In a wide-ranging interview with IGN, members of the Turn 10 development team have been talking all-things Forza Motorsport ahead of its big launch in early October. While lots has been said already about the team dropping a number from this year's iteration of the long-running franchise, they want to reassure fans that this is a proper Forza title through-and-through - and that it contains plenty of content on day one.
Here's what Turn 10's Dan Greenawalt had to say about turning Forza Motorsport into a "platform for the future":
"Our approach right now is not to make a games-as-a-service [...] This is a massive game, and it’s launching for a $70 price, and there is a premium add-on. This is a massive AAA launch, so it’s not actually becoming a, ‘Hey, launch small and build over time.’ It’s not a service game. This is a AAA game.
The thing is it’s being supported with a backend that is more connected than ever, and gamers are more connected now. So we’re able to basically do both. We can have a massive AAA launch, and then we can build a platform over time."
That platform building will include lots of post-launch content, including tracks, cars, events and more. We already know that Nürburgring Nordschleife is coming in early 2024, and in this interview, the team commits to another post-release track update even earlier than that.
"In November, with our first big update, Yas Marina is going to be coming into the game [...] It’s going to come in just as Chris described. Free, and it’s going to come into career seamlessly; if you started playing the day after it came in, you’d never even know it was never there."
As Greenawalt says there, Turn 10 is looking to better integrate things like tracks and cars this time around by involving them in the game's career mode after launch. That probably goes some way to explaining why this Forza title will have an always-online campaign mode.
We'd have preferred the team to find some sort of offline solution, and maybe they will sometime after launch, but if Turn 10 can deliver huge updates like these on a regular basis, that'll certainly go a long way towards creating an impressive, evolving Forza Motorsport title.
Do you think Turn 10 can pull off its ambitious Forza Motorsport plan? Let us know what you think in the comments section.
Comments 43
I still get service vibes no matter what they say.
Forced to be online 24/7 already a HUGE issue to me.
iGN will give it a 7 for having too many cars, and too much tarmac, and not enough cut scenes or Troy Baker
Shame that a couple of achievements are copied from previous instalment's and the list is as boring as ever from Turn 10
iGN will give it a 7 for having too many cars, and too much tarmac, and not enough cut scenes or Troy Baker
I personally think they'll go higher to balance the Starfield's score and avoid looking unashamedly biased against Xbox and restore balance to the gaming universe😅, but who knows they might go even lower than 7😀.
@Pikachuuuu Facts. IGN gives +3 points to any game that has QTE movie parts. IGN is fake news, they always were now they just don’t try to hide it. Forza will be a massive game and get support for years to come. The only issue is gamers complain now more than they game. They hate online only games, but spend most of their day online bashing games, developers and console makers. It’s near impossible to please an entire crowd. Something is always wrong and the world is ending cause the creative team don’t share the same idea as the common consumer.
I get the 'always online' aspect as being disappointing but from what I understand, that means that Forza can add content and fix any issues as they crop up on the 'server' side without having to wait for patches to be built and verified for release. If they choose to adjust the AI for example, they can do it on their end and change it without you having to wait weeks for a patch. Want to drop a new car/track, they can again.
Also, being online lets them know exactly how people are playing their Solo mode, what is working, what isn't - what needs tweaking/adjusting etc.
From my perspective, I'll likely be 'online' anyway as I will likely be using Game Pass to access this. If my Internet goes down, it affects a LOT of games I can't play - whether all or part of so its disrupting for sure, but that's more on my Broadband provider because otherwise, it makes 'no' difference to me. Its not Turn10 or MS's fault my Internet Service is 'down', and when it isn't down, it makes no difference to me whether the Single player is 'online' or not. The only time it does matter is if my Internet Provider lets me down...
Looking forward to this as for me track racers are better.
But it is live service, they showed a car in one of the videos earlier in the year, that even though is ready to use is being held back till a later date.
@Pikachuuuu I forgot the name of the reviewer who does Racing games for IGN. He seems like a good chap and loves what he does. So hopefully it'll do better. But who knows.
@HonestHick @Pikachuuuu You guys couldn't be more wrong. If there's one good person at IGN, it's Luke Reilly who reviews the racing games. He's a huge racing enthusiast and you can tell in the reviews that he absolutely loves racing games.
