Everyone takes things too seriously. IT'S A VIDEOGAME!!! So the dancing looks ridiculous...have some fun with it. If you have kids, they'll love it, if you're older - get drunk then try it!
I had more genuine fun with this than any other game in recent memory! Not knowing what weird activity will come next, playing and jumping around. Good on you, Double-Fine!!!
It reminded me of being a kid again, no goals, no winning or losing...just being silly and trying to interact with different things. Totally worth it! Every Kinect should come packed with this as a DEMO of what the Kinect can do!!!
Just got it, a really great MUST HAVE game for Kinect owners. A great compliment to the 1st game. Football is the best of the package, Darts is surprisingly fun and the mechanics work better than I would have expected! Tennis is ho-hum, feels too much like table-tennis/Wii-sports, been-there, done-that, sort-of the same with golf, and the Skiing feels like the Balance board stuff that was on the Wii as well, nothing to write home about. But baseball is great! All the games are solid, most with mini-game extras to mess around with. Got a Kinect....BUY THIS!!!!
I guess they are okay in the sense that in a party atmosphere it "levels the playing field" so seasoned gamers can play fairly against just about any non-gamer and have a fighting chance.
But playing the game in solo to get high scores, unlock cars and achievements...forget it.
With no Star Wars Kinect - this is the game to buy this holiday. Perhaps that was a motivation for Microsoft to hold off SW (along with more polish) to give this title more time to breath in the marketplace.
Well, the price is at least right. If they would have released a demo there would have been no reason to ever by this. One level is about all you ever need to play. It's a neat game but being a "pack-in" feels about right. Good on you Microsoft!!!
That was a ridiculously bad demo of darts. I'm not sure what they were looking to showcase there, but it was a turn-off at best. Either it shows that it's way too easy, in which case I don't want to play, or the AI is way too good, and I don't want to play.
Menu Navigation, Voice Commands, maybe even option for tossing a grenade would all be a reasonable option. Nothing mandatory, but I think it's great! I love that they are supporting Kinect properly! Having the option is always better, since this is a port/remake, no one can complain they are taking development time away from the game to implement Kinect stuff, so more power to them!!!!
Sure, why not. Whether it's Voice Commands or Menu Navigation or Full-On control - I totally commend Microsoft for their commitment to Kinect and how they are showing it's more than an answer to Wii motion controls but a unique interface for the future with untapped possibilities.
It wasn't a mistake. It was just short sighted on journalist who want to jump all over Kinect & Fable with negativity. There was no reason to believe the whole game was "on rails". All we knew is what we saw, no more no less.
What!?!?!?!? There are no words. I've gotta seen some screenshots. I figured a wrestling kinect game would eventually happen. Hulk Hogan being attached to it...Hmmmm.
Mark Hamill will probably show up at the M$ press conference. Not only can he stump for the Star Wars Kinect game, but he cant cross-promote Batman Arkham City as well...
Some kind of TRON Disc type thing where you fling disc then try to avoid one coming at you. Refine the Boxing, it's still the most potentially compelling thing you can do physically with Kinect...just make it work like it should with ducking and weaving and such...
Super impressive how Ubisoft keeps the content coming for this. It's a quality product and ironically the best thing out for the Kinect. After all the hype of the other "games" this is the only one I still use....Yeah!!!
Shamone? Is that what he's been saying all these years? Wow, my mind has just been blown...my childhood is irrevocably changed now. I need to take a step back and meditate on this now.
Just played all the mini-games in the new DLC. They are all surprising good add-ons, especially for the price of FREE!!! Even though they are just augmented versions of every sport already on the disc, it's still great to see it supported. Kudos to Kinect Sports (and Rare).
It's great the hackers are showing Microsoft the potential of what Kinect can do. Hopefully this will help "push" the technology in the device above and beyond motion-mini-games. M$ take note...this is the stuff that sets it apart from PS Move!
And yes, the video is boring but the creator is a computer nerd, not a Hollywood actor so cut him some slack - probaby doesn't have much of social life if he took the time to make himself invisible.
A good, if not too short interview. Frontier has done a fine job with Kinectimals. It's unique (at least for the Xbox platform) and the graphics and animations are top-notch - not to mention the controls do work well for a early Kinect experience. I'm looking forward to the next game they announce if it's on the same level of quality as Kinectimals...I'll be 1st in line!
I actually agree with Pachter on this one. I got a Kinect, day one because I thought there would be a shortage. Everywhere I go there are plenty, not just the bundle but the stand alone unit. And I live just outside of Chicago - one of the biggest cities in the US. Get it if you want it...if not...don't. But then you probaby wouldn't be on this site then.
