South Of Midnight Is Now Available To Preload On Xbox Game Pass

We're really getting close to Xbox's next first-party release now! After going gold just a few days ago, South of Midnight is now officially available to preload on Xbox Game Pass - ahead of its launch on April 8th.

The download size for South of Midnight on Xbox Series X and S is clocking in at 42.50GB for us, whereas the PC version is apparently much closer to 61GB. Here's a look at the preload on my Xbox Series X:

South Of Midnight Is Now Available To Preload On Xbox Game Pass 2

Keep in mind that South of Midnight is another of these first-party games with early access, so if you want to play from April 3rd, you can either buy the full-fat Premium Edition or opt for the Game Pass 'Upgrade' Edition for just £9 / $9.

Alternatively, just wait it out! We're hoping to have plenty of South of Midnight coverage coming your way at the time of release anyway, and we recently went hands-on for a preview of the game - it's fair to say we loved our time with it!

Excited for South of Midnight on Xbox Game Pass? Tell us down in the comments section below.