Forza Motorsport 7 got 9.2/10:
Forza Horizon 5 got 10/10:
@LtSarge Nah bro, what are you talking about IGN hate Xbox, couldn't possibly give an Xbox game 9 or 10, doesn't happen, they're not professional reviewers, they are biased, bought and paid Sony shills... and all that claptrap. /s
Download last night series x
97gb for the main game
37gb for separate high resolution texture pack.
But it now downloading an update
@themightyant @LtSarge i ain’t saying IGN hates Xbox. I am saying they review games with certain features to highly. QTE being one of their things they don’t take points away from. Not to mention i used to like IGN. Then they went Woke and had a podcast talk poorly about politics and i just couldn’t believe how wrong they were. Not uncommon when someone speaks about something they clearly don’t follow. However the internet makes money off of bad news and whats trendy. Bad Xbox news gets more clicks than good PS news. Go take a look at push square comment numbers when they post about Xbox, it gets more attention than a good PS game article. I ain’t saying IGN does this, but i just wanted to clarify why i said they were fake news. It had not as much to do with a video game score as it did about spreading misinformation about US politics. I fully suspect Forza to get great reviews on all sites that don’t need the negative click money.
Another great game for 2023 and still a few more interesting titles to come for me… Lamplighter and Cocoon…
@themightyant of course it’s the world VS poor little Microsoft.
Everyone so mad at IGN on starfield release, yet others have followed with 7s
@BAMozzy Being always online has nothing to do with server side patches.
Server side patches can -always- be deployed on the server only, regardless of it is is always online or not, without a required download to the local machine.
Just the opposite with client side patches. They will always need downloaded to the local machine.
I purchased a steering wheel on an impulse 20% off sale. My hype level is increasing.
"‘Hey, launch small and build over time.’ It’s not a service game. This is a AAA game."
C'mon, the game is launching with only 20 locations. That's pretty small in my book.
I don’t mind them adding content as time goes on, especially if it’s mostly free. I just hate the always-online requirement. It’s not a huge deal and I’m still going to play the heck out of the game.
Anyways, bring on October. This is my most hyped game of the year, with Spider-Man 2 and Mario Wonder right behind it!
It is not what they say it is, it is what they deliver. An always online game where progress is deliberately kept slow and monitored by online servers, sounds a bit suspiciously like live service elements to me. "Trust me, Im charging $70 for this' is not gonna assuage those concerns.
I will continue to hope those concerns are ill founded and the online elements and progress options are not as restrictive as feared.
Won't be long till we find out!
@HonestHick To be clear I wasn't singling out any single comment, and I agree with plenty you said. Especially "However the internet makes money off of bad news and what's trendy". Though this isn't just an internet problem, it is a media problem, bad news sells, always has, even the Romans discussed this, it's nothing new. In that respect it is a humanity problem, it's been proved time and time again, WE humans buy into, or engage with, bad/negative news more than we do good news. That's the sad truth. The only question is was it the chicken or the egg first.
I was ONLY pushing back against the general BS that Xbox is treated unfairly in reviews, there is an "xbox tax", or whatever the current "we're so hard done by, poor little us" narrative is that some gamers, on all sides, love to project. It's utter nonsense and happens every time "big game I like doesn't get the score I want" or similar events. It's almost always people defensively projecting their own likes and dislikes onto everyone else.
That's 100% true. But the same is true here when there is a negative post about PlayStation... or just look at all the FTC articles with hundred of comments attacking Sony for their stance. Again this is the same for ALL news, it isn't an Xbox or a Sony problem it is a people problem and how media works, sadly. People engage with negative and tribalistic news. I hate that, but it's true.
@PsBoxSwitchOwner re: Starfield I think it's a really hard game to review. When I first started I was really disappointed vs my high expectations and was floating around a 6 or a 7. But now i'm 60+ hours in i'm loving it more and, despite it's obvious flaws, would give it an 8 or a 9. If the end pulls it off, it could be a solid 9 for me, ultimately the good outweighs the bad.
But it's a divisive game in some ways. It's easy to see see how someone who doesn't like Bethesda RPGs games as much as me, or wanted much more from it, could score it much lower... even a 7. I think an (checks open critic) 86 is probably about fair tbh, even if I might personally be a bit higher in the end.
