Look, we know that bad games are bad games and you probably shouldn't buy them, but when something gets such negative reviews that it becomes noteworthy, it's impossible to not be at least a little curious about just how bad it is.
The Lord of the Rings: Gollum is one of those games (we talked about it last week), and thanks to the new Xbox sales, it's now on offer with an 80% discount. But it's not just Gollum, as both The Walking Dead: Destinies and Skull Island: Rise of Kong are also reduced by 60% and 75% respectively for the next week on Xbox.
To give you context, these were three of the absolute worst-rated games in 2023. In terms of Metacritic, Gollum had an average of 43 for Xbox and 33 for PS5, TWD: Destinies had an average of 29 for PS5 (nothing for Xbox) and Skull Island: Rise of Kong had a shocking average of just 23 for PC (nothing for any other platforms).
Were there worse games on Xbox last year? Probably somewhere in the indie section, but these were the three most high-profile flops of 2023 without a doubt (not counting The Day Before on PC!). This is pretty much the worst of what last year had to offer on Xbox, so if you're morbidly curious, you've got the next week to grab them at a discount.