There's currently an open beta taking place for Ubisoft's new co-op pirate game Skull and Bones, and while the initial impressions seem to be quite positive, the price of the game has now been questioned.
As highlighted by VGC, Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot was asked during a recent company Q&A conference call why the game will be priced at $70 USD when it appears to be taking more of a "live service" approach after the recent reveal of its first-year roadmap.
Apparently it's still a "very big" and "complete" game at launch "that will deliver in the long run", so it's more than worthy of the quadruple-A pricing:
“You will see that Skull and Bones is a fully-fledged game. It’s a very big game, and we feel that people will really see how vast and complete that game is. It’s a really full, triple… quadruple-A game, that will deliver in the long run.”
If you're curious to give Skull and Bones a go before its release next week, you have until February 11th to try it out. The full version will then launch on February 16th. It will also be part of the Ubisoft+ subscription.
Have you tried out the open beta yet? Looking forward to the full release? Let us know in the comments.
[source videogameschronicle.com]
Comments 31
Ubi Soft needs to start feeling comfortable with gamers not giving them money for games they won't own
They can put as many A's on it as they like, I'm still not paying that for the sailing bit from Black Flag
I'll stick to Sea of Thieves
This game looks more like a Disney pirate imitation.
This game is fun, I enjoyed the past few betas. But $70 is too much for what is basically/feels like a free to play game/time-sink.
I like what I've played so far. I do plan on owning this game but $70 feels too steep. I don't get where AC Mirage is a $50 game but this is $70. It feels like they have those prices backwards.
Quadruple A is such a stupid term.
Complete package… so I assume there are no in game currencies, no MTX etc. right? RIGHT?
Complete adjective
Words mean something
its okey. but outdated and the overall experience is a bit boring......
Sea of Thieves is better but its totally different ofcoz.. they live both in paralell
@Kaloudz it isn't as polished as there other games, looks very rough and jittery,the times I spent on land seem pointless and couldve been just done from a menu , the sea battles are not a patch on black flag , with boarding just a button press followed by some poor animation, it definitely is not worth 70
I rarely buy games on release day (or pre-order for that matter) nowadays. For the vast majority I feel like 70+ money is too much to ask, especially considering the state (bugs, performance, balancing) of the games. I have no problem with waiting 6 months or so, having a much better patch state while also having sales that drop the price like hot potatoes. Also, in some cases key sellers are an option. If more people would wait these prices would disappear. I'm not convinced companies need to sell games at this price point. Technology gets better and automates tasks a lot more than decades ago. Digital distribution gets rid of or lessens costs coming from physical distribution. Disgustingly huge manager boni are unnecessary, period!
There wouldn't be sooo many sales if lower prices weren't viable. Same goes for regional price differences. I'm sure game companies don't go to these markets out of the goodness of their hearts to hand out gifts. The lower prices are still economically feasible. Not to mention the low prices of sub services like Ubisoft+.
Even the best selling Ubisoft games are only full price for a short time. So, even if it launches at 100, I'm sure we'll soon be seeing this in every sale round up article for years to come
Played it and it is decent but a little janky.. It feels like a AA game and it should have an AA price $50/£45.
I could say I'm the complete package but it doesn't make it true.
I played the open beta and for a game that has been delayed as much as it has it needs to do better. If I was Ubisoft I would release this mess as In Progress Beta for free. Do it's silly season passes and content additions and then later sell it as a complete package. Also am I the only one who thinks this looks not leaps better than Assassin's Creed 4?
At least it had graphics that felt AAAA, Skull and Bones is ugly. Sea of Thieves has better water and boat physics
Your friendly reminder that you can pay $18 for a single month of Ubisoft+ and play the latest Ubisoft half effort instead of paying $70+ to find this out.
Wow did they open themselves up to the “AAAA” memes and comments … I’ll keep up my one man protest and hold the line in not getting it anytime soon…
@Kaloudz there's been stuff added to it at a very late stage and it shows , it's a bit basic
@ZuneTattooGuy black flag has better water and boat physics than this
@Shushibda I don't disagree skull and bones seems like it's destined to fail
Throw it out there and let the market decide it’s a failure.
I hate to say it, but I found the game trash. The quality of the art assets, the animation system, and quality of animation work, the script and its delivery, even the water physics that they had right in Black Flag, all of it is less than a AA game and Id be embarrassed to have my name on it.
Like them or loath them, Ubi are capable of far better than this, and you dont need to know anything about the games history to see how troubled this games development was, its clear from the opening scene.
Ive spent 2.5 hours only, but I really regret wasting those hours on this.
Their past several games, Skull and Bones, Avatar and Assassin's Creed Mirage all felt like half efforts to me from one of the biggest game studios on Earth. I don't understand why they can't make a game recently that has blown my socks off. For as much as the moment to moment gameplay may be repetitive and uninspired Suicide Squad's visuals and design feel leagues better than anything Ubisoft has done recently.
Its a good day as I completely agree with you! 😁
I havent played mirage or avatar yet though, but yes the quality of assets on show in suicide squad beats anything Ive seen from ubi. Its a shame the gameplay was dictated by a game model that compromised everything and dictated such a boring cityscape, but the character art team and animations are top draw!
Like modern Ubisoft, padding is one thing this game will have guaranteed
Sorry Ubisoft but I'm not buying what you're selling.
This is not quadruple A, where's the team that made Black Flag? This is not on the same level as that 10 year old game...
I am playing the beta, but it seems just ok, But i am not getting it at this £69.99, i will wait for a sale or the price goes down.
At the moment the price is on the HIT website and CDKEYS £52.99
No, thanks. I’ll just play Black Flag again.
I tried the beta for a couple of hours. Wow. Quadruple A 😂 it looks like an Xbox one game and the ship battles feel worse than black flag. I was firing the cannons on that wrecked ship and the balls were going left and right with the cannon staying stationary 😂 my character had a PS3 looking beard, yeah, Quadruple A 🤣🤣
@Fenbops So not as realistic as your beard in the profile photo, huh? 😉
@Banjo- 😄 no that is a magnificent beard.
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