This game is poop! Seriously, take my advice and save your money - then thank me later. I bought it in the States the day it came out. The controls are wonky and unresponsive. The menu system is terrible, the graphics are uninspired even compared to the other Kinect games. Just to illustrate, if you are left handed, just by playing the game the way it was intended you'll inadvertently trigger the pause menu by swinging your arm to throw. It's trash.
So, even though with their track record there is a high chance this game will be "shovelware", I still have hopes that it will at least deliver on responsiveness and if the games are at a base-level fun...then it might be worth a purchase.
At least the games look unique, unlike Deca Sports Freedom which seems to want to rehash Kinect Sports, MotionSports, etc.
Comments 31
Re: New Kinect Star Wars Trailer Shows the Force
Everyone takes things too seriously. IT'S A VIDEOGAME!!! So the dancing looks ridiculous...have some fun with it. If you have kids, they'll love it, if you're older - get drunk then try it!
Re: Review: Double Fine Happy Action Theatre (Xbox 360)
I had more genuine fun with this than any other game in recent memory! Not knowing what weird activity will come next, playing and jumping around. Good on you, Double-Fine!!!
It reminded me of being a kid again, no goals, no winning or losing...just being silly and trying to interact with different things. Totally worth it! Every Kinect should come packed with this as a DEMO of what the Kinect can do!!!
Re: Even Kinect Star Wars Succumbs to Kinect Dance Mania
Well, if they are going to do this anyway...I hope they go batcrazy with it...If you jump in, you might as well go in the deep end!
Re: Review: Hulk Hogan's Main Event (Xbox 360)
3 stars...that's 2 more than it deserves. Poor Hulk - I hope he got his advance upfront, I wouldn't want a cut of the percentage sold! Yikes!!!
Re: Review: Kinect Sports: Season Two (Xbox 360)
Just got it, a really great MUST HAVE game for Kinect owners. A great compliment to the 1st game. Football is the best of the package, Darts is surprisingly fun and the mechanics work better than I would have expected! Tennis is ho-hum, feels too much like table-tennis/Wii-sports, been-there, done-that, sort-of the same with golf, and the Skiing feels like the Balance board stuff that was on the Wii as well, nothing to write home about. But baseball is great! All the games are solid, most with mini-game extras to mess around with. Got a Kinect....BUY THIS!!!!
Re: Out Today: Burnout CRASH! (Xbox Live Arcade)
Fun game, but the Kinect controls...Yikes!
I guess they are okay in the sense that in a party atmosphere it "levels the playing field" so seasoned gamers can play fairly against just about any non-gamer and have a fighting chance.
But playing the game in solo to get high scores, unlock cars and achievements...forget it.
Re: This Hulk Hogan T-Shirt is Yours When You Pre-Order
Well...now I have two reasons NOT to get the game.
Re: Rare: "We Will Continue to Collaborate with Other Studios"
With no Star Wars Kinect - this is the game to buy this holiday. Perhaps that was a motivation for Microsoft to hold off SW (along with more polish) to give this title more time to breath in the marketplace.
Re: Buy Kinect, Get Child of Eden Free
Well, the price is at least right. If they would have released a demo there would have been no reason to ever by this. One level is about all you ever need to play. It's a neat game but being a "pack-in" feels about right. Good on you Microsoft!!!
Re: Does This Kinect Sports: Season Two Trailer Score or Miss?
That was a ridiculously bad demo of darts. I'm not sure what they were looking to showcase there, but it was a turn-off at best. Either it shows that it's way too easy, in which case I don't want to play, or the AI is way too good, and I don't want to play.
Re: Molyneux Wants You to Sit Back, Relax and Cry Your Eyes Out
I cried when I realized I spent $60 on Fable 3 after playing it and seeing what crap it was. So, mission accomplished Peter!!!
Re: It's Official, Master Chief is Coming to Kinect
Menu Navigation, Voice Commands, maybe even option for tossing a grenade would all be a reasonable option. Nothing mandatory, but I think it's great! I love that they are supporting Kinect properly! Having the option is always better, since this is a port/remake, no one can complain they are taking development time away from the game to implement Kinect stuff, so more power to them!!!!
Re: Microsoft: Eventually All Our Games Will Use Kinect
Sure, why not. Whether it's Voice Commands or Menu Navigation or Full-On control - I totally commend Microsoft for their commitment to Kinect and how they are showing it's more than an answer to Wii motion controls but a unique interface for the future with untapped possibilities.
