In light of new financial details from GTA owner Take-Two, we've been hearing a bit more about GTA 6 in recent days, including the company reaffirming the game's Fall 2025 release window. On the back of these financials, IGN has been speaking to boss Strauss Zelnick, and he had some interesting things to say about console sales this year.
Zelnick believes that some big 2025 releases, including ones from his own company like GTA 6, will result in "a meaningful uptick in console sales in calendar 25". The CEO adds "historically that [a big release] has sold consoles".
"When you have a big title in the market and we have many of them coming, historically that has sold consoles,
And I think that will happen this year. I don't think tariffs are going to be our friend, but I think there will be a meaningful uptick in console sales in calendar 25 because of the release schedule, not just coming from us, but coming from others. So I'm not concerned about that [console sales falling]. I think the trend that you'd want to focus on is this increasing share of the market that is reflected in PC."
Speaking of PC, if any of you out there are interested in playing GTA 6 on that platform, you'll probably have to wait a little while - although not forever. Zelnick mentioned that "Rockstar has started with some platforms and then historically moved to other platforms", hinting that GTA 6 is likely to launch on PC sometime after current-gen consoles.
While current-gen seems to be the focus for now, then, that doesn't necessarily mean that console players will get all the bells and whistles when it comes to performance modes and the likes. One former Rockstar dev — who worked as an animator on both Grand Theft Auto 5 and Red Dead Redemption 2 — says that 60FPS is unlikely for GTA 6, at least at launch.
Do you think he's right and that GTA 6 will sell consoles? Plan your 2025 Xbox heist down in the comments below.
[source ign.com]
Comments 30
Yeah makes sense. Series S can pitch itself as the cheapest way to experience GTA 6, so it’ll have that unique selling advantage going for it. I’m sure there’ll be something of a bump in sales as a result.
@Cakefish Yeah makes sense. Series S can pitch itself as the cheapest way to experience GTA 6, so it’ll have that unique selling advantage going for it. I’m sure there’ll be something of a bump in sales as a result.
This, 100%.
I can see a few S consoles being sold as an entry point for people wanting to play GTA6, but I guess that all depends on two factors
1. Whether you are concerned about where it will play best, in which case the PlayStation is probably the one to opt for, especially the Pro, as the PlayStation was where it was said that GTA5 played best, and Sony were the ones that heavily promoted it, and I imagine they will be again.
2. Whether the game is playable on the previous generation, because if it is then whether it is actually necessary to upgrade your consoles is entirely debatable.
In all honesty, Xbox may shift a few thousand more consoles, but I think we all know that it is the Sony consoles that will sell a bucket load in comparison...
Unless official mod support comes to consoles this time around I have no interest in playing gta6 on consoles.
A rising tide lifts all boats…
I remember the GTA five release and queuing inside Tesco for midnight release.
They split us into to two groups queuing which was such fun.
Xbox in one queue and PlayStation the other.
There was plenty of harmful banter.
But of course the queues were about equal as it was the Xbox360/PS3 days.
A lot of people that weren't even gamers bought an Xbox One (yes, a One) to play Hogwarts Legacy.
So yeah, I can see it happening with the Series S.
@AlwaysPlaying Said perfectly👏
In all honesty us gamers need to stop worrying/caring how Microsoft is doing financially!!
So much attention payed to quarterly results and gamepass numbers it's not our problem at all!
Microsoft doesn't care one bit on our finances!
I have little care for Microsoft's financials, @Ricky-Spanish, I know that they are going to be the most successful publisher out there.
What I do care about, however, is the continued existence of the Xbox console. There are a few reasons that I care about that, with the first being that I want to have the best Xbox console experience on the best technology, and for that to carry on for the next 20 years, and whilst it is wishful thinking that I might last that long, I want the best experience on my Xbox for the rest of my days, and so if Microsoft stop making under the TV consoles within the next few to 10 years, then that best experience will only be available on the PlayStation, as I don't see Sony pulling out of the console business any time soon, and I can see them making at least one more console after Microsoft stop.
