Weren't able to catch The Game Awards 2024 earlier today? No worries! You can always go back and watch the on-demand version for yourself, which you'll find elsewhere on Pure Xbox.
If you don't fancy watching it all the way through, we've also detailed all the important reveals in this article.
The following list is everything Xbox related that was revealed during the show:
Main Show
Did you watch The Game Awards 2024? What did you think? Let us know below.
Comments 46
I love how much love Capcom is showing their old IP and even the creative freedom they seem to be giving new IP. Path of the Goddess is still one of my favorite games of his year and I don't even think it's much for me. It's just so well made and a beautifully crafted game.
If all of this was shown on a more condensed format it would have been a 10/10 show.
Top picks for me as a sci-fi and kart racing fan:
Turok: Origins
Sonic Racing Crossworlds
Intergalactic: The Heretic Prophet - but I don't own a PS5
Another excellent game awards in the books! Man what a show I loved every minute of it. The Orchestra was on point yet again and Snoop Dogg put on an excellent performance as well. 2025 is looking absolutely stacked and then 2026 and beyond has some heavy hitters on the way that just look incredible and I can't wait to play them.
@TheGiraffe “Intergalactic: The Heretic Prophet - but I don't own a PS5” - if funds allow, buy one, would be worth it.
Thanks for this. Lots of good games. Let's just imagine the release dates are 6 months later and we will all be happy. Elden Ring will be great to get into again.
Thanks, but I'd have to check what the Intergalactic story was really all about first, and also to justify an entire console purchase I'd have to find more than one exclusive that I really want to play.
I hope Ciri isn't as uglified in the actual game- what have they done to her?!
Sad to see outer worlds 2 is multi-platform.
“It’s actually great for gamers” yeah I know, it’s still sad.
Xbox had everyone excited 4 years ago when they bought these devs and it was all for a multi-platform rug pull
A few things I’m really interested in, for sure. Overall kinda not. But that’s how it goes.
@Lrapsody she looks way better than she did in Witcher 3, and the new voice actor is great. She was way too girly and frail and London in Witcher 3. I’m here for new ciri.
@TheGiraffe true but there is also all the great back catalog of games to think of as well no just future games - reason I got series x along side PS5.
Look after yourself 👍🏻
This show should just get rid of the "Awards" part and just be purely for announcements. There's a dozen articles here on the reveals, but nothing on who's actually won what awards
I was amused that they announced a sequel to The Long Dark when they still haven’t released the last chapter of the story mode for the first game yet, seven years after it was released!
Did not watch it all live so did not vote.
Never been into Outerworlds but that trailer was great for number 2 and looks more my sort of game with more action.
So Outerworlds 2 was the game of the show for me and trailer of the show with actual gameplay.
@Lrapsody All they did was make her older.
This event should really be called "The Trailer Show with a couple of awards handed out inbetween and LOTS and LOTS of ads". Hard to get excited over a couple of announcement trailers.
The only thing that looked really fresh is Split Friction.
@BIG3 That's not entirely true. She looks a little more haggard and gaunt, and she's got the slit pupils. Seems like she's something more akin to a proper Witcher now, with all the mutations that come with that bargain.
Now are all of these confirmed for xbox for sure??
Anyone else’s hopes get raised and then crushed when Pope Geoffrey started talking about something Final Fantasy ‘coming to another platform’ and then showed Clive, only for it to be a Tekken crossover?
@TheGiraffe I completely understand this sentiment. I left the last generation only owning a PS4 pro after I gave my Xbox One to my little brother. Then at the start of this generation I got my PS5 in 2021. After watching 2 Xbox showcases I realized I need Xbox back in my life so I got a Series S in 2022. Over the coarse of 2 years I started playing my PS5 less and less. I would platinum PlayStation exclusives like God of War Ragnarok and Spiderman 2, then go back to my Series S for gamepass and everything else. Finally I got my Series X in 2024 and it's my daily driver, my PS5 is delegated to PlayStation exclusives only & only games I'm interested in so it's gotten much less usage these last couple years.
My advice is get a digital PS5 as they're a little cheaper but make sure you have a slew of must have games lined up so that you're not buying a $400 console for just a few games. Games I've personally completed on PS5 are;
Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart
God of War (2018)
God of War Ragnarok
Horizon Forbidden West
Spiderman remastered
Spiderman Miles Morales
Spiderman 2
Ghost of Tsushima (PS5 version)
@Boogaloo_Jenkins be happy to play good game on GP day 1 vs be upset more people play it on other platform. You choose
@Master_Cthulhu70 GP lately becoming too good. I feel like finally they figured out their pipeline as a lot of games coming and finally spread thru the whole year. Since its all day 1 on GP, its hard not to main xbox. I also have PS5 and use it rarely for some exclusives like you.
