2022 has been a slow year for AAA gaming, with much of the industry's anticipated lineup delayed until next year. However, like clockwork, a new Call of Duty game has managed to make it, with long-time developer Infinity Ward back behind the iron sights for another venture into the murky world of Modern Warfare. 2019's Modern Warfare reboot was a bold reimagining of the series, with the game's underlying tech meaningfully upgraded for the first time since the original Xbox 360 version of Modern Warfare, and this year's game is an evolution of that effort. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 takes the groundwork laid by the last MW title and refines it to forge one of the best Call of Duty games in the last decade, and certainly Infinity Ward's finest CoD since, well, the old Modern Warfare 2.
First up, MW2's campaign mode. We'll keep this part brief because we already tackled it in our recent Hands On feature, but to put it simply this campaign is another fine effort from Infinity Ward. While it falls in line with most of the other Modern Warfare games out there, a stronger focus on stealth and espionage does mix things up a fair bit in this year's release. You'll still partake in your fair share of chaotically loud gunfights in far-flung locations across the globe, but the sneaky sneaks have been liberally peppered throughout MW2's campaign creating a slower paced, more intimate affair.

As we noted in our campaign hands on, this change of pace hasn't harmed the series' AAA presentation in the slightest. Modern Warfare 2 feels expensive, with lifelike cutscenes and motion capture combining with the series' signature gameplay, bringing things to life in a believable way. Sure, these aren't the most compelling characters in video game history (far from it), but Infinity Ward extracts a lot from a military squad of spec ops soldiers, to the point where we at least paid attention to what was going on most of the time. That's pretty high praise for a CoD campaign in our book, and MW2 is well worth a look, especially if last year's sloppy effort has deterred you from tackling campaign mode.
Now, let's move ahead to the meat and potatoes of any CoD game: multiplayer. We skipped over this year's beta period to head into the full game with a fresh outlook, and we're mighty impressed by what's here at launch. Modern Warfare 2 is a lovely mix of classic CoD and the MW reboot's new vision; it feels like Infinity Ward knew what it wanted to create right from the off. Things aren't perfect admittedly, but MW2's multiplayer launch is the best we've seen from CoD in a decade, since Treyarch's Call of Duty: Black Ops 2.
You've got your usual array of modern weapons and gadgets to use across a variety of modes and maps right at launch, and the core gameplay loop is on point here. MW2's gunplay is tight, with every weapon we've unlocked so far feeling unique & satisfying to use, from your versatile set of ARs and SMGs to a collection of weapons better suited to specific engagements. We've not run into anything that feels overtly overpowered during the game's opening weekend either, which is always a bonus!

Speaking of specific engagements, we have to give MW2's big team modes a huge shoutout. Larger scale warfare was a core pillar of the 2019 reboot, and once again, IW has refined that offering here to create the best part of MW2's multiplayer component. Both the flag-based 'Ground War' and the battle of attrition that is 'Invasion' are immensely fun to play, and the set of launch maps feel custom made for the modes this time out, especially compared to Modern Warfare 2019. Infinity Ward has managed to out-Battlefield Battlefield, creating a fun and frantic playground for large scale modern combat, and it's a part of MW2 we can see ourselves playing for months to come.
When it comes to standard 6v6 combat, the results are more mixed but MW2 is still a great time in its main multiplayer mode. Most of the game's 6v6 launch maps are fun to play, even if none have really stood out yet as a top-tier level. The game's combat flow is more forgiving than the previous Modern Warfare title as well, allowing players to run-and-gun more freely without being punished. We're not sure if Infinity Ward has managed to topple Treyarch in the 6v6 department just yet (we need to play a lot more to figure this out), but Modern Warfare 2's core multiplayer match flow is a huge improvement over the reboot and a fun time overall.

However, multiplayer isn't without its problems, which is to be expected given everything the developer is trying to do here. First off, Hardcore modes — to be known as 'Tier 1' modes in MW2 — are absent at launch, and core tuning is the only way to play. We've always stuck to core anyway so this hasn't been a huge issue on our end, but we know some folks play these modes religiously and we felt it's something that needed to be pointed out. Infinity Ward is bringing Tier 1 to Modern Warfare 2 soon, specifically at the start of Season 1 on November 16th.
The other major bone we have to pick with MW2's multiplayer right now is a somewhat confusing gunsmith/unlock system. The team has mixed things up this year by tying a lot of attachment and camo unlocks to the use of other weapons, presumably to encourage players to mix up their loadouts. However, the setup isn't very well explained, and it leads to confusion when you're using a particular weapon and that doesn't unlock more stuff for it. We've been rocking the M4 assault rifle quite a bit over the weekend — as have a lot of folks — and we pretty quickly unlocked five scopes for the thing, but another 35(!) weapon sights are locked behind unrelated challenges. Some attachments don't even seem to detail what's required to unlock them, and overall, we'd like things to be simplified a little bit because the whole system feels bloated and confusing in its current state.