Re: Molyneux: Fable: The Journey Demo Was "A Horrendous Mistake"
It wasn't a mistake. It was just short sighted on journalist who want to jump all over Kinect & Fable with negativity. There was no reason to believe the whole game was "on rails". All we knew is what we saw, no more no less.
Re: Fruit Ninja Kinect Ripens with E3 Screenshots
What? No Veggie Samurai?
Re: Prepare for Hulkamania with Hulk Hogan's Main Event
What!?!?!?!? There are no words. I've gotta seen some screenshots. I figured a wrestling kinect game would eventually happen. Hulk Hogan being attached to it...Hmmmm.
Re: Expect Lots of Kinect Star Wars at E3 2011
Mark Hamill will probably show up at the M$ press conference. Not only can he stump for the Star Wars Kinect game, but he cant cross-promote Batman Arkham City as well...
Re: Cuddle Up to a Kinectimals Avatar Pet for 240 Points
All of these are unlockable by playing the game I believe. Most of them with just 1 play-through.
Re: Talking Point: What Would You Want in Kinect Sports 2?
Some kind of TRON Disc type thing where you fling disc then try to avoid one coming at you. Refine the Boxing, it's still the most potentially compelling thing you can do physically with Kinect...just make it work like it should with ducking and weaving and such...
Re: Out Today: Your Shape: Fitness Evolved Nivea DLC
Super impressive how Ubisoft keeps the content coming for this. It's a quality product and ironically the best thing out for the Kinect. After all the hype of the other "games" this is the only one I still use....Yeah!!!
Re: Rumour: Fruit Ninja to Get Kinect's Juices Flowing
Brilliant! Just brilliant...a perfect match!
Re: Shamone! It's the Michael Jackson: The Experience Launch Trailer
Shamone? Is that what he's been saying all these years? Wow, my mind has just been blown...my childhood is irrevocably changed now. I need to take a step back and meditate on this now.
Re: The Kinect Sports DLC You Ordered Just Arrived Today
Just played all the mini-games in the new DLC. They are all surprising good add-ons, especially for the price of FREE!!! Even though they are just augmented versions of every sport already on the disc, it's still great to see it supported. Kudos to Kinect Sports (and Rare).
Re: New Achievements for Kinect Sports Reveal Future DLC
This is great! More is better...hopefully it will be only 400 MS points (of course FREE would be better).
Re: New Kinect Hack Lets You Become Invisible
It's great the hackers are showing Microsoft the potential of what Kinect can do. Hopefully this will help "push" the technology in the device above and beyond motion-mini-games. M$ take note...this is the stuff that sets it apart from PS Move!
And yes, the video is boring but the creator is a computer nerd, not a Hollywood actor so cut him some slack - probaby doesn't have much of social life if he took the time to make himself invisible.
Re: Interviews: Frontier Developments - Kinectimals
A good, if not too short interview. Frontier has done a fine job with Kinectimals. It's unique (at least for the Xbox platform) and the graphics and animations are top-notch - not to mention the controls do work well for a early Kinect experience. I'm looking forward to the next game they announce if it's on the same level of quality as Kinectimals...I'll be 1st in line!
Re: More Kinectimals Plush Toys Are On the Way, Kids
I want Lion-o,the Thundercat leader...or Mr. Bigglesworth from Austin Powers.
Re: Kinect Shortages Claims are Ploys to Increase Demand, says Analyst
I actually agree with Pachter on this one. I got a Kinect, day one because I thought there would be a shortage. Everywhere I go there are plenty, not just the bundle but the stand alone unit. And I live just outside of Chicago - one of the biggest cities in the US. Get it if you want it...if not...don't. But then you probaby wouldn't be on this site then.
Re: Game Party Set in Motion Across the UK Today
This game is poop! Seriously, take my advice and save your money - then thank me later. I bought it in the States the day it came out. The controls are wonky and unresponsive. The menu system is terrible, the graphics are uninspired even compared to the other Kinect games. Just to illustrate, if you are left handed, just by playing the game the way it was intended you'll inadvertently trigger the pause menu by swinging your arm to throw. It's trash.
Re: Kinect Isn't Used for Targeted Advertising, says Microsoft
Because Microsoft like to make money!
Re: Game Party in Motion
So, even though with their track record there is a high chance this game will be "shovelware", I still have hopes that it will at least deliver on responsiveness and if the games are at a base-level fun...then it might be worth a purchase.
At least the games look unique, unlike Deca Sports Freedom which seems to want to rehash Kinect Sports, MotionSports, etc.