I also think it's once again evidence that scores aren't important. If you like the game, like the game, if you don't, don't. But some people feel they need their personal scores validated by someone else.
I think time will look very kindly on Starfield, for all it's obvious flaws I believe it will be seen as a modern classic when we look back.
Hey guess what everyone: putting scores on reviews isn't necessary. In my opinion, all it does is stoke arguments like the ones above. The written part of a review is there for a reason. Ascertain what a reviewer thinks about a game by, y'know, actually listening to what they have to say 👍
I will be skipping this unless they add offline play
@GuyinPA75 Dont play then, whatever you think that's on you... This game is gonna be great!
@KillerBoy Same, and I have been a loyal Forza fan since the series launched on the original Xbox. I just don't have time for these live-service games, and they already confirmed how it's going to be that. To top it off the car leveling system they have been talking about sounds awful, it's like they're trying to make this game as grindy as possible.
Does a driving sim have mass appeal?? I was a little interested, mostly because it was coming to gamepas, not because I actually like driving sim games lol
I will buy this game when they say it will be the last game that make but never stop updating and adding new content or upgrading graphics
"Can I ask why does it matter so much to folks how a game reviews, especially for a gamepass game."
Because it's not just a gamepass game.
"C'mon, the game is launching with only 20 locations. That's pretty small in my book."
Is it one track per location?
I suppose that makes 40 tracks once you reverse them.
"I just don't have time for these live-service games, and they already confirmed how it's going to be that."
Where did you get that from?
It literally says in the article:
"Our approach right now is not to make a games-as-a-service"
Removed - inappropriate
@GeeForce Their previews and press features? They have been very vocal and up-front about the always-online requirement and plans to make it a live service game. Just because some marketing rep says something like that doesn't mean we should just completely forget about everything we have seen and been told so far about how the game actually works lol.
Always online (which I hate btw) doesn't make it a live service game.
Dan Greenwalt isn't "some marketing rep". He's the creative director of Forza Motorsport.
@GeeForce Okay well the fact remains that everything about the way they're presenting this game resembles the live services model regardless of how the studio director tries to sell it to the public.
He is probably just trying to save face considering the negative stigma that live services have these days, but that sure hasn't stopped them from pushing a grindy online-only game that will apparently have a lot of monetization.
Basically, I'm not buying it.
@themightyant your spot on, i agree with all of what you said. What i was trying to say is I just think PS bad news isn’t much talked about either at all or for long compared to Xbox bad news. It’s a thing to just be negative Xbox and of course Microsoft has a few reasons why and then some of it is just purely unwarranted. For an example PS5 was melting USB cables., hardly a mentioned of it and this is only one example as i am not going to write a list of things Sony has gotten wrong. Nor does much of it have much of an impact on my overall PS5 usage. I really only play PS exclusives on Sony consoles. I think i can count on one hand how many 3rd party titles i have bought on PS4-PS5. Their controller layout is the only reason. But yes i agree both sides have bad fan’s and i agree with you that i don’t think Xbox get’s bad reviews on purpose normally, but some people were online saying they were going to create fake accounts to bash Starfield. I think Starfield from a fan perspective has taken lots of unfair criticisms due to it being exclusive. But i don’t think most sites are treating it to harshly for just the sake of it. You are smart and write good comments on here, I appreciate your feedback and enjoy discussing topics with you. If i have a bad take, please let me know. We all have them, but overall i try and be fair without just slamming stuff that i know takes a lot of talent and time for people to create.
No worries buddy, I hope you're wrong (no offence intended). I suspect you have the same hope.
"Basically, I'm not buying it"
Literally and metaphorically 😁
@GeeForce Remember that most real world circuits don't allow reverse layouts. But it's still a lot less than Forza 7 and their competitor GT7. It's gonna feel old pretty fast.
Yeah, good points.
@GeeForce Yeah, lol, true. I am also hoping they might change a few things like they did when they made unpopular decisions in the past. I guess we'll see how everyone reacts to this game.
@InfamousOrange Considering Gran Turismo 1 was the #1 best selling game on the PS1, and that in the many years since then every new Gran Turismo or Forza is a big deal, and even games like Assetto Corsa are some of the most played driving games on Steam, then yes
Not to mention Euro Truck Simulator 2 being one of the best popular driving games on Steam too.