Finally, there's co-op. This is a Modern Warfare title so there's no Zombies mode this year, with Infinity Ward reverting to its typical 'Spec Ops' offering. We've dabbled in a few of the co-op missions available at launch, and again, things feel a bit more refined in this year's game, but as per usual Spec Ops is nothing to write home about. What we've played has felt nice and polished, almost like an extension of the game's campaign mode in tone and style, but we can't say we've felt compelled to jump back in for a second run. Oh, and seriously, stealth and online co-op are not a good mix in Call of Duty!
Infinity Ward has delivered its best Call of Duty game since the original Modern Warfare 2 (from way back in 2009) with this year's release. The game's campaign mixes things up rather nicely, delivering a more tactical outing this time around, and the game's multiplayer caters to almost every type of Call of Duty player out there. While the non-Zombies co-op mode is an expected low point, MW2's multiplayer component is jam-packed and well-balanced, creating a compelling reason to keep returning to its huge online sandbox. Modern Warfare 2 won't convince the CoD haters out there, but this year's release is a return to form after one of the franchise's major lows in 2021's Call of Duty: Vanguard.
Comments 13
2022 has been a slow year for AAA gaming on Xbox, not in general. If anything, there were some fantastic games out this year.
Not a big COD fan, but I agree that even during Open Beta it felt like a best COD in last 10 years at least.
Def agree, this game got me hooked.
This is what i wanted from Call off duty.
Imo the best FPS game to date.
What really grabs me, is playing this game with a good headset or surround sound, the sound in this game is truly next level, the explosions etc. What a masterpiece this game is.
The campaign really takes you in, after i finish it i will replay it again, (yeah its that good)
As for the multiplayer, i really have a blast with this game.
Experienced some lag, they are already working hard to fix it. For anyone having the same issue it starts when u add 5 parts on your weapon in gunsmith. With 4 parts the lagging went away. (Till the next update i advice to wait upgrading your weapon to 5 parts etc.
But man what an amazing game. I would score this game a 9/10
This is the first CoD game I’ve played since Black Ops 2, and it’s really damn good. The campaign has surprised me immensely, and is now one of my favorite FPS games campaign wise in a long time. I like the slow, methodical approach to some of the missions as well - it genuinely makes you feel as if you’re apart of the action.
I haven’t attempted the multiplayer yet, but I probably will once I finish the story. Overall, this game is fantastic and I’m glad I bought it. In fact, it took some convincing from four of my coworkers who wanted to hook up and start a clan. Lol.
I absolutely loved the campaign. I only ever buy Call of Duty in order to play the campaign. None of the other elements holds any interest for me. Having played every single campaign to date, and enjoyed all of them, including last years effort, I can honestly say that I think this years campaign is the best of them all. I particularly enjoyed the mission Alone, which was simply superb. Wholeheartedly recommend at least the campaign element of the game...
I do enjoy a quality sneaky sneak from time to time.
I just don’t see myself stop playing Overwatch 2 to play this online. I’ve been away from Call of Duty for so long, i don’t know what would bring me back to the series.
Removed - unconstructive feedback
It's as if listening to feedback constructively, putting some real effort in quality control yields good results. Who would have thought? Credit where it is due, well done Infinity Ward, looking forward to playing my first COD in 6 years.
Just been playing the online multiplayer on MW2 since Friday but the whole thing feels like Modern Warfare 2019 to me. Love doing the campaigns though so I’m looking forward to that once I get the chance.
I am still actively boycotting AB, but might give this a shot once the whole Microsoft deal is closed and Kotick kicked to the curb.
Wish we could buy and play only the campaign, MW2019 had a beautiful campaign!!
Other than that, multiplayer is for one more time a bunny hop simulator!
Ground War is a bit better than 3 years ago, but still miles below even BF2042!!
Great as the gameplay is, being unable to change my calling card/emblem is absolutely insane... This is a beta bug that shouldn't even exist.
Glad to see I'm not the only one.
Once the deal is done and kotick is gone I might rethink my position (mainly because I'd like to try Diablo), but not till its Microsoft's and has better leadership...
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