Alan Wake Remastered Free Copies Are Being Revoked By Xbox

Right at the tail end of January, we shared news on an Xbox glitch for Alan Wake Remastered where players could claim the game for free via a Free Play Days trial for Alan Wake 2. Well, unfortunately, Microsoft has begun revoking these free copies - more than a month after players first claimed them.

Yep, we're starting to see reports online from folks getting messages directly from Xbox about the team "cancelling your order" and "removing it from your 'My games & apps' list". In addition, the ever-present Wario64 has shared news of this on social media - showcasing images of both the original glitch and the revoking message players are now receiving.

"You recently acquired a version of Alan Wake Remastered that was not intended to be available. Therefore we are cancelling your order, refunding any payment made, and removing it from your "My games & apps" list. We apologise for the inconvenience."

Honestly, this is a bit of a bummer really, especially given that it's been around six weeks since these free copies were first claimed. Having said that, it's easily feasible that players could have claimed and beaten Alan Wake Remastered in that time - and after all, it was clearly an unintended loophole that cropped up via Alan Wake 2's free trial period.

We're also curious to see if a similar thing happens with Dragon Ball FighterZ. Last month, players could claim a free Xbox Series X|S version of the Bandai Namco fighter in a very similar fashion to Alan Wake Remastered. For now, we haven't heard of any casualties with that one - but it might be worth giving the game a go if you managed to claim a copy last month!

What do you make of this move from Microsoft? Tell us whether you've had the dreaded message yet down in the comments.