@BIG3 that's not just older, that's a different face. It's more masculine and different features and shape of jaw.
@jesse_dylan I like women being feminine
@Lrapsody not all of them are, so you must have a difficult, narrow life you’re living.
@jesse_dylan no, I just only have romantic relationships with the ones who are 🤣. They used to pretty much all be feminine, until our culture became warped
@Lrapsody what does that have to do with a character in a game? Your viewpoint is warped, with all due respect. And less feminine women isn’t a new thing nor an American thing. People vary and have always varied.
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@Boogaloo_Jenkins Most if not all of Sonys exclusives end up on PC now, so what's the difference?
I kind of liked it when Fumito Ueda's new IP and Onimusha were recognizable from the first two seconds. Other interests are Mafia, Screamer, maybe the new Virtua Fighter and I need to see gameplay of the ND game (forgot it was in development since 2020 but they has some side projects so now the team is in full force?)
@S1ayeR74 I must have missed it but what was 'woke' about intergalactic exactly?
@Lrapsody You're just repeating stuff other people have said. You're trying to defend the fact that you don't want Ciri to look like a 30 year-old woman. She is idealized. You played as Geralt for 100 hours, and you didn't complain that you weren't sexually attracted to him. Unlike what you apparently hear elsewhere, not everyone wants to play as a 15 year-old girl with enormous mammaries.
@Llamageddon A woman shaving her head, apparently... That, and she's not white as parchment. Can't wait til these people get to the part in Indiana Jones where it's revealed two of the female archeologists are in love. What?? There weren't lesbians in the 1930s! And they're in their late 30s??? WOKE!
@jesse_dylan I know right, all I saw was a character based on the person who voices said character. In the end they are the people who will be missing out on great games based on fickle nonsense.
Each to their own at the end of the day, I will judge the game on the merits of it's gameplay and story personally.
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@Lrapsody You're a complicated person
@jesse_dylan yep 😁
@Llamageddon Druckmann being fully in charge is enough to know it’ll be bad, I hated TLOU2, so yeah, I saw this game and couldn’t care less. Plus yet another third person story driven action game but ND. Yawn. All the best talent left that studio long ago. Also a Porsche spaceship, Sony CD player.. Sony has been patenting tech for in game ad placements, looks like it’ll pay off. And I’m not missing out on anything, sounds like you dislike people with differing opinions to your own.
@S1ayeR74 it’s the rug pull. When MS bought these studios, everyone thought it was to make their exclusive offerings more competitive.
Now that we’re seeing the fruits of these studios, they’re all multi-platform. It’s a bait and switch.
It’s fine, don’t get me wrong. I just wish MS was upfront on their strategy from the get go.
@S1ayeR74 sounds like you like people of a different colour to your own. Muppet.
@Weebleman WTF? Sorry I don’t get your insult I’m afraid, is it a cryptic clue? You do know people are actually allowed to have different opinions right? I know it’s hard for some to handle that idea.
@Boogaloo_Jenkins Yes that’s true, but I guess as they spent so much in acquisitions and games cost so much to make, it was inevitable they would go multiplat as has Sony. But it would have been nice to be upfront about it all I agree.
@S1ayeR74 thank you for taking the time to reply. I also didn't care for the product placement, that we can agree on.
As for not missing out, you're making an assumption based on a cinematic trailer, there is every chance it could turn out to be a critically/commercially great game. Only time will tell, though if you don't care for Druckmanns previous games then it may not be for you.
It wasn't intended as a personal attack, if it came across that way then I apologise. I just asked how it was woke and you didn't address that in your response.
@Llamageddon Woke as in an unattractive women, with shaved head. However we don't know her sexuality etc, but I was basing my assumption on TLOU2 where Druckmann had total control, but I hate that game not cause of Abby but the pointless killing of Joel and it feeling forced to play Abby whilst the game screams at you to forgive etc.. just so over done IMO. Perhaps woke is the wrong word as for me it didn't describe TLOU2, I think maybe it felt a bit like that with this new game trailer though?
So with Druckmann still in charge I don't think the game will be much better, granted it's a trailer and we have to find out a LOT more, however as a game, TLOU part 1 was best, as a game series Uncharted 2 and 3 were best FOR ME. We will have to wait and see, but they did make her look rather obnoxious in that trailer.
I think for now, I either get a Series X and keep my PS5, or sell my PS5 for the Series X. Think I have room, just for both.
And of the day I see a new Gears game trailer and I eek like a girl, I see a trailer for a new ND game and I think WTF?? And the product placement oh dear... Need an Xbox for Gears.
But as a writer I don't think Neil is as talented as the people he let go, whether he can replace that lost talent remains to be seen.
Still laser sword and robot seemed boring and just recycled from a billion other games lol.
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