Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 might not have experienced the best reception at launch, but it doesn't appear to be impacting the game's popularity. After Activision revealed last week that the latest entry had set new "engagement records", the official Call of Duty social media account has now highlighted the game's Thanksgiving success.
Although no specific numbers were provided, apparently Modern Warfare 3 players "racked up the most hours per player for a new premium Call of Duty release" during the Thanksgiving holiday period since 2019. Activision has also used this opportunity to remind players Shipment is being added to the playlist later this week.
Call of Duty: "Y’all grinded more than a full plate on Thanksgiving holiday. #MW3 players racked up the most hours per player for a new premium Call of Duty release during the holiday weekend since 2019. Now let’s beat it, Shipment gets added to the playlist this Thursday."
This boost in player hours may have been assisted by Modern Warfare 3's Black Friday sale, with the game getting a surprise 48-hour discount on the Xbox Series X|S with a 15% discount. MW3 has already received a number of updates and will be receiving its Season 1 update early in December.
This launch follows on from Microsoft's acquisition of Activision Blizzard in October for the record sum of $69 billion. While Call of Duty is now technically an Xbox IP, Microsoft has made a number of 10-year arrangements with other platforms and services to ensure the Call of Duty series is more accessible than ever before.
How are you finding Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 on Xbox so far? Did you play it over the recent holiday period? Tell us below.
Comments 17
I’ve been playing the heck out of the multiplayer. It’s really really good. Single player was weak as heck as we all by now know. But man this is the best the multiplayer has been in a while. The maps are so fun.
I think that the game is quite good. Probably my favorite version of Zombies since BO2.
The state of gaming in 2023. "Grinding" "Engagement" this is what these companies are chasing after. They had a double XP weekend last weekend and apparently limited the amount of gun levels you could level up in the zombies mode. So that you can "grind" through more games. Great stuff.
@HonestHick Same, but zombies too. Best Zombies since Cold War, and I didn't think that could be topped.
@BRT15 I didn't have any limits on my guns. Fully leveled 6 of them, all in zombies only. Would've done more, but family, work, etc.
If they're not showing the numbers then it didn't happen.
so is it better to sell less, with only dedicated players buying to increase the avg player hours count or better to sell more copies, even to casuals etc who bring that avg game hours down?
If they only sold 1m copies, but those are to the hardcore CoD players, and each spends on avg 50hrs+, does that make it 'better' than games that sold 20m+ but the avg playtime is lower? Of course that hardcore 1m may weill of still played 50+ hrs, but the fact that the majority played less brings that avg down...
So of course companies are going to try and find positives - if units sold isn't performing well, its player numbers, player engagement etc - some 'metric' they can positively spin...
@BAMozzy engagement means nothing. Absolutely nothing.
I was engaged with starfield for 70hrs, it still only cost me £7 (or w/e GPU works out at).
Engagement only matters if those people who are engaged are spending more than if it sold more.
If you sell 10 at £70 it’s £700.
You sell 5 and yes they are engaged but don’t buy micro transactions that’s £350.
You sell 5 but they all buy micro transactions/battle pass or whatever and you make £800 then yes it’s better.
It’s all a spin. And honestly in my opinion it’s one you use when it hasn’t met expectations.
Unrelated but calling something a grind doesn’t endear people to play really.
@PsBoxSwitchOwner I am well aware that it means nothing - its an arbitrary stat that is being cherry picked because its likely the only positive they can Spin. Of course they aren't going to brag about Sales for example if they aren't the best and maybe 'engagement' is higher on average because only the most 'dedicated' CoD Fan was willing to buy and therefore will 'engage' more than those more casual or less dedicated players that would buy, but decided not to yet...
Its little different from MS maybe opting to quote unique Player numbers rather than 'sales' figures or 'engagement' because Game Pass will affect both - people choosing not to buy or only playing/trying it because it was 'free' but would never 'engage' otherwise and never going to engage for 'long' anyway.
Its cherry picking 'metrics' to try and spin it round to positively promote their game. If sales are great, but people aren't playing for whatever reason, they'll pick that metric. If player numbers are 'high' or even if the 'few' that are playing are helping their average engagement, they'll cherry pick those metrics.
This is the worst COD since Ghosts entire teams camping so many games don't even reach the score limit and the spawns are atrocious hopefully MS can bring COD back to what it was or just fix the og MW2 and I'll play that instead.
@Rangers420 The OG MW2 has been fixed. Servers are great and plenty players online.
I for one am loving this CoD. They've hit a really nice balance, movement speed is great and the the TTK is just right. The zombies mode is great fun aswell, the threat zones mean it can be as chill or as hectic as you want it to be. Finished all the zombies missions yesterday and looking forward to more content with season 1.
Terminal 24/7 4 Lyfe!
@SacredPYRO Did they do anything about the hackers? That was always my main issue getting put in hacked lobbies with people using god mode and other hacks. The ttk is too high i think and every time i play domination or hard point barely anyone plays the objective it just feels so slow compared to older games.
@PhilKenSebben agreed, i really enjoy the Zombie mode with my buddy in Co-op and I unlock gun’s in zombie mode and can use them in multiplayer. Thats been really nice for weapon progression. Again i got my money worth and many players are enjoying the maps and online play, but as always the loudest people online are the ones that don’t even play the series much to begin with.
@HonestHick, It's one of the worst reviewed games in the series so it's defo not just a loud minority that don't even play the game that don't like it.It's a £70 dlc and a poor one at that imo glad you're enjoying but plenty of people aren't and they have valid reasons.
@Rangers420 thats the thing it was said to be DLC and the maps certainly were. I am not sure the Zombies and Campaign were part of the DLC. So that part i think got added to this years game. But i am losing my mind or was there a time in COD’s history that they didn’t even have a campaign single player mode? My memory doesn’t remember those games costing less. It was IGN that said the game was a 4 and a lot of others went around a 5 or 6. While i agree the campaign was short and left it as a cliffhanger ending i could see that getting maybe a 5, but the multiplayer is easily a 8 and Zombies is an easy 7. So when i package all that i see a game worth its cost if you are a COD player. It seems to be being played a lot. So while yes it’s not the highest rated COD, it is far from the worse COD and COD much like Madden or FIFA is a easy topic to pile on when they aren’t masterpieces and most of it is fake news as the games are keeping the industry at it’s high dollar net worth.
@Rangers420 I’d further like to add that it’s already being mentioned that the next Black op’s game will have older maps included in it’s next game and could be a 2 parter like MW2 &MW3. Last and final point is MW3 is still getting a dozen new maps to go with the older maps. Hardly a bad value and again it gives the negative Nancy’s something to complain about online as that is normally their true position in the gaming market.
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