Another year, another Call of Duty, with long-time developer Infinity Ward at the helm once again in 2022 delivering a direct sequel to Modern Warfare 2019. So far, we've only had access to the game's campaign ahead of the big online server switch-on later this week, so these thoughts are based purely on single-player. What we can say is that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is a visual feast on Xbox Series X, and a huge step up from 2021's Call of Duty: Vanguard in almost every aspect.
Most of Modern Warfare's well-known character roster returns here, with Captain Price, Ghost, Soap and Gaz leading the rest of the crew through some outlandish missions across the globe. The setup is your typical 'Modern Warfare' affair; you're after missiles and baddies that are of a major threat to the US military and its allies. MW2's campaign is nothing out of the ordinary, but we're okay with that, given the execution here is top notch all around.

Let's start with probably the most important aspect of CoD: the gunplay. MW2 takes the foundations of 2019's reboot and builds on that, in turn creating one of the best-feeling shooters we've ever had the pleasure of playing on Xbox. Every weapon feels just right, with the appropriate level of booming, blasting and sparks flying during every single gunfight. The wider range of gadgets and weaponry that the modern setting brings is always a bonus, and Infinity Ward makes good use of the variety that modern warfare offers up.
The missions are pretty varied too, with raucous romps through cartel-infested South American towns sitting right alongside precise infiltration missions led by some of the highest-ranking special forces teams known to man. Again, it's your typical Modern Warfare rollercoaster ride, but IW does throw in a few unique mission scenarios in Modern Warfare 2.

One we took particular liking to consisted of a Watch Dogs-esque mission setup, where we were tasked with leading an infiltration effort using only a set of security cameras. In this mission you don't fire a bullet yourself, instead directing a comrade through an enemy base, using cover combined with silent takedowns. As we've just mentioned this isn't a wholly new concept generally, but it felt refreshing in the midst of MW2's typically bombastic campaign levels.
Whatever the perspective though, those levels are an absolute visual treat on Xbox Series X. The campaign features both a 60FPS and an unlocked 120FPS option (if you have the display to support it), and both look fantastic to be honest. We stuck with 60 most of the time as the 4K visual glow-up seemed a no-brainer for the game's single-player mode. The variety of locales on show also served to highlight the game's impressive visuals; make no mistake this is one of the best-looking current-gen titles on the market. Performance is rock solid too, especially using the 60 frames per-second campaign option.

One thing we couldn't get out of our heads during the whole playthrough was just how polished and well-built MW2's campaign is. From the cutscenes and the in-game mocap, to the visuals and audio, this is probably the closest to a 'AAAA' video game you could imagine. The gulf in quality from last year's Vanguard to Modern Warfare 2 is stark as well; MW2 delivers on its core vision whereas Vanguard's campaign, frankly, was a bit of a mess. The series feels back on track this year, especially if all of the game's multiplayer modes match up to what's been served up in single-player.
If you're tired of everything Call of Duty offers then this year's title likely won't change your mind; it's still more of the same from a franchise that's been annualised for almost 20 years at this point. However, if you're after a proper, polished AAA title in a year that's struggled to deliver them, Modern Warfare 2 is that game, and then some. We can't say we recommend spending $70 on MW2 based on a six-hour single-player mode, but if the online portion matches up in quality, Infinity Ward will be delivering a slick & shiny shooter that'll be hard to resist in 2022.
*Our full Modern Warfare 2 review, including multiplayer & co-op, will be live early next week.
Have you been playing the MW2 campaign? Let us know your thoughts down below!
Comments 19
I’m enjoying it. Completed 9 of the 17 chapters so far. All different. Gun play is great. A great blast
I saw a video of Amsterdam and I was very impressed with how it looked
@ThatFilbo no kidding. Batman didn't do itself any favors when it was basically ousted the week before/of release instead of making that clear way in advance. I still wanna play it, but at a deep Black Friday discount. This game looks bananas, however.
@J_Mo_Money I have been playing Gotham Knights all weekend and even though its only 30 FPS, its still an amazing game both visually and playability. There are tons of collectibles and different lore you can interact with to get back story. Its beautiful in design and concept. Playing as any of the 4 characters at any given time is nice because they all have their own moveset and outfits. You can customize your character with a bunch of different outfits and color choices. Leveling up your character to gain new moves and powers is a nice touch.
I haven’t bought or played a CoD game in years, but this is now on my radar. Will still wait for reviews, but I may bite. Only thing I’m worried about is the install size - recent CoD games have had a notoriously large footprint. Would it be possible to manage the game so you only install the campaign, then once that’s done uninstall it and then install the MP maps? 🤔
@Nightcrawler71 You can uninstall parts of the game with MW2 (as you have been able to in the last few CODs) but I believe you have to download the whole thing first and then start removing. MW2 is about 85gb right now, for the full thing.
I read something about the campaign requiring online connection - but it seems to be for PC only? Or is it the same for consoles too? Really liked the first reboot - but for full price only campaign, I’ll hold off till an eventual discount.
This game is truly next level.
To the developers, well done, serious well done.
This is is already my favorite FPS game.
Beat it over the weekend and it's truly the best COD campaign to drop in quite some time.
Originally only played to unlock the stuff for when Multiplayer drops but I actually ended up enjoying it, with the exception of one mission, which I'm sure all of us that have completed the campaign know which one I'm talking about. Looking forward to seeing what this game does.
@PanFriedSoup same and I agree 100%.
@Kezelpaso 85gb? Not as bad as I expected but still quite hefty. How come people are already playing it when it’s not released until this Friday?
Campaign only was released a week early so has been available to play since 21/10
@Non_Toxic_Camper I'm assuming its involves driving... I did think of bringing it up but thankfully it doesn't detract from the campaign overall.
@Kezelpaso No, I actually really liked that one. I'm hesitant to say more as I don't want to spoil anything for anyone that hasn't finished the campaign yet. Suffice it to say, the mission involved C-4.
I think IGN read this review and just said the exact opposite 😅
I'd not played a Call of Duty since... well, the original Modern Warfare 2 funnily enough. I was tempted by the MW reboot, but finally gave in for the full next-gen MW experience in MW2. I'm about three quarters of the way through the campaign I suspect, and so far it's been everything I wanted. The gunplay is incredible, the graphics are staggeringly pretty, and the stealth missions have been tense and, most importantly for me, surprisingly open.
It's been a real breath of fresh air in quite a stale and slow year
Wish we could buy it only for the campaign part!
We don't care about the online bunny hop simulator!
in your review you say "with raucous romps through cartel-infested South American towns " thats an error , its in México not south america,
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