Remember the 2011 first-person shooter Brink? This was actually a pretty successful release from Gears Tactics developer Splash Damage back in the Xbox 360 days, and there's one fan who seems to love it more than anyone else.
Over the Christmas period, we've noticed a Redditor by the name of Brink_2_ embarking on a campaign called "Brinkmas" where they attempt to acquire a copy of Brink every single day. It'll probably slow down a bit as we get into 2024, but they still don't intend to stop buying the game until a sequel is commissioned!
According to the Reddit user, they're buying £1 copies of Brink at a time, presumably from a local charity shop or something along those lines, and their multi-year collection has definitely attracted plenty of attention so far.
In terms of why they're so committed to cause? Apparently it's just for the fun of it:
You may not recall that Bethesda Softworks actually published Brink back in the day, so we're assuming the IP remains with Microsoft at the moment - and even if it doesn't, developer Splash Damage often works closely with Xbox.
Sadly though, the game isn't backwards compatible in any fashion on Xbox One, Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S, so the only way to enjoy it is either on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 or the free-to-play release on PC.
Will Xbox ever decide to commission a sequel?! It seems very unlikely at this point, but never say never!
Did you enjoy Brink on Xbox 360? Still play it today? Tell us down in the comments section below.
Comments 33
Dam thought that said Blinx for a split second.
Wouldn’t mind a new Blinx game for series consoles.
What a weird hill to die on, I sure he's doing it for a laugh. This game very promising but was a colossal failure and terrible to play.
Never even heard of it
I have this on PS3 but don't remember a single thing about it.
I still have at least one copy of my own. I think the copy I bought for my son is also still here. Probably best to keep them until he cannot find them any longer, and then offer to sell them for more than I actually paid for them... 😂
I seem to recall enjoying my time with Brink. I'm not saying it was a good game. Just that me and my buddy used to have a blast playing it. I'm sure it's the games movement and there wasn't anything like it till Titanfall
I've got a copy the Redditor can have, the offer is 500, no more, no less, Christmas is around the corner after all.
Why would one person buying used copies of a game suddenly make them make a sequel? I mean it's not like Bethesda get money from it anymore and if I recall it's free to play on stream these days and no one plays it. So seems like this one guy what's them to make a sequel only he will play.
Brink is the best game ever made, ever. I give it a 12 out of 10. Metacritic is showing 100% out of over 10,000 reviews and it sold more than Tetris - 500 billion copies.
Wish someone also do this for the Shadowrun first person shooter. Best FPS game on 360.
Brink was lot of fun. But when I played it the servers were terrible and lagged ferociously. That probably hurt the game more than anything.
@Zenszulu It generates "interest" in the public for a sequel. Odd way to do it. But pretty sure that's the mentality behind the effort.
Man, Brink was such a disappointment. Myself and a large group of friends were riding on the hypetrain for it and following it for a while. Then we went to the midnight release, all really excited… and then we all returned our copies within a week. I don’t know if it was the servers, the fact that better graphics were advertised for the game, the goofy way the campaign was set up, or what… it was probably all those factors among other things… but it was just not good. I remember thinking, “How could they charge full price for… this?”
Never heard of it until today
That's dedication. I should start buying up copies of Blinx.
I think what’s funniest about this is that Nintendo fans do way dumber stuff and are always met with applause.
E.g. down-porting new games to DS or SNES.
The irony of a couple of posters above question this guy with the absolute hot takes they regurgitate over and over in these comments.
Pot kettle black.
Let’s this man cook!
@Romans12 Better than Knack and Knack 2 combined?!
@somnambulance Agreed, the sad part was I could see the potential. Especially with the customization options.
@GuyinPA75 surely more people playing the game that is already free to play would create interest from Microsoft and Bethesda than one person picking up copies of a game. It's not making more people take interest in the first game enough that anyone is playing it more so it's not very successful.
I have a copy that was still sealed until a few weeks ago. I had a small collection of sealed games and decided to open them all and play them because I just don't feel right owning something that I don't use. So I decided to use them instead of getting rid of them. I don't think it was worth very much.
Money to burn I suppose.
@VoidPunk What's the problem with that? At least the games are being played.
@Stocksy Example?
Someone ran this story two months ago. This isn't even interesting. They bought 40 used copies. You could run this story every day until the internet shut down, Bethesda isn't going to care.
We all have those 7/10 games we love but even so this seems a weird one to champion. I forgot I even played it and had to double check my achievements to confirm. But a few facts
Neither critics nor fans thought it was very good
@CHAOSbutler117 It had so much potential and it was advertised as so much more than it was too. The end result was just so baffling to me. It felt like the first game I’d ever bought where it just wasn’t anything I expected it to be.
@themightyant Those are honestly generous scores too. Lol
@somnambulance See I waited until I found it at GameSpot for $10. So at least it wasn't a loss for me. But the parkour aspect needed work as sliding the way was advertised didn't work half the time.
@CHAOSbutler117 It wasn’t a loss for me either since I got my money back when I returned it! Lol. I’m pretty sure I returned it and applied the return to LA Noire, if I remember correctly, which, man… I was happy with that. It’s funny that Brink was the first preorder I ever returned and I played it between two of my favorite games of all time, right between Portal 2 and LA Noire.
Porting games to a retro system is dumber than buying a copy of the same crap game every day?
@somnambulance I thought the same, I didn’t finish it, which is a rarity. 5/10
@somnambulance hey then it worked out! Lol
Must have needed a bad game to make the other two games to shine that much brighter.
It’s actually the same problem as this, in that the only problem is other people’s perception.
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