I always buy the Xbox and the PlayStation, though I have not turned my PS5 on since I finished Stellar Blade at around the end of May last year, but in that same time period I have probably added 15-20 AAA games to my Xbox library, which now exceeds 1600 digital games, and since Stellar Blade, I have not bought a single game on the PlayStation. Thus, I want the best Xbox console available so as to play the games I already own, let alone any I might buy from hereon out.
My other biggest concern is that I have no idea what Microsoft have planned right now, whether that includes a new console, or all first-party games launching on the PlayStation, or when that might happen. I know Microsoft have said they are making a new console, but as Phil Spencer infamously said, 'plans change'. For all we know, the only console we may see will be the much rumoured handheld, but even that is only a rumour and speculation.
Lastly, my other concern is what will Sony do if Microsoft do go fully third-party, as let's face it, Sony are more than happy to bend over their loyal fanbase as it stands, so imagine what they might do if they are the only under the TV console in the business, and indeed, their consoles are the best there is as they will obviously, and undoubtedly, exceed the specs of whatever the last console Microsoft produce. In all honesty, I have no idea what they might do, but I highly doubt that we will like everything they might do...
GTA will 100% push consoles. All of them.
If series s is properly optimized it will be top seller as a cheapest entry while Ps5 PRO will also get some traction due to being the best experience for gta 6.
Base ps5/SX will also be a solid choice.
Thats good news and especially for MS to finally have an increase in console sales. Pretty sure several Mill will be just due to GTA 6 alone.
@Fiendish-Beaver gta 6 is only for this gen.
I am not concerned about Ps sales, they will likely surpass ps4 even due to gta 6.
But for xbox having couple more million sold would be great. I can defo see SS being a top seller if optimization is good
@Fiendish-Beaver I know what you're saying and I do agree it is unfortunate the route Xbox has gone over the last few years I'm an Xbox only gamer so I don't want it to go away either at all.
I'm just taking that we are getting a next gen Xbox console in the next few years as gospel since they more or less confirmed it after that I'm hopeful cloud gaming will be viable enough that we don't need consoles just subscriptions and everyone wins we can have it all without consoles!
I don't disregard anyone concerned about Xbox and where they are going I just don't have the F,s to give anymore about it!
Just pack in a digital code for the game with a Series S with no discount and toss some stickers in the box as well.
@Ricky-Spanish kinda moved on too.
We are good for at least 5 years or so (this gen + several years of next gen) when they can make any hardware decisions.
I decided for myself to be with xbox primarily as I like it more and I feel like a good half of doom&gloom things wont be real.
We also dont know how the market will look and whereas I see Sony being top 1 player (as basically today), we dont know how PC market responds, potential PC-xbox hybrids and also Valve with rumoured steam machines or 3rd party PC with steam OS.
So kinda pointless to worry about all this imo
not with those hideous graphics it wont
Bottom line no matter what you pick as your preferred choice. Grand Theft Auto shifts systems. They will all benefit from increased sales.
Strauss looks forward to this every time as GTA makes him an even more rich boy than he already is 😂
Finally Xboxes will be sold again. I honestly love my Series X and wish it was better marketed, it's the best console I've owned maybe ever. Not the best games but it's just so reliable and it's quiet and the games are beautiful and a good price.
There has been so many cross gen games that the few games that are only on Series consoles and PS5 have moved units. The NCAA College Football surprised me being only on PS5 and Series and there was a huge spike in numbers for both consoles when it came out, GTA 6 will do that X 3 million % or more. Can’t wait to play it and Gears of War E-Day, those are the only two games that i am counting the days down on. I lie throw in the Marcus Fenix Collection and i will be playing those 3 titles all the way into PS6 and next Xbox.
As one of the best-selling games and not being available on PC at launch, it will definitely move both Xbox and PS consoles. Series S might surprise as the popular, casual choice. Literally, some people buy a console to play one game or maybe two, like the rapper who posted his Xbox Year and was 100% Madden. I have a friend that only plays Sea of Thieves. When I was at school, most people only played FIFA. Many teenagers only play Fortnite. Many gamers only care about Call of Duty. Many kids only play Minecraft. Many gamers only played GTA V/Online during the last generation...
