Microsoft Adds New Player Profile Badge To Make Sure We All Remember Xbox Live Gold

Xbox Live Gold is officially no more as Game Pass Core now carries Xbox's online networking torch, but Microsoft is making sure we all remember the company's seminal multiplayer service.

A new update has been rolled out that applies an 'Xbox Live Gold' badge to player profiles on Xbox. The neat logo contains some classic XBL Gold imagery, along with the service's active lifespan and a cute little headset icon at the bottom there.

As was spotted shortly after the above tweet went out, the badge doesn't actually show your own Xbox Live tenure, which would have been a neat touch. Instead, the icon is the same for everyone and simply exists to remind us all of Xbox Live Gold's time on planet earth.

Of course, Gold hasn't gone away in the traditional sense - pay-to-play online multiplayer still exists and the backend remains largely unchanged. Now though, the service has been bundled into Game Pass Core as Microsoft further refines its subscription offerings.

Do you like this Xbox Live Gold homage from Microsoft? Drop your top XBL memories down in the comments below!