original, it will be the first game Xbone has that I would want to play on one.
Re: E3 2014: Conker Pack Coming to Project Spark This Fall
Ow! Right in the Nostalgia! Thanks a lot, Microsoft...
Re: E3 2013: New Star Wars Battlefront in Development
Battlefront is the best news all day.
Re: E3 2013: New Indie Game 'Below' Looks Amazing
That looked terrible and boring to me...
Re: Microsoft Confirms Xbox One Policies
this certainly sounds better. Still a lot of things I don't likem, but it's still better.
Re: E3 2013: Xbox One Price Confirmed by Microsoft
Microsoft, you officially no longer have a foot left to shoot.
Re: Rumour: Kinect for Xbox One has a Confusing Name
Microsoft, how many times do I have to tell you to fire the guys that pick these names???
Re: Xbox One WILL Allow You to Play Your Games on Other Xbox One Consoles
Ugh, just don't make putting profiles on other people's consoles a hassle like it was for the 360, k?
Re: Thief Franchise Coming to 720
^You never heard of Thief? That's surprising. Anyways, I'm not a fan, but I know plenty of people who would be happy to hear this.
Re: Child of Eden on Kinect Gets its Trance Vibrators Back
Now if only I had 4 controllers, this would be super Mega Awesome. As it stands, with my two controllers it's only kinda really super-duper awesome.
Re: Every Kinect Should Come With a Robot Like This One
Congratz, we are now one step closer to the robot apocalypse.
Re: Features: Five Kinect Games to Move You in 2011
Steel Battalion, Child of Eden Project Draco = DO WANT!
Re: Microsoft Condones the Use of Open Source Kinect Drivers
Nice, and I think Token Girl's rightm I doubt it'll be used to pirate games...or at least, I hope it won't be able to do that!
Re: Project Draco Aiming for Absorbing and Epic Dragon Battles
...Aww...so it really isn't a rail shooter? I'll still keep my eyes on it, though.
Re: Review: Dance Central (Xbox 360)
Once again, the faces weird me out a bit...otherwise it looks interesting, and good review, Will.
Re: Review: Sonic Free Riders (Xbox 360)
I'll probably still get it, but I probably won't play it. I'm just trying to collect all of the non-compilation/rerelease Sonic games.
Re: No, Gears of War 3 is Not Coming to Kinect
Thank freakin' G-d. I didn't even want Killzone 3 on MOVE. I'd rather they continue trying to make innovative games instead of trying to put existing games on an entirely new format.
Re: Review: Fighters Uncaged (Xbox 360)
That's disappointing, but I guess I should've known it wouldn't work. Guess I'll scratch that one off my list.
Re: Talking Point: What Future Features Do You Want From Kinect?
Features, features, features! Enough with the features, hows about we get some more good games, eh?
Re: Kinect's Core Offering to Blast Off in 2011
All of these games are on my Wishlist.
Re: Review: Kinect Sports (Xbox 360)
Good to hear that this one turned out alright. I still won't get it, but after going down the line, I was starting to fear the launch selection would beat out the Sega Saturn in terms of quality(or the lack thereof, rather ). This at least puts some of those fears to rest.
Re: Review: Kinectimals (Xbox 360)
You're not the only one, Fox. For a cute and cuddly kids game, those faces sure give me the heebie jeebies!
Re: Review: Kinect Joy Ride (Xbox 360)
I wasn't expecting much out of this one either. Luckily Sonic Free Riders is all the racing the system needs at this time.
Re: Interviews: Lightning Fish Games - Get Fit with Mel B
If this is a game I wanna play it all night lo...reads the article
...well, I'll get the box at least. I suppose I can play with that.<_<
Re: Rumour: Child of Eden to Hypnotise Europe in February
I still need Rez, so it can take its sweet time coming to NA. I think XBLA usualy does simultaneous releases, though.
Re: Share Your Experiences in Our New Kinect Forums!
Re: Review: Kinect Adventures (Xbox 360)
Why am I not surprised? Maybe the Bland artbox tipped me off? Other way, there's something about it that offends me greatly.
Re: Talking Point: From 40 Buttons to None - Can Steel Battalion Really Work on Kinect?
...I came.
Seriously, those mechs have me drooling, and I can only imagine how they play! I've always wanted to play the original Xbox game - it's like a mech fanboy's wetdream - and I know From Software knows their mechs. Seriously can't wait to hear more about this! It might actually convince me to put money down for a Kinect!
Re: Greenberg: "Kinect Launch Will be Bigger Than Wii"
Because it's a good product? I'm just speculating of course.
Now if you mean "How can it sell better than the Wii", that's a different story, and a very good question.
Re: US Survey Puts Kinect as "Big Christmas Winner"
Yes, the Kinect certainly is a unique and new experience, so I can see why it would provoke some interest, unlike MOVE which seems like it's focusing more on "Core" gamers than casuals. I'm glad they're at least making sure it appeals to its core audience, even if I'm not among them. And even if I was, At the end of the day, I'd just stick with my Xbox 360 and PS2 anyways.
Re: Dance Central 2 Already in the Works but DLC Comes First
But...we don't even know if Kinect will be around long enough for a sequel to be worth it.
Re: Rumour: Kinect Adventures Disc Loaded with Demos
Demoes are always a good thing, especially in a pack-in game. Gives the game a little extra life, especially if you get the Xbox with no Hard drive.
Re: New Fighters Uncaged Video is an Assault on Your Senses
I was gonna say it looks cool but...really, how are we supposed to do some of these moves??? This looks like they're just asking for use to kick our televisions in.
Re: Sega Weaponises Another Sonic Free Riders Trailer
This is what I meant
Re: Sega Weaponises Another Sonic Free Riders Trailer
I'm NOT watching it this time! I'm still recovering from the last one.
Re: Japan Shows How it's Done with Crazy Sonic Free Riders Video
Re: Japan Shows How it's Done with Crazy Sonic Free Riders Video
That trailer was horrible. It made my eyes bleed, and I think my wife had a miscarriage because of it. I never want to see it again.
With that said, I am still very much looking forward to buying the game, because it has Sonic in it. In fact, it may be the only Kinect game I buy. But I probably won't play it, not when there's even the slightest chance of being seen by someone else, and that includes the FBI, who may or may not have installed hidden cameras in my living room.