Ever since we first saw evidence of Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 we've been excited to see Warhorse Studios' RPG sequel in action, and today the team has finally a delivered a big old gameplay showcase for us all to gawk over.

Containing 20+ minutes of brand-new footage, the above video showcases exactly what this game is all about - from exploration, to medieval quests, to simply annoying NPCs in the open world, quite frankly. We can't wait to cause some mayhem here!

We'd assume this is all PC footage for now, but it's looking very good indeed. The sequel is certainly a continuation of the groundwork laid out by Kingdom Come: Deliverance, and we have absolutely no issues with that.

Here's what the team is setting out to achieve with its "unforgettable" sequel in February 2025:

"A true RPG experience - with authentic first person combat and an epic cinematic story - as you live life through the eyes and actions of Henry, a young man on a quest to avenge his murdered parents.

Experience the ultimate medieval adventure."

Excited about this one, PXers? Tell us what you're thinking down below!