You may have noticed recently that a few new symbols have begun appearing as part of your "My Games & Apps" library on your Xbox, and there's clearly been some confusion in recent days and weeks about what they exactly mean.
Specifically, there are two symbols that are being discussed in particular. The first is the disc symbol seen above, which as you might expect means that the game needs a disc in order to run. The other is the warning symbol, which basically means that for some reason, you may not have a license in order to access the content.
These symbols (or "badges") were actually first rolled out to Xbox Insiders almost a year ago! Here's the proof:
The warning symbol is a strange one, because multiple people (including us here at Pure Xbox) have spotted it appearing on games that we wouldn't expect it to. In the example at the top of the article, we own Mafia: Definitive Edition on disc, but the warning sign is showing up anyway. In other words, it doesn't seem to be completely accurate.
In theory, it should show up on games that have left Xbox Game Pass, for example, or that haven't been released yet but you've already pre-installed them. Some have actually reported the warning symbol appearing on all of their games, which is clearly just a bug and something you shouldn't be worried about.
So, there you go! There's a good chance you've been seeing these for a long time if you're part of the Xbox Insider program, but others are only just getting access to them. Nothing to worry about... they're just a small UI improvement!
Have you spotted these yet? How long ago did they arrive for you? Tell us in the comments below.
Comments 14
I think I saw this the other day when a game (Aragami 2) I had on my Home Screen recently played was no longer in Game Pass.
There's also the "Play" symbol. But that's when everything's good and the game works without problems. It's kind of self-explanatory too.
I would prefer it if games that leave Game Pass were just deleted or were shown in a separate tab. Showing disc games is useful but again it would be easier if it was another tab or filter option on the main list.
Seems like they've half arsed the implementation of this.
I saw this two nights ago when I logged in on my secondary account. Every game has the !-triangle. Checked the primary account and they all disappeared. There's also a new Play type Triangle if you go to your Full Library.
All in all, these are annoying.
The interface and home screen are starting to really get messy. There are just way too many adds and symbols everywhere now. I like how the interface on the Switch is just super clean and simple and gets the job done.
"they're just a small UI improvement!"
When they work, maybe! 😁
Thanks for this. As I have all my games physical and well due to licensing. With some an alert, some disk, and some with no icon you do wonder. If any delisting of BC or Xbox One games then sure.
Or 'physical only status' they can identify as or whatever. Reinstalling to update database check as just put disk in for groups not install I assume may have confused it. So much for 2 hours of that and my One X loosing cache space due to in and out of menus. XD
Performance status of BC or Xbox One games (versus those that run perfectly fine).
Whether part of a service like Gamepass/EA Play or such (which I have no subscription for so that also makes them confusing) or whatever it was hard to guess what each meant.
Do I have to reinstall some? Do I have to put the disk in and re-add it to my group and remove the disk as they are playable still so how I don't have the license or the database hasn't confirmed or whatever changes to their systems is beyond me (which done for many games but even for those that are installed have this so it was confusing).
I literally did 2 hours of disk inserting a while ago to add to groups all my OG, 360, Xbox One games so doing that 'again and maybe the icon will change/disappear' I highly doubt and for what gain if they don't.
For delisted games then sure but I mean if I have a physical copy of a Forza Motorsport 5-7 then I have them. You aren't getting new copies anymore either.
I've got the warning symbol for the only game I have installed that needs a disc, not exactly the disc warning symbol. So yeah, it needs some work lol.
Game left Game Pass is useful for me. But i'd prefer they spent their time fixing organisation of the dashboard. We can only have 2 groups now. We can't edit or reorder those groups, or the games in them from the Dashboard anymore - the new dashboard is several steps backwards all in all. A frustrating experience filled with ads.
@themightyant Everything you said. Exactly! 100%
it only gets rid of the warning symbol once you put the disc in. its actually got to be in the machine other wise it thinks its a digital copy you dont have a licence to play
YEARS behind Sony on this one
Yeah, it's completely bugged for me. I have various warning symbols on all of my games - which I actually own... Sigh.
I found an Xbox Support article on this.
How to install games and apps on an Xbox console
Scroll down the "Frequently asked questions" section and expand the "Why do I see badge icons on the games and apps in my library?" question for the answer. This covers:
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