@Ricky-Spanish @Millionski I agree with you, but bear in mind that the people that come across as obsessed with the hypothetical death of Xbox do not like Xbox, anyway, and it's more about spreading negative rumours and speculation. The most intelligent thing to do would be enjoying what we have now, be it Series X, Series S or Game Boy Color. There will be a next-gen Xbox. The Xbox handheld, while not announced, is apparently in the works, too. My only worry as a gamer is finding time to play the games I want to play. 😁
GTA 6 will definitely move consoles! This should really force people to upgrade from last gen..
Assuming the XsS version is as well made as can be expected, a Series S GTA6 bundle for $350 would sell like crazy.
@Millionski I just miss they days when gaming sites where about games not finances it's getting more and more frequent on here and I can't waste energy thinking about the financial health of a company who have more money than I could imagine there are people payed for that leave it to them I just want to hear about games not this bs day after day!
Very curious about your comment, @Banjo-. I 100% believe that we are seeing the death throws of the Xbox console. So, do I not like Xbox anyway...?
I bought a Series X for Starfield...SMH. But, I also knew I'd need it for GTA6 and have been eagerly anticipating it. Bought my grandson one for Christmas so he could play new Farming Simulator as well as this when it comes out. It's already selling consoles.
@Kaloudz I know a lot of people who play GTA online on PlayStation 4. I imagine large numbers of people picking up the Series S just to play GTA 6. Also, the fact GTA 6 won't be coming to PC any time soon there means there's a lot of PC players who will be eager to play GTA 6 & the cheapest most effective way to play will be via the Xbox Series S.
@Master_Cthulhu70 Exactly. It should shift a fair few imo. Being the cheapest place and most accessible place to play it.
@Ricky-Spanish I agree 💯 percent. The worst part is so many articles are written about the failures and shortcomings of Xbox. It's extremely frustrating, it's click bait that's used to cause panic. We know for a FACT that Xbox is one of Microsoft's biggest money makers. We know for a FACT Xbox is developing a new Xbox that it says will be the greatest technological leap ever seen in a console generation. Xbox isn't going anywhere, if you do research Xbox is doing better than ever across console, streaming, game sales and subscription services.
The amount of anxiety I see in the Xbox community is really SAD, a lot of that anxiety could be mitigated but Microsoft apparently has a horrible PR team. People need to understand it's not just Xbox that is turning away from the normal console exclusives, Sony is also doing the same thing. They can't recoup development costs on consoles alone, we saw this with Spiderman 2 during the insomniac leaks and how much it cost to make vs how much money it's made. Sony is bringing MOST of its 1st party "exclusives" to PC (which in turn helps support Microsoft, which supports Xbox lol).
As time goes on, we will start to see MOST games going the multiplatform route. It's not a bad thing, in fact it's good that games can expand beyond a single platform enabling the creation of better games thanks to the ability to invest in games knowing their success rates are much greater when combining all consoles + PC.
I am personally sick of the "Xbox is dead narrative" it's NOT, in fact it's only growing stronger. GTA 6 will undoubtedly sell Xbox consoles especially since the Xbox Series S will be the cheapest way to access GTA 6 day one. Happy gaming ✌️
@Master_Cthulhu70 Well said mate 👍
It'll sell some but, people just don't seem to understand it's only the Xbox diehards that'll buy them. If you don't own an Xbox Series by now, is GTA 6 gonna change your mind? I doubt it. When it's announced Halo and Gears are coming to PlayStation l, there's no need for Xbox anymore. You'll be able to play everything on competing consoles but you can't play everything on an Xbox so why do you even need one?
People are in incredible denial. Squaresoft is willing to invest the money in porting games to Xbox on dying hardware. I really don't understand the logic of the business world.
It's said Xbox only sold 2 million consoles in 2024...... And what do most of those games like to play? Final Fantasy? People that play Final Fantasy grew up on Nintendo but moreso on PlayStation, not Xbox. Denial, denial
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