343 Industries has detailed its next Halo Infinite update in the form of Operation: Fleetcom. Landing next week, the new operation is packed full of new features - but it's the two returning game modes that we're most interested in right now.

At Operation: Fleetcom's launch on July 30th, Infinite players will be able to jump into 'VIP' mode for the first time since Halo 3. This classic mode features 4v4 teams where one player is chosen as a VIP - and the objective is to take down the other team's leader.

"If you are not familiar, VIP is very much a team-based mode and generally played 4v4. This will be the case for Halo Infinite. Each team will have a game-designated initial VIP and it’s up to you to keep your VIP alive while also taking down the opposing team’s.

To win, your team must be the first to reach 10 points. It might seem like a cakewalk but there’s a couple of things to keep in mind:

- The VIP has extra health, so it’ll take a bit more to neutralize them
- Everybody else will be defending the VIP like the match depends on it
- Each VIP kill is worth one point."

Then, later on in Operation: Fleetcom, 'Headhunter' mode from Halo: Reach makes its grand return. The team hasn't gone into any detail on Headhunter's Halo Infinite variant just yet — as it's coming later in-season — but fans can look forward to playing that very soon.

Elsewhere, 343 says "there’s plenty more on the horizon" with this new Halo Infinite operation, including "sandbox updates, Forge updates, and QoL updates" - with information on those to come shortly.

Excited about these two classic Halo modes returning to Infinite? Tell us your thoughts on this update down below.

[source store.steampowered.com]