An online required (yay when delisted and DRM) AAA title, with updates, DLCs and such.... and MTX like past games.... Whatever it's a game at the end of the day.
What is GT Sports/7, what is iRacing, Assetto Corsa and more? Sure you buy more packs of content in iRacing and others. So like GT Forza is fair with more content to access in the package. No Man's Sky and Minecraft are 1 purchase, updates for free, no DLC/MTX, other games offer the other.
Forza games have their personality for sure but if the core of the career/physics are awkward to experience that's always a selling point for me then what tracks/cars are offered where I don't care as most times I know my least favourite Forza Motorsport tracks.
The game will be fine but if the career is good, physics good, RPG systems not a hindrance (if like Ratchet weapons use to level up but for just using cars it's a fair idea and different (used the cars in Grid Legends and didn't care about the upgrades just to unlock stage 2 blocked events that's it..... or skill tree when I unlocked everything, no trophy, no difference noticed so minor) and not tedious I'm fine with it.
If no gating upgrades behind levels more annoying then GT5's more basic in comparison level system/invites (like GT7) then fine, a roulette that's annoying just give us rewards like FM7 or FM1-4 that are 'relevant' not always fast cars, if the position payout feature is worth it yes) that's all I care about haven't liked the past few career modes.
Online required annoys me but if it's like GT Sport more flexible with offline access to content then sure if it's more restricted like GT7 then well goodbye Forza Motorsport 8.
@HonestHick I agree Starfield has taken a hit in the user reviews, not critics, and online discourse because it's gone exclusive. I think that was sadly inevitable when MS made a game that was always going to be multi-platform into an exclusive. I don't like it but I understand it. No one likes to feel excluded like that.
But it's not just Microsoft. User reviews, review bombing, and the online discourse is often toxic, just look at TLOU2 discourse which is a toxic cesspit. You can hardly even suggest you like it without people trying to ***** on you even 3+ years later. It's like Star Wars "fans".
Does Microsoft really get more negative news? Maybe. But I also believe that there are more PlayStation gamers and so perhaps their numbers drown out the Xbox fans voices more often. But honestly I see a lot of immature dicks on all sides. Sometimes I hate being a gamer by association.
Was the PS5 melting cables a big thing? It seemed like a story from one event in specific circumstances that quickly disappeared as there was nothing else to it. If it was actually a major issue i'm sure it would get more column inches. Not sure that is good example, or evidence, that Microsoft gets treated more negatively than others.
It's kind of you to say I write good comments, but I get plenty wrong too and have some bad takes like everyone else. And If i'm really fired up my alter ego TheMightyRANT comes our. lmao. But the one thing I TRY and do is at least do some research and come in with some hard facts or figures before I shout my mouth off, rather than being contrarian just for the sake of it.
Ultimately I just enjoy chatting about this hobby we love with you and the other users on here. Happy gaming.
@themightyant thank you, i agree. Yeah i am not saying the melting cables is a HUGE story, but i do kind of think if those were Xbox’s doing it, it would be made into a bigger story. The same way I believe if Sony would have gotten the deal done to have Starfield for a timed exclusive that would be looked at differently. Sadly this is a thing you just have to feel out and see vs examples. Like all the guys that went online to make fun of Xbox for the CMA denial and then when the FTC approved it they all shut down their account on twitter. I just find that stuff to be both very petty and dumb but also a little more geared towards Xbox. Thats just my opinion from what i see and read. I agree with you 110% that it’s embarrassing at times to be associated with the word and imagine of gamer when most of them act in such ways. But that also takes away from my passion of the hobby and my voice to others how games are more entertaining to me than movies or Tv shows. I am a huge Last of us fan. My favorite thing on PS. Yes i am aware at how toxic that got. Sadly… but while i didn’t love the story of the second game like the first game, the gameplay was amazing. The graphics and detail was top notch and this really makes people upset when i say it, but i am hoping they make a Part 2 for PS5. Yes i know more remakes and remasters is a hot button topic. But i would love to see the PS5 muscle on that game. I too enjoy chatting on this site. It’s my favorite gaming site by a long ways. We get a few numbskulls in here sometimes but they leave. This site has some really smart and respectful gamers. Look forward to more conversations in the